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A member registered Nov 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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Windows defender will give a warning  with any .exe game that is not digitally signed, this is the case since the game was directly exported from Construct 3 (the game engine I used for the game). I'll be working on a web based version for the next version, so people won't need to download the game to play it and have to deal with this warning. I assure anyone playing the game though there are no viruses or malicious code in the game.

Source: https://www.construct.net/en/forum/construct-3/how-do-i-8/exporting-executable-w...

This was a cool idea and fun to play once upgrades got going! It's relatively short (I won after 5 minutes), once you realize you're working towards upgrading until you have enough armor to sustain tower hits. Perhaps different tower threats and specific units to deal with them or distract them might add more strategy to the game.

Thank you! I appreciate it!

Your feedback is completely valid! I agree that the click area of the wasps is small and will be tweaked (and several other things) post-jam. Thanks for playing my game and giving me your feedback.

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This was a really fun game and great use of the controller! I also liked the art and animation. One thing I would have liked was to have the transitions between different scenarios to be much faster, though it did certainly increase tension a bit on what was coming next. Some minigames were a bit tough and for the lava one I didn't realize you could jump higher.

This was a really neat game, it felt like a platformer game version of the board game RoboRally!

This game is really great and really fleshed out! There's a lot of strategy involved with the increasing intensity and mechanics, it's really neat to see Snake turned into a bullet hell! I also liked that you gave different music listening choices.

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Cool art and a neat concept! Hope you add more to this post-jam with more challenging enemies, perhaps humans or something you cannot kill you have to avoid. I was able to easily get more than double the needed limit. It also would be cool to see you continue the story and see if the sheep somehow returns to the wolf pack!

Cool idea to incorporate the fixed camera angles like the old RE games! I think at some point though I got lost and couldn't find if there were any further rooms I could go to and wandered the empty halls looking for more enemies! Hope you work on this further post-jam and add more!

This was a cute game with neat art! It took me a while to get through it and understand what exactly my interaction options were. Some additional sound and animation would help out here to give more feedback to the player. I hope you flesh it out more post-jam because this is a neat concept!

A really silly game with equally silly art! The controls are super sensitive but it matched the chaos of the game, it was fun to try to crash into everything in sight. My only suggestion would be to make the owner's physics to be more loose to crash into things more, it sometimes felt the owner was following my exact path.

This was a cool idea! I hope you add more to this game post-jam to add even more arcade games and different things to combine!

This was fun and intense! Having to survive in different ways after downgrading really tested me. I had to find certain areas to funnel enemies to have a better chance at surviving! Great job for your first game jam effort!

Thanks for playing and the feedback! I'll be making adjustments post-jam! 👍

This was a neat concept! I hope you flesh it out more post-jam. In my playthrough I felt the hiding mechanic didn't seem to matter much if you're already near a distraction spawn point and just gobbling souls left and right to quickly become a reaper.

This was a neat concept, I enjoyed the switch between both characters! It took me a bit to understand how to get a win condition, oftentimes it was better not to attack at all to ensure you'd be close in score and to be prepared for the frantic swaps towards the timer's end.

This was a neat concept with great art and music! I had a tough time going through parts of the game though due to a lack of explanation and some levels bugging out. Sometimes after GO nothing is moving and I had one level just not load correctly. I hope you continue to work on it post-jam, I'd like to see more of it!

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Thanks for playing and the feedback!

In a future version post-jam I'll increase the click area of the wasps. I also wanted to do more advanced stuff with the bird's movement where it starts out simple then gets more varied as time goes on. Due to scope and time though, I put that aside as a possible bonus if I had time to spare.

Again, thanks for taking the time to play my game! 😊

I loved this game! It's crazier than crazy taxi! You should continue working on this and make it a full game. There could be more cool situations: a stage where you're  picking up more cars and suddenly become a wider road and have to deal with the challenges of that, or a situation where you have to duck into underground tunnels or a situation where there's a parade through town and you have to pass over it multiple times!

Hah! It happens to all of us. Thanks for the tip!

This was a really cool concept! The pixel shader was a neat touch. I encountered several weird bugs: some buildings were not repairable and some players spawned underneath the world and were unreachable.

My suggestion to boost the gameplay even more if you build on this game further: instead of losing if all players on a team are disconnected, perhaps have a meter representing how much "fun" the players are having. If there's too many hackers, bugs and disconnected players, the fun meter deteriorates and you lose when it reaches zero.

I really loved the music in this game, I was really boppin' to it-- especially as it sped up. Neat idea, I hope you continue to flesh this out further post-jam and make some obstacles so you can continue to juke the snake!

I enjoyed this game and really like the art style!  This is like a medieval "Papers, please", but you're giving out quests. I hope you continue to flesh the game out further and make it into a full game because it's pretty special.  I did get stuck in one playthrough where I didn't have enough for taxes, I couldn't do anything and it was unclear if I was in a game over state.

This was a cool and fun concept! Seeing the villager's need then racing to whoever had the resource. My only critique is not knowing if there's an end state if you get enough things for the villager and keep them happy. I liked the speed up and slow down of the music, good vibes.

This is like a malevolent god simulator! Reminds me a bit of the disasters in SimCity, but you're unleashing them on the populace intentionally.

Great presentation and fun concept! I do like the role switching every round. My only suggestion would be some kind of tooltip to know the benefits of each mercenary ship, some of them move similarly and it's unclear if the more pricier ones reach further or avoid better.

This was an interesting and fun reverse plants vs zombies game! One addition that would help a lot is knowing more what each unit does, if one is more effective than the other against certain enemies. Sometimes I could blitz through quickly by spamming enough bouncy ball units on the field once I was in a later wave with enough resources to make a lot of them.

This definitely got me thinking at times and was a lot of fun! My suggestion for a tweak is making it a bit more clear that sometimes you don't have to always follow the goal to open the door at the end, that the goal is more what your possessed character can do. I sometimes got the end doors to open just by being the last thing living at times.

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I enjoyed this game and it was a great concept! I hope you develop this further post jam because this can make for an even greater game. I think a big addition to the game would be if the heroes had certain criteria they were looking for and you had to manipulate all the tools to get it right for them (ex. "I want to kill things that are small in a big zone"). I also chucked at some of the locations on the dart map (Azeroth, Pandaria).

Thanks! I hope to develop it a bit further post-jam, I limited my game's scope to make sure I made it in time for the jam!

The intro cutscene is great! It was fun trying to manipulate pac-man towards the ghosts but making sure not to touch the ghosts at the same time. Hope you add even more to this post jam!

Fun and a new twist on an old game! I enjoy trying to force the skiers into obstacles. 

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Really creative concept! I feel if you further develop this game this could actually be quite strategic with more enemy types and some adjustments to pathing to manipulate the hero more into dangerous positions.

Lot of fun, has some eerie Truman Show vibes.

Had a lot of fun with it. It can get hilariously chaotic when several ships pile up! At first, I tried blocking and redirecting, but then found flipping ships by summoning icebergs underneath them was far more effective.

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Very fun! Feels like a mix of game elements from Ghost Trick, Baba Is You, and a platformer all in one!

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This game would make for an awesome screensaver! (and I mean it as a compliment!)

11/10, would recommend!