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A member registered Mar 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Ohhh, so those are the green spikes. I thought they were just for decoration :D since I could just walk past them before (because of green color) did nothing

This game is for everyone who constantly jumps in MMOs :D

Great experience! One interesting thing is that when you die, you sometimes spawn a bit to the side which can make the level a bit easier.

Really enjoyed it. The variety of things you can do with the few simple mechanics is quite cool. But no, I won't read the manual.

Great game and use of the theme! All the details from the intro to the character animation to the color wheel are suuper polished... Good work.

I found the second level quite difficult due to the fast moving enemies. If you add more levels, maybe you can ramp the difficulty level a bit more slowly.

Those are some cute characters! The sound also fits and being able to choose between the different styles in the beginning felt really cool.

Something I encountered was that at a certain point on the map, I got teleported back to the last flag without any apparent reason.

Didn't get how the character leaves footprint at first, then stepped into some paint... yes, there's the limitation :D

Maybe you could start with dirty shoes and a water bucket, then you already introduce the concept in the beginning when there's not much else going on yet.

Cool concept! It's simple to grasp, but the combinatoric makes it quite difficult.

For activating the switches, I'd prefer to be able to do that no matter which direction the character is facing. As it is, you need to stand besides the switch and face it to be able to trigger it.

Cute game! One thing: The hitbox of the chameleon could be a bit smaller. On level 3 I got stuck on the third log multiple times when it felt like I should be able to pass it.

I like the idea. Speed could maybe be coupled to the attack speed as well. My strategy was simply to get speed, then outrun all bullets and enemies until an enemy spawns on top of me ;)

Glad you enjoyed it :)

Thanks for the feedback! What would you consider as a more conventional control scheme for this? wsad + mouse, something else?

Gave it a try :)

The different colors are honestly just random at the moment. I've been tinting the sprite to check that I apply the damage on the correct animation frame. It looked cool and since the theme is color, I kept it. Another idea was to have different elements with the colors, but that didn't make it in.

Nice atmosphere with the vision and sound!

For a simpler learning curve in the beginning, maybe you could have only one torch with one ghost in the first room, then one ghost and two torches in the next room and from then you should know how it works.

Thanks for the feedback! Yes, sound was something that I really wanted to add and had a plan for, but I ran out of time. I'm pretty happy though with how far I got with my idea (first time jammer). You have a bit of a higher attack range than the bears, so you can hit them, then run/roll away.

Wow, you went far with those upgrades :D And yes, it's possible to defeat yourself. It's harder if you have a lot of speed

"Frustration" - yes... how do you know? :D The most frustrating thing is actually that the bar goes down so slowly. Great patience tester. Had fun.

Great narrative, nails the atmosphere. If there's one thing to point out, on some interactions it seemed like I needed to step away and forward again (e.g. for the boxes). While this kinda fits the narrative, the feeling was more of a "I need to trigger this again" in a gaming sense.

Really enjoyed it and the ending put a smile on my face.

Nice concept and cute art!

I sometimes got stuck when moving from one square to the next, probably some collision thing. And the final jump in lvl 2 is pretty far... Was fun nevertheless!

Scary... you got the atmosphere down.

110! I imagine it's pretty cool with the hardware dial. With the web version, my mouse sometimes goes out of bounds. Also, I could use maybe a second more delay on start.

Really neat idea!

Simple idea, but super fun! The sound also fits nicely.

For the color changing, maybe giving it as option to directly select instead of rotate may work. Almost never used it.

Also,  I would love a dash as ninja.

This is a gem! It's really hard and the margins are quite tight on some levels, but when you get it, it's really satisfying.

Good use of the theme! I'm missing the use of the limitation.

For some playability improvements:

  • Firing in the direction of the mouse would be really helpful
  • It could be brighter. It seemed like the visibility was limited. I think you could play with this a bit more, maybe only restricting it under certain circumstances. And brighten up the central screen to make it easier on the eyes.

Nice use of the limitation with a really simple concept.

I found it pretty hard to actually dodge the bullets consciously, maybe a more direct response of the character could help here.

It may also be nice to have the option between shooting a few strong bullets (easier to dogdge) and many not so powerful ones (harder to dodge, but less impact). Could be a good addition to the powerups. The existing powerups options are also cool already.

Really nice variant for the snake game! With the sounds, shake and the colors it's fun to play.

For some possible improvements: queued input would make controlling the snake easier, in particular at corners.

Also, the black transition rectangle stays at the right side, making it impossible to get anything under it. Maybe that's only my browser?

This is a fun variation on snake with the colors!