The art and animations are nice.
UI is pretty good too! Shiori's yapping animation in the corner is so funny.
The backgrounds are great. Not sure if they're sketches on purpose of just because there was not enough time to render them, but they fit the narrative nicely as is.
I couldn't figure out what the items I picked up along the way were for. Do they give some kind of buffs?
Pretty straightforward platformer with enemies to slay, items to pick up and a fun boss fight.
Some improvement suggestions:
- Make sure your game canvas scales to the window instead of making it a fixed size, so it works on different window/monitor sizes.
- The foreground and background blend too much sometimes and it's hard to know what's an obstacle. The particles help to identify platforms but it should be clearer. Using brighter colors for foreground elements helps.
- ERB's walk cycle doesn't fit well with her movement speed. Looks a bit floaty.
- I'd love to see ERB fully animated when jumping, falling, taking damage, etc.
- I suggest changing the camera behavior from "lag behind" to "move ahead" of the player.
- The attack sfx felt a bit weird. I was expecting a higher pitched sword slash.
- Flying enemies try to attack even if I'm vertically far from them.
- The camera movement is jittery. It probably has something to do with the timing for updating the camera position.
- Shiori's narration box has a vertical slider but I could not interact with it, so the last line was partially hidden.
- The game seemed to keep going in the back after I got the end screen.
Overall, good job the game!
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