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A member registered Jul 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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Very fun and charming game, plus good pixelart animations, Congratulations for the release.

My score: 70

Very fun game, and the game mechanics were well implemented.

Good job ~

Thank you for playing! Really appreciate it and I am glad you liked the game.

Lovely game and nice color palette, really liked the idea of recruiting the monsters like on SMT Games, and each one has different skills

Funny and smol game, I liked the mechanics and the feeling of being trapped reminded me of the good old days of Zelda, also the music and sound fx  fit well the tone of the game

Thanks for playing it and for your comment! glad you like it

Great and cute game, loved the colors and the animations, especially of the apple, the game has a lot of good content in there.

Stats: Jump: 610, Died 59, 20:22 minutes 

Thanks for your comment, means a lot :)

Thanks for playing the game, and giving your feedback as well

I was able to reproduce the bug, and fix it, Rigidbody can be a bit tricky sometimes haha, I also added some small details here and there, like a door animation in the boss room

Thanks again and glad you liked it

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you liked it

Thanks for playing and for the feedback again, I updated the game and added some improvements based on it 

  • detail #1 fixed
  • detail #2, for the title I didn't think too much about it haha, but I'll keep that in mind for future games
  • detail #3: the boss now has the princess crown equipped, I didn't think of that detail haha, and I also added some castle furniture in some rooms to tackle the lack of detail.
  • detail #4: I included a Windows version as well

Great game, the vapor mechanic was very original 

Amazing game! Loved the Aesthetic reminiscent of late SNES / Doom era

Loved the game, especially the colorful art and the health bar of the boss hahah

Thanks for notifying me about the bug, I updated the game to fix the issue

I was able to replicate the bug when running and attacking near the top wall, looks like when I had the player impacting a moving collision like the Top Wall , it had the possibility of interrupting the strike animation in the physics engine

Thanks for playing and notifying me about the bug

I updated the game and changed the logic of the strike attack, somewhat the attack decided to get stuck or something

I also added a pause screen as well that can be activated with the letter  "P" of the keyboard to give options to the player in case of eternal games.

Thanks again for the feedback!