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A member registered Apr 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the video!

I'll probably be updating the game whenever I have more time and I'll definitely take your feedback into consideration!

Cheers :)

Thanks a lot! And for the video too :)

(2 edits)

I've seen some issues with clipping into objects and getting stuck before, how did you manage to get stuck? Did you run into it? In that case, crouching and moving away from the surface you're stuck on usually helps. I'll try to fix that issue when I have more time on my hands

Thanks for the review :)

Thanks a lot for the reply, I appreciate the detailed feedback! Other players have also found the player direction lacking - it's something I'll be looking into after the jam.

If you haven't finished the game and are willing to give it another try - try to stay where there's no grass and let the light and tower guide you :)

Cheers and thanks for playing!

Thanks for the review. I have seen these issues brought up before and will certainly be looking into them after the jam's review period is over 👍

(1 edit)

Thanks for the review and I'll see what I can do for the next update!

That was quite fun, even if initially the navigation was a bit tedious. I love the ending though, the text part exactly, feels very slapsticky to me.

I found a bug where if you try to shoot the revolver with both mouse and CTRL at the same time, your character can shoot multiple times on the same frame - this made it really easy to kill everyone at the ending.

I do wish the revolver packed a bit more punch visually, recoil, particles (on the enemies as well) maybe some better indicators of if an enemy was hit. I also found the saw blade guys' attack a bit unpredictabl - it sometimes seems to register as they are initiaing an animation and sometimes almost at its end

(1 edit)

I feel like there's something deeper (the title, nod nod) about this game, like a story I am very much so missing with all the weird imagery and things. I especially love the mannequin  room for some reason. After finishing the game, I noticed that I have a screw (?) in the title screen's inventory, I am yet to figure out what it is about. 

If there is something going on beneath the thin veil of "walk into this place, pick up this item", then please tell me, cause I would love to replay this if it were the case!

This is a really good game, I absolutely loved it! The quiet atmosphere and the radio dialogue really added to it. I really wish more will be done with this concept by you, possibly with better visuals.

I enjoyed it, though the overall comedy vibe is certianly not my cup of tea nor something I expected from the game. I do appreciate the "launch the cow" button though

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot for the review! I do agree that the player direction kinda falls short on the ending part. I am currently looking into a lot of issues and bugs and will likely release an update when the jam's review period has ended.

If you feel like revisiting the other ending - follow the creature and when it stops, look where its light is pointing and walk in that direction, it should lead it you into a cave, from there, the navigation is quite easy

Thanks again for the kind words, cheers :)

Yeah, this seems like a bug that has happened to me. I also got stuck at the tooth puzzle, so it's nice to hear you bring it up. I honestly tried everything with that one. 4, 2, 8 lol

The gameplay isn't bad, but I wish a lot of the things were better communicated to the player. What's the story like? Why are we in the place? What am I to do with the magnet after I pick it up (figured that out during game, but it would still be nice to get like a prompt or something).

As Cademon said, the footstep sounds are annoying, they pop in your ear too much, as if you had broken earphones or something.

The alien /robot bugs out often and has trouble walking through gates, though I really enjoy the detail of lights turning on when it's near one.

I also noticed that you seemed to have shipped a debug version of the game. The print labels are visible, as well as the raycast you seem to be using for the magnet.

Very solid and stressful at the end when you had to close the doors and all. Great presentation! Unfortunately, I didn't manage to finish the game, because I keep getting a bug where everything in the terminal is unselected and I can't move to any file

I am surprised at the polish this game has. I wish I could play the full version!

I have found a few issues. Bright object with a lot of texture (grass during the day) seem to flicker a lot when they move or when the player moves. The flashlight is very weak and keeps everything very dark. The object blueprints are a bit hard to see.

I also wish the player was directed to see the second "meteorite" instead of being directed to drive away. Otherwise, stellar work, keep it up!

Good game. The camera bob is a bit too much and it seems to go hay-wire when pressing shift. The game also scales poorly on a 2560x1080 display. The game seems to read the x screen resolution and set the y based on that (in a 16:9 config)

Really good! I love the artstyle and lore - they  fit with the gameplay really well. One issue is that I wish the drone could be controlled by arrows/WASD instead  of having the mouse do everything. I also found it a bit difficult to select items to interact with - you need to put your cursor on an item and then move directly to the 'actions' tab, I wish you could select objects instead

(2 edits)

Hey, guys. The itch.io downloadable version of this game is broken and prevents you from finishing the game, please play 1.0.2 instead

Windows 1.0.2

Linux 1.0.2

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for playing!

Thanks for the very kind words! Not sure about winning the jam, but I am hopeful - as one should be


(1 edit)

Sorry for the inconvenience. I am currently unable to upload either version due to jam restrictions

Win 1.0.2
Linux 1.0.2


Thanks a lot for the reply. I do agree about the level design, I think I bit off a little too much than I could chew with it. The map's a bit more populated in the newer version, but I cannot upload it right now because the voting's in progress

Thanks again for the review!

Good animations and alien models. It was fun shooting the chickens and seeing them explode. The AI feels really stupid though and it's really easy to outmaneuver them, even when in large groups. The health pick up seems a bit uselees as the chickens barely damage you if you're fast enough.

Otherwise, a very short and fun experience


(1 edit)

Thanks a lot for the feedback! I got  other complaints about how dark it is, so that's certainly something I'll look into. I also noticed that YouTube's compression algorithm doesn't like the noise filter, sorry for this one, I didn't even consider that someone might record a video of my game! Thanks for recording it, it was great

Cheers :)

(1 edit)

I wanted to play your game, but it seems like you provided us with the game's assets and source code instead of the game build. If you're not sure how to export the executable, just go under Project > Export... (seeing as the game is a Godot game) and the select templates and export.

Short, sweet, great storytelling. Overall, the best stranger-danger campaign ever lol

Good job!

Hey, I claimed this game quite some time ago and finally decided to play it. Love the concept! 

I have an issue though, I am playing on a widescreen and the top glyps (general question, hypothetical question, etc.) are off-screen, along with some slider. Do you have any idea how I could fix it maybe?

Last minute here as well, sent you an invite on Discord

Thanks a lot! The bug seems to be quite random, but it seems to be about the game loading assets, that would probably require a whole rewrite of the loading system, which is unfortunate. 

Thanks again for the feedback!

Thanks a lot! I do know about that crash bug, I am still trying to figure out what it is about, as it seems to be quite random


If you still don't know where projects are saved (assuming you use Windows). It's C:\Users\user_name\AppData\LocalLow\Sebastian Lague\Digital Logic Sim\SaveData

It's a great app! I suggest adding logic gates signs for easier recognition!

Are there any plans to add teleport based movement system? I get motion sick easily

Is teleport based movement feature implemented? I really enjoy the game but I also get motion sick very easily



Is this Godot engine?