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A member registered Apr 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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There are a couple other lines of code in one of the other scripts that uses the ConstantVariables, but other than that, the compatibility of this code for 2019.4 is actually really good!

Hi, My project uses Unity 2019.4.40f1. this means some of the code did not work, due to my C# version being version 7.3. So, I ended up rewriting the ConstantVariables class. Hopefully you are all cool with it, It would not have worked if I didn't. Here it is:

        internal const string GUID_KEY = "LEADERBOARD_CREATOR___LOCAL_GUID";

        private const string SERVER_URL = "";

        private static string URL_EXTENSION;

        internal static string GetServerURL(Routes route = Routes.None, string extra = "")


            switch (route)


                case Routes.Authorize:

                    URL_EXTENSION = "/authorize";



                case Routes.Get:

                    URL_EXTENSION = "/get";


                case Routes.Upload:

                    URL_EXTENSION = "/entry/upload";


                case Routes.UpdateUsername:

                    URL_EXTENSION = "/entry/update-username";


                case Routes.DeleteEntry:

                    URL_EXTENSION = "/entry/delete";


                case Routes.GetPersonalEntry:

                    URL_EXTENSION = "/entry/get";


                case Routes.GetEntryCount:

                    URL_EXTENSION = "/entry/count";



            return SERVER_URL + URL_EXTENSION + extra;


Yep, replied to the entire thing (in detail)! Thanks yet again for the feedback. Very useful knowledge :) I also left some feedback on your game too, hope it's useful!

Thanks for the comment! I really should've mentioned that making the best descision whilst talking to NPCs cuts a lot of the grinding. It definitely helps with that kind of grind. The SFX was a miss, but I knew that it would take a long time to fit anything else, and it was also implemented all on the last day of the jam, so that definitely could've used some tweaking (or removal :)) The buffs are broken, and that was in fact unintended. for whatever reason, anytime you attack, it messes super hard with the timers, and I should've fixed that. Thanks again for the feedback!

(2 edits)

Thanks a lot for the feedback!! the camera? the camera. That thing is this game's biggest issue. And yes, you are right, it is not very good. My PC setup only allows for like ~4 inches (its really small) of mouse space, and so that's the answer to the really high sensitivity. The inverted camera controls? I have no clue why I didn't make the camera controls non-inverted. So that's why the camera controls are inverted. but about the other things: Sorry about those softlocks, it was a concerningly big map for a game jam, and I definitely should've either looked harder or just put in a reset button like you mentioned. The confusion of what to do? Well, there is this Dummy enemy in the middle of the village where, if you talk to it, it tries to clear up the confusion. Unfortunately I did not account for the fact that people may just ignore it, oh well. The game's premise, admittedly, it a bit confusing overall, so I probably should've put in a little bit more to make it less confusing! The chests were a rushed addition, as you could tell. Those give healing potions and remove a bit of exp. They probably should've either been updated to work better or been outright removed, but I wanted some reward for exploring (other than more enemies to kill (and NPCs)) and I definitely should've thought of that. I tried my hardest to fix the glitched text (That was a mad source of bugs) but it seems one slipped through!! The bossfight is kinda lame in my opinion too, as I wanted something cooler, but that pushback was there pretty much entirely because it was too easy to camp in one spot. some indication definitely would've helped. in fact, it actually takes 10 hits before you get knocked back, some sort of UI for that could've been an easy fix now that I think of it. With the last issue, it's unity's bullcrap animator that caused that. I found that in a playtest after the jam submission period, and yeah, that is a nuisance. Solidifies that the elementary school chair is easily the best enemy :)) Yet again, thanks for taking your time to try this out, this entire game was a bit beyond what I could do, but I hope you enjoyed it, even if it was super buggy :)

Edit: One more thing: for an Any%, timing starts when you click play and ends after interacting with the final door :) Good job on the 10:36!

Alright, hello, I am going to legitimately review this game. This game has a fun idea: throwing around a squishy, physics-based rat. It feels like the sort of idea to be put in something like an accumulation game, where you just make a big number go bigger. This game also has quite nice graphics, i like the grainy shader effect. However, this game does have its issues: I have no clue what I'm even working for. If it's the rat jackpot, well, I'm about as lucky as managing to loose 18 troops to 2 in risk, so I'm blocked by my horrendous luck, but that's more a me issue, so I'll forgive that. However I still don't know the goal. I'm not even sure if its to get a lot of rats or points, but I guess it's just a skill issue of mine to not understand the funny haha rat game, right? Probably. Anyways, the second issue (which is more of a real one) is the rat clipping into anything and everything. thankfully the physics on the rat is so ridiculous that you can unclip it from anything, but it can really hinder the already minute gameplay, although seeing the rat stretch like crazy is fun, but my issue is when you can't get something funny out of it, which is most likely the entire point the game. It would have also helped if I could tell how horrendously unlucky I am, because honestly it would be pretty funny to see my debt skyrocket. In fact, I didn't get another rat until my 10th gamble. then I got lucky somehow with a rat just two gambles later. Then I lost all the rats I gained due to my ever falling off luck, which was kinda funny in this sort of sad way. Probably the last issue is the lack of stuff to do with anything, really. If you really committed to the 'big number go bigger' game, it would be massively funny to add more ways to increase points, like some sort of auction house to gamble even harder. Anyways back to me being positive: This game doesn't completely screw you over when something doesn't work correctly, which is nice! Back to the graphics: The models are quite good, and fit with the static shader effect.  Overall, this game isn't really a game, but a commentary on society. I'm not going to elaborate, because honestly, this game feels like an enjoyable joke in itself. Good job somehow making a community-wide meme lol

This game is pretty interesting! I like the uniqueness of this puzzle mechanic. It's quite interesting! However, I had a couple issues: This game takes a while to figure out what you are doing, and I think this is my biggest issue. the first few levels were quite enjoyable, but then there came a difficulty spike and I was confused on how to do certain levels. I did figure it out after a while, but it certainly took quite a bit of time to figure out. Overall, this game is a pretty interesting puzzle game, but the main mechanic definitely needs some tweaking, although you seem to already be on the case for that, so good job! Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, I still enjoyed the game quite a bit :) Good Job!

(1 edit)

This seems cool! My game is a small Action RPG but there's definitely optimization to be put in it. haven't completed a full speedrun of it but there is some incredibly powerful strats in there to beat the final boss fast. if you feel like it, here it is (also it prolly is like a 15 min speedrun so you can skim past it if you feel like its too long :)): 

Edit: just rated your game, it was pretty fun!

This was a rather enjoyable platformer! The mechanics were all well implemented, and there wasn't much jank to them either! However, a couple issues I found with the game is that the player is very slippery, which can cause some issues with platforming. as well as that, some of the mechanics are used, but could have been expanded upon in other levels, as the portals especially were underused. Lastly the difficulty was a bit wacky, but it makes sense why for most of these if you were on a bit of a time crunch. Overall, this game was a fun little play, although it ended up with a couple issues, which I presume is from a small development window. Anyways, Nice Work!

Huh, seems I was right! I like how it was quite visually obvious, though a note of that would have been nice. I didn't even know that the last level was supposed to be impossible, I would have beat it, although the two diagonal platforms screwed me up. Thanks for the response!!

All games have been rated! At this point if you have a high-rated game, you can definitely post it, the reservoir has run dry :)

Hi! Rated this yesterday, quite interesting :)

This is quite cool! I enjoyed the ambience of this game, although the ambient noise is a bit rough. As I played through, I managed to bypass the entire puzzle in the second half entirely by accident, which is a slight issue. I also didn't get any cursor light-up when I hovered over intractable things. I do like the idea, an abandoned lab that you can time travel in. an idea for a possible update could be one in the past, so you could add more lore (just an idea though). Overall, for this being 3 days of work, this is pretty neat, with cool graphics and interesting ideas, but has rough ambience and it can be hard to tell where to go. Nice job, especially for the time spent!

Finally played it, It was the highest rated game, sorry for the wait!

This game is intriguing! The combat felt pretty good, and so did the movement! the what I assume to be really low res 3D models look really cool too! The story was also pretty well done. However, there are a couple things I'd like to mention: The scaling of the pixel art is quite funky, and is quite noticeable, especially with the house. But, of course, this is a game jam, not everything can be fixed, especially with pixel art. more of a recommendation if you are planning on continuing this :) Another thing is that you can't really die, which makes the fights a bit too easy. Overall, this game is a pretty well done platformer fighting game, with a well-done story and cool (I assume) 3D-modeled enemies to really exacerbate the aberration, but has strange pixel sizes and no real way to die from my experience. Nice Job!

Oh, I forgot to say, but I rated your game a couple days ago! It was pretty cool!

You're welcome! hopefully I didn't sound too harsh :)

All done!

Finished! I really enjoyed it :)

(1 edit)

This game is interesting. I like the idea of using aliens as the whole theming around aberration, cool idea! However, there are a couple issues: the game does not tell you that there is an ending, the only way to know is to go back to the people in the camp, which was kinda confusing for me. with that, there were also missing tree tops and hints that didn't really do anything? It's that one sing that says E + cursor = bomb, but it didn't work. The game also stuttered quite abit in seemingly random areas, I'm unsure as to why. Lastly, sometimes the way to go wasn't very obvious, which was kinda confusing. Overall, this is a pretty good go at a first game jam project, but has some strange flaws that make it harder to follow. Nice Job on your first jam game, though!

This game feels like Portal and Mirror's Edge, which is really cool! The game was a really interesting puzzle experience, and I'm happy that a lot of puzzle ideas were explored, it really looks like you are committed to continuing the game, which is cool! One of the ideas I really liked was the box puzzles, because of how it flowed. Instead of some 'pick up box put it down' puzzle, there was more puzzle in-between the box 'puzzle', which is always appreciated. 

I do have a couple issues though. The first one is that the movement can be a bit funky, as when you jump, you really have to commit to it. Another one is that the game can be quite punishing when you mess up. I died close to the end of the last level, which stunk, as it took a while to get back to the point I was at. As well as that, The launching portal in the last level is janky, killing you if you go too high up. Lastly on the last level, the janky jump boost portal can cause you to not be able to continue on in the level without restarting. Last up is an issue with the player and interactions, where you can easily see clipping on the boxes and also the arms of the character.

Now, back to the positives! I enjoyed the unique effects with the portals. It was really cool, definitely liked that! The easter eggs were also fun, I noticed the one in the last level :)

Overall, this game is a fun puzzle experience, with cool, unique mechanics, and cool visuals, but has some difficulties with movement and certain functions. Nice work, I hope that this feedback helps with your future ideas :)

Finished! It was quite an interesting experience (in a pretty good way!)

(1 edit)

This game is neat! I had quite a fun time playing this, although the respawn at the very bottom feature feels a tad bit unfair. My biggest issue is that it wasn't stated that you could climb by pressing left click when the dot in the middle of the screen lights up. I'd say updating the description would be a good idea :) The cutscenes were quite cool, I enjoyed the little bit of lore-building, although a bit more setup would've been nice. The pause menu doesn't work at all, and naturally it's to do with unity's sorta crummy implementation of buttons, but getting that fixed would definitely help if this will be a game that you plan on updating in the future! The player also feels too fast, which can lead to accidental slip-ups a bit too often. Overall, this game looks nice, has good ambience, and is quite fun, although some oddities with the touchy movement and double waiting can make it a bit frustrating. Good Job!

Finally rated your game! Sorry for the delay :)

This game looks really nice! the graphics are really well done, though that pixel shader could've toned down a bit in my opinion. This game has a bizarre difficulty curve. Learning what to do took me a long time, this game is a game that certainly needs a tutorial. It was quite difficult to find out how to play the game, and even after that, it felt a bit unfair, as the enemies felt too punishing. Overall, this game looks nice and is quite unique, but the gameplay leaves something to be desired. Still, Nice Work!

Thanks a lot! I'd say the game needs some polish myself, but glad that you really enjoyed it! thanks again!

Yeah, that's the easiest thing to fix, wish I could have know that the camera was such an issue! My mouse is at super high sensitivity, so that was the issue, sorry :( Thanks for leaving some feedback :)

WOW, thanks for the review! For context as to why the mouse sensitvity is so high... my desk has about literally ~8 inches of mouse space, which means I always have to crank my sensitivity, must've forgot about just turning my mouse sensitivity there. I also didn't put in a settings menu because I really wanted to work on the game and make it really fun! One thing I'll mention that nobody brought up is the lack of music, which makes sense, because a lot of game jam games have that. The reason is that at first, In the overscoping world I was in, I wanted to make the music myself. That, of course, did not, and could not, happen. However the reason for no royalty-free music is that I didn't think that I could find any that would fit the game, and also because I wanted to put time into the game, not the music. Now, about that animation issue: I had that in development, and it might be to due that the "Has Exit Time" box wasn't ticked off, though I swear i did... Oh well, that's Unity's animation system for you! The chests reward you with Healing Potions and a decrease in exp, because it was originally going to have coins and gems, and those would be used for something, but I ran out of time :( I also knew in development that the chests didn't have good visual indication, wish I could have fixed that :\ I actually had to put in a LOT of QoL on the last day, like ability unlocks and others. I also had to fix bugs for a couple hours too :\ Once I come back to this game, I definitely will put in a settings menu ASAP to fix half of the issues right now. The attack cooldown pausing is actually technically a bug, but I thought it didn't really need fixing, as I had other bigger issues, like occlusion culling not working properly at all with the stupid camera! The chair enemy was the one and only enemy I could put together in the time I had without overscoping again, and I really tried to make it exaggerated and ridiculous-looking, because I knew you have to have that player feedback. Probably my favourite model that I've put together for this game! Thanks a lot again for leaving this review! It's good to know about all of these small issues :)!

That sounds exactly like classic jam things! I got the whole quarter-sucking gameplay there, that was more of a game jam based difficulty, if anything. Overscoping is my favourite!! (not) But I totally get it! The game wasn't actually too hard, but it would have been really hard with three lives (that could've taken a while to complete :)) Thanks for sending a response!

Inverted camera strikes back again! I never got a playtest so that's why the camera kinda blows, I got too used to it :( Skipping dialogue would have definitely been a good idea, although you can basically skip dialogue on the NPCs if you can interact with them. Good idea! I probably should've added some of that polish. Thanks for the feedback, and pointing out how ridiculous it is for a game with quite some text to not have a speed-up button!

That makes sense, 1 in the morning coding sounds terrible! I had no sound effects at all for some reason, though the ambience persisted. maybe the audio radius was too small? That monster mechanic sounds cool! Making that possibly a QTE sequence would be even more thrilling (if you plan on updating this game) and I also think the whole second person part is really interesting. Thanks for responding!

Finished it! nice arcade experience! (also nice twist :))

Have to work on it, still haven't figured out how to chop the tree...

It does look cool! Game has been rated :)

Your game has been rated!

I quite enjoyed this game! This game looks visually like an arcade game! (until spoilers) It was a fun, enjoyable experience! However the enemies, especially in the first round of delivery, were a bit punishing, even with the plants. I feel like the amount of lives helped that though. This game could have also had a bit more of a difficulty curve, especially in the start and the finish, because the ending wasn't that hard, but the start was quite hectic. Overall, this game was a very enjoyable game, even if there were a couple issues, such as enemy targeting and somewhat strange difficulty curve, but it's still very good! Nice Work!

This game was interesting! I noticed straight away that the player runs at mach 1 :) that, of course can be a bit of an issue. The gameplay itself was decent, with the whole minigame thing was quite cool! However, the player movement is... too fast, and with starting and stopping suddenly being a thing, it can feel a bit janky. As well as that, every UI element aside from the textbox is a bit small. I also never beat the game because I did not know where to go. Overall, this game is a pretty cool romp, although the lack of SFX and clear/easy to see indication. Still, Nice work!(sorry if this sounds harsh)

Alright, I gotta say, this game looks REALLY good. aside from the player having a few too little frames (in my opinion), It looks clean and well done! The gameplay itself is pretty good -  I like the fact that the gravity aberrations stack when put together in a puzzle. It would have been cool to see some high gravity aberrations. An oddity I found is that you could get caught on the edges of moving platforms. My issue though is that the final challenge is really punishing if you die late on. That happened to me, 10 minutes in, and wasn't great. Last thing is that the gravity aberrations can feel a little janky, especially jumping upwards to a higher up platform. I only realized later into the playthrough that the middle is where that height you need comes from, either that or I moved well enough, I'm not sure. I also had a bug where the camera didn't move properly until a bit in, not sure why. Overall, this game looks cool, has interesting mechanics, and has good background music, but can feel a bit too punishing, especially in the last section, and can feel a bit janky. Good Job!

Hi, I've fully rated your game now!

I really don't want to repeat criticism, but the camera is probably the biggest issue. If it faded out and in when transitioning between spots, it might have helped. This game has a cool idea, but it also ends up being kinda confusing too, as sometimes you can get killed without knowing as to why the monster got you. If you continue making this game, I think that giving some better camera angles, as well as the fade in-out. Also, I noticed that sound effects were missing, which could have added to the atmosphere. That being said, the graphics are actually quite cool! It's got that lower-poly aesthetic and it certainly works in the favour of the mood. Overall, this game has some quite well done graphics and atmosphere, but it falls short from some janky gameplay that is hard to see.