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A member registered Sep 07, 2016 · View creator page →

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I didn't know that option existed, I'll add it once the rating stage is over, thank you :)

Thanks a lot for the comment!

The game is indeed still rather easy, and I would have liked to successfully make the guards more of a threat to the player, but it is pretty hard making it all cohesive at very high speed, I'm still working on that, and on adding more content.

I simply forgot to update the screenshots to the 1.1 version of the game, that's fixed now!

That was pretty fun despite the horror of children dying and being put in cages, I liked the lighting and overall atmosphere, and it was overall simply well done, nice work!

I've had feedback asking for more people and faster speed so it is something I am working on along with fixing the Dino's hitbox, and I ran out of time during the Jam before I could implement people running away.

I've had a lot of discussion regarding the obstacles you could face in the game and it is something I will work on the future, thanks for your feedback!

Is this what my game would have looked like in 3D with the opposite objective?

The dino is so damn adorable, the controls are really slow and make the game pretty hard though, but it is great for something done in 48 hours, nice job!

This game is definitely not the only take on this exact idea, but it is by FAR the best implementation of it I've seen in the Jam. The presentation is on point, I love the pixel art and the audio, the controls are tight and enjoyable, it is intuitive, and it just works, and I love it.

Amazing work!

I really liked this game, it is really hard to play but the presentation was nice and it worked just fine, nice work!

I thought the game was a bit too easy but it was a nice touch to have a component forcing you to eat some people, the game works well, the presentation is nice and it was a fun little experience, nice work!

The idea is nice, but I would have liked for the gravity to be unable to "switch" to the direction that is already active, and to have the player controls adapt to the direction (Up and Down arrows when the player is on the wall, for example), and the levels might need some more design to prevent the player from just waiting for the easiest direction to progress.

Other than that and a few collision issues, the game plays fine and it was an enjoyable experience, nice work!

I have no clue what I'm doing. 

Didn't manage to reach my destination, but it was fun trying, and reminded me of a few similar games with wonky controls, and I really loved the view out of the cockpit, I have absolutely no idea how you manage to move everything in tandem like this, but it really looks amazing, well done!

The game plays, sounds and looks great! It's really fun and has real potential as a pure scoring game, the only thing I could mention is that I didn't realize the potion was actually killing an enemy each time until actually looking at the score so that could maybe use some more clarity, and I'm worried someone might simply try and play it safe and very, very slow and just throw a special on single enemies as soon as they spawn and get a huge High Score?

I really enjoyed this and it is now one of my favorites in the Jam, amazing work!

The idea is interesting, there is a lot more work to do, I'd like some background and audio, but it works well and I enjoyed the minigames, nice work!

The idea is interesting, it is quite well done, but I felt like I was doing nothing more than merely slowing the anger's inevitable rise, and the 10-15 seconds of "rage" could probably be shorter, but overall the experience was pretty fun, I'd like to see more of it, nice work!

Thanks a lot! The 8 Directions Animations really took me a lot of time and energy and I still had to rush through it, I'd like to improve it further in the future.

I also want to focus even more on the speeding up mechanic, it was a simple tweak I made a few hours before the end of the jam, but I've had a lot of people wanting to go even faster, with even more people to eat and bigger maps! I will also fix the Dino's hitbox to make it easier to eat people without just going through them, and I had someone give me the idea of having security guards shoot sleeping darts that slow you down, which I think would make the whole experience more enticing than a timer.

I really like the art style, and the context of the game itself is giving me a bit of anxiety, reminding me of the "Lava Chase" scenes in Rayman 3 and the first Jak & Daxter game, but I think having EVERY key as a possibility is a bit much, and the font itself even makes it hard to read some letters and numbers, and by the time I find the keys I'm supposed to press, they've already changed.

I believe the lava could be a bit faster because of how lenient it seems to be while I'm looking for the right keys, so I believe those 2 simple changes would make a great improvement on the game, and with some more polish and content, maybe a couple more mechanics to complement the gameplay, it would probably be really fun to play, nice work!

Technically eating them, I'll make an animation to show it happening once the Jam is done!

I like the simplistic pixel art, which is a style I initially wanted to try myself for this Jam, and the idea is really good and different from other implementations of it I've seen.

I do find the direction change with the lines a bit hard to understand, being able to fuse left and right together, but it works well as a puzzle game and was rather fun, nice job!

This is an interesting take on VVVVVV, but do the controls need to be that slow? I would also have really liked a visual way to tell whether the magnetic boots are on or not, and it still needs some polish and better level design.

Still, it works well, it is original and I like the simplistic pixel art, nice job!

The idea is interesting and I like the implementation of all the basic menus, nice work!

It is obviously lacking in terms of visuals and audio, but I really like the idea of the game, it works perfectly well, is extremely easy to understand and get into, and you already made some great levels with it.

I love it, great work!

This game's pretty damn amazing.

Took me a couple minutes of trial and error to understand exactly how it works and what I had to do, but then the idea is great and original, while very reminiscent of the basic and most ancient puzzle games. 

I find the Pixel Art animations to be truly INCREDIBLE, after looking at your profile a bit you seem to have almost mastered the technique after a few games trying, the audio is fun, I guess you did everything with your mouth? I would have liked some music, if you are ever able to make some yourself.

Very fun, original, enjoyable and the presentation was great, there is nothing bad I can say about this game other than maybe guiding the player through the first few steps (As in, make an actual Tutorial level where you just point at exactly where the player needs to click in order to win, and then I believe everyone should be able to keep going). I can't believe you even managed to make 14 levels of this quality.

Amazing work, truly, and I hope you get more visibility!

Thanks a lot! I just love the overall feeling it provides, I wish I knew enough about music to understand exactly why I like this type of sound so much, but thank you for letting me listen to those ones, I hope you guys get to make more!

The game is really fun but the instant death does make it very stressful!

Bugs can be fixed obviously, and I really enjoyed the character art, great job!

I'm not sure how spinning your car that fast would help in this situation, but this was pretty fun!

The first thing I did every attempt was spinning the car 180° to have the left and right controls reversed though, maybe that's just me, but I found  that a lot more intuitive.

It works pretty well, great job!

I really wish there was some music and screenshake to go with it, but the idea is interesting and could be developed further.

The overall gameplay could use some tuning to make it feel more fun, but it works great and was enjoyable, nice job!

The overall experience looks amazing. Shaders are great, post-processing effects are great, the simplicity and color spread is great.

I am not sure it is necessary to have the player hold the mouse button to aim though, the scoring system could use a bit more of an incentive (Though having an online scoreboard at the end is GREAT), and I really wish the bullets had a bit more of an "oomph" to them.

That was fun and enjoyable, I loved it, great work!

The idea is interesting, but I feel like the pathfinding could use a lot more work and predictability, and some better level design could probably come out of that.

The presentation isn't anything special but the game works well, nice job!

Well that just sounds like Snake with extra steps.

Jokes aside, I feel like the overall movement of the, uh, toilet paper roll could be tuned a little as I ran into walls a few times without even going in their direction, the "Drifting" I guess you could say, made the game a tad too hard in my opinion.

It took me a few tries to get adjusted to the gameplay but it works well, thought I would have liked some more visual feedback when collecting things.

The presentation is nice and simplistic and the game works like a charm, nice work!

I have to say this is an extremely enjoyable and satisfying experience. Once you get the hang of it, you are quickly able to tell where everything should go and just spend most of the time almost "debugging" it, and I loved having the entire first sections of the map completed and watching him perform a perfect run each time until the next part to adjust.

It works perfectly well and while the UI isn't pretty, it does the job and the only issue I had was the ghosts not showing up in the edit mode.

Incredibly well done, great job!

Thanks a lot! Means a lot to me, I really wanted to implement the running away mechanic but ran out of time, can't wait to improve this game and make a better one next year!

I had a hard time getting the hang of things at first, but this is actually a really cool and very well implemented concept, and I really enjoyed it!

The art is nice but could use some proper animation and the audio is enjoyable, this might very well be one of my favorite games in this jam, amazing work!

Quite an interesting concept, the art is nice and it works fine, I definitely need to get better at understanding the kind of headlines that make the stonks go up or down, nice work!

Lots of things I like in this game. The dungeon crawling gameplay is well done, and so is the minimap and the moving blocks. They did cause some slight collision bugs, but I would love to see a full fledge game coming out of this, nice work!

The game is a bit hard to control because of the pause when transforming, but it does have a cool concept that was seen in a few games, the art is quite pretty and it works well altogether, nice job!

That is quite a nice and simple game, there isn't much gameplay but I like the way the scene is set and the feeling you get out of it, nice work

The Game's Description was enough to understand how the game is played without the tutorial, and it fits the theme quite well, it looks nice and was a lot of fun, great work!

The fact that you have to stand in fountains for a long time is pretty much impossible to figure out without the unfortunately hidden sign and I think said signs should last longer on the screen so you don't have to try and completely stop on them in order to read them.

Otherwise, the game looks nice, the concept is fun although slightly frustrating at times, it reminds me of Sonic's gimmick to try and go fast in levels that require precision jumping. I had fun trying to complete the game, nice work!

Both the game and art are really nice, the concept works well and I found my way around quite quickly.

With a little more polish and visual feedback, this would make for a great experience, I enjoyed it, nice work!

The concept is interesting and I played a flash game with that same idea a while back so I know a lot can be done with it. One issue I found is that other than a triple line of storm clouds in the middle of the map, the sides are quite safe and allowed me to win with ease, you might want to do some more testing before the publishing.

It works well and I appreciate you made everything yourself, nice job!

The art isn't particularly pretty but I really appreciate that you did all of it yourself, and the game is fun and works quite well, nice job!