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A member registered May 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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Very nice collection game! The mine theme fits organically with what kind of game this is. My favorite aspect has got to be the difficulty curve though. Just by adding an extra mineral per level, the game gets more challenging in two ways: better minecart positioning is required to maximize collection speed, and since the train gets longer, you have slightly less time to react to incoming zombies. Well done!

My only feedback is on the train's deceleration. It felt to me that it maybe decelerated a bit too slowly, meaning I had to constantly adjust my carts' position.

Excellently executed novel idea! The shatter noise is very satisfying, and the enemy spawn rate/locations feels very reasonable. I'm glad that you opted for putting the player's hitbox at the midpoint rather than the endpoints; allowing you to slam enemies is a brilliant way to add variety to the game!

My strategy was essentially to put one of my circles in a corner and focus on the other circle to make very long, sweeping arcs across the map. Dunno if that information is useful to you from a game design perspective, but I had a lot of fun doing it ( :

A very excellently well made game! The puzzles are well designed, and I imagine this game would be perfect for tablet play and a puzzle-of-the-day kind of setup. I really appreciate the effort y'all put into accessibility as well!

(1 edit)

This is a well executed idea! I've seen simultaneous-movement-puzzles, but abet is made distinct by also moving enemies around, adding a different layer to the puzzle. Also really liked how the level select screen gives a preview of what the level looks like!

As far as feedback goes, the only thing that would have been nice is some sound effects. Nice work!

Wow, I'm impressed with the potential of this mechanic! At first I was skeptical about what the challenge was, but then y'all made the puzzle potential very clear once I reached the first level where choice mattered. Really liked the musical touch too!

My only feedback is on art consistency. I think each element individually looks incredibly nice (especially the background silhouette), but they have different styles. For example, the dwarves are lineless flat-color, but the wood has lines and the rocks have grainy texture.

In any case, it was fun!

This is a spectacular game and super well made for a jam, from sound to art to design! It's very fun once you get the hang of it. My favorite aspect is that the entire game is played with just two actions, but with those two actions can do different things like explore mini corridors, collect coins on top AND bottom, etc.

The literal only thing I think could have been tweaked is the hitboxes to be ever so slightly more generous. Like, just a pixel or even subpixel might make a sizeable difference.

This is a neat little game with lots of potential! My favorite aspect is playing the level once in light and once in darkness, almost like a mini memory game; I like that it's a join across dimensions in a sense. The art is also beautifully well done.

My feedback is mostly the same as what others have pointed out below. On lives specifically, people have pointed out going backwards a level does not feel very great; as an alternative, maybe the Light character doesn't need lives at all, and the Dark character has three lives, which upon losing them means restarting the same level as the Light character.

Fun game! Hope the feedback is helpful.

This is an incredibly well-executed idea! The art, gameplay, and sound design blend together perfectly. I'm personally a fan of educationally-flavored games, so I was excited to see something like this. And on top of that, the last few puzzles were surprisingly challenging.

From a pure puzzle perspective, I think it's close to perfect. From an exercising math skills perspective, I do worry that when the shapes spell "5-3*4" that becomes "14" instead of what pemdas would say, "-7". Post-jam, it might be worth exploring what about the puzzle design changes if a long string is treated as one pemdas expression instead of two summed expressions.

Clever chess variation! The re-chaining aspect adds a lot to the tactics once pieces start coming off the board.

My biggest wish would be pawn promotion; I actually landed in a situation where underpromotion to knight won the opponent's queen, but couldn't capitalize on it.

Very cute and creative! The art and animations are fantastic, and I love that the goal is to rescue rather than to fight.

Very clever use of the theme! I've seen a lot of connected-through-space games so far, but this is the first connected-through-time game, and it makes for some good puzzles. It felt very satisfying to once I had a strategy that worked consistently. The escalating music is also a very good detail!

I think the only thing that felt off for me was that the red ball would clip through the wall if you went too fast. Other than that, fun game!

Latching onto cars to make them crash into each other felt so cinematic! The fact that the motorcycle is just thin enough to squeeze between lanes really rewards skill. And on top of good game design is an excellent aesthetic too.

An idea that came to mind is maybe if the player survives long enough, the law enforcement cars could hang around longer and keep firing, forcing the player to choose to either deal with them early or weave around the bullets.

Those were some fun (and really hard) chemical puzzles! I actually love that there's minimal guidance on how to make components, because it means, like a true scientist, you have to experiment to figure out the rules. And the characters and story add a lot to this game; their small boost of emotional investment gave me the perseverance to push forward.

Others have already mentioned an undo button. Something else that would be neat is a growing catalog of names and "recipes" as they are discovered, I guess kind of like in Doodle God back in the day.

Swinging turned out to be very enjoyable! Once you learn the physics, finding ways to build up momentum for max force or distance becomes a satisfying challenge. Excellent theming and polish as well; all-together it feels like a full, complete game!

My feedback isn't different from what's below: I also felt myself needing to calibrate my aim to account for the shifting camera, which unless you're on the ground always has at least a little bit of movement.

This is a very beautiful and complete game! The aesthetic blends with the gameplay seamlessly. Looping components together feels very satisfying for lots of reasons: the loops can have arbitrary shape meaning that janky shapes feel like clutch wins, the sound effects and animations for both starting and ending a loop provide excellent feedback, etc.

Literally the only thing I think could have been improved is the time out; feels kind of soft since there's no sound effect for when time runs out, and no sound or feedback for when time is almost out but not quite yet.

Loop is my favorite submission so far!

The modelling and art are absolutely fantastic for a game made in 48 hours! Everything is so detailed, and it sells the fantasy mage setting super well. The running animation is especially well done; I appreciate the subtle difference between running and backpedalling. From a design perspective, enjoyed that the playing area grew over time to ramp up the difficulty and the use of the theme linking everyone's health as a resource.

My feedback is mostly around design. Running felt fantastic because it was fast and matched the pace of the combat and music, but the bullets were slow by comparison (by diagonally strafing I was almost going as fast as the bullets). Since the bullets were slow, it was hard to hit enemies without being rather close to them. I also never used the shield because I never felt like I was in danger, mostly because I could just outpace the bullets by running.

Clever use of sound design to indicate things the player is doing! Also found the secret message ( :

Wow that score is really impressive! My friends were bragging about reaching 50,000, but yours is almost three times that. Thanks for playing!

This is a very solid, well-made game! Definitely hard at first but after some practice managed to squeeze out 40 points ( : I decided to try it out with an x-box controller and it played surprising well. My favorite aspects are the reasonable difficulty curve (especially with the ungrabbable orbs) and how the game feels like it has a decent skill cap.

My one feedback is that for controller users, an easy way to restart the game without having to reach for the mouse would be great!

I'm impressed how well the payment curve works! Very fun and well made, even more impressive that it's built literally from raw javascript as far as I can tell. Thanks for open sourcing it so others can learn from the code!

One thing I found myself wishing I could do was view applicants and then buy an appropriate house the for the applicant before denying them. I think I understand the gameplay reason why that wouldn't be allowed, but based on the existing UX it felt like something I could have done.

That was a fun puzzle and a super clever way of integrating the "joined together" theme! The dynamic volume is a spectacular way of conveying signal strength. I especially enjoyed the last level, as it proved that proper movement was important.

For feedback, I think being able to see a bit more of the map can allow for better planning; as it was, I had to take some movement on faith that there would be a wifi tower because I couldn't see if there was one or not.

Great mobile puzzle game! The ability to change the links is a nice touch and makes you have to think.

I also like that there's a counter for what your lowest number of clicks are. I actually think you can capitalize on that and actually tell the player what the minimum number of needed clicks is as an additional challenge to just turning all the lights on. Aiming for the minimum clicks is what makes a puzzle game like this a mental exercise!

What a neat little game! You did really well on the aesthetic; excellent art (especially making swirls work in pixel art!), and good use of sound effects. The choice to use CMYK instead of RGB here is very good because that's exactly how printers work! Honestly, all you'd have to do is maybe add a bit more background art and a tutorial, and you'd have a perfect educational minigame for kids ( :

This game has a surprising number of mechanics! The best part is how numbers can increase or decrease, changing their abilities.

For feedback, sometimes I found myself wanting to concentrate on the right-hand number, but doing so meant I needed to flip the controls in my brain because it's mirror-imaged. I got the hang of it eventually, but if it were possible for Left to mean Left for both numbers it'd be even better!

The core concept and theming are fabulous. The fairy-swing concept has so much potential for making a fun platformer! And I agree with everyone below, the witch is super adorable.

Your screenshot gif makes the game look easy, but I found the controls hard to use; in particular I kept getting X and C mixed up. I bet if you figured out a way to make this work with one button instead of two, it would be a lot more manageable.

This game is incredible. Besides the core concept, there are so many smaller things that make this game be continuously interesting, like sometimes you have to look at the directory, managing the cords, priority calls, etc. And on top of all that the artwork and sound design are fantastic.

The cherry on top is the fact high scores are shared. Honestly can't think of anything I'd improve!

Excellent work! I loved the blue/purple aesthetic and the progression of adding more mechanics as the game gets deeper. Reminds me a lot of The Company of Myself (which if you haven't played, I'd bet you'd enjoy).

One note is making the spikes a different color from the ground would make them a lot easier to see.

(for anyone with Firefox, I got the game working in Chrome)

Although I've seen this kind of mechanic before, the levels were very clever and genuinely puzzling! It felt really good to solve.

Wow, these are deceptively difficult puzzles! I love it when the rules seem very simple, but it results in a lot of nuance and complexity. Well done! You got the core down, so all it needs is art and sound to complement the train theme.

Very intriguing puzzles! At first it's very mind bending but once you understand what's going on, you can start seeing what to do; all it takes is a shift of perspective. Also loved the text on each level, showing that each level has a theme to think about!

One thing to maybe improve is that most of the levels were, in some sense, straightforward, meaning you basically only had one or two possible things to do. I actually really enjoyed the last level because it felt like I only had two possible moves, but in reality there was a third which solved the puzzle. Excellent work!

You've made an excellent, well-polished product! You've got attention to detail (wall bump, missing square indicator), consistent aesthetic, a tutorial, difficulty ramping, a good number of levels, and well-designed puzzles where there are choices and adequate protection against random guessing. Fits the theme well, too!

For a game jam I don't think there's honestly anything I'd do differently. Maybe just saving current level or something so people can come back later. Terrific job!

Great puzzle game! There's a lot of potential for interesting levels and possible additional interactions with the links. The aesthetic is great, especially the glow of the dots on the environment. Especially loved the last level, which at first looked simple but required a bit of thought to solve.

My biggest feedback is around controls. I think the game could have been made both simpler and mobile friendly with click+drag instead of arrow keys and toggling. And a small thing, but when the red circle gets turned off, a shadow of where it use to be could be used to indicate where it will reappear; I lost the last level because my positioning was slightly off!

Great game, would love to see it turned into a fuller game with more levels!

The grappling hook arrows are a really neat idea! Loved the slow down effect; though an aim line would have been cool, I found that I never needed it to hit my targets. The glowing is a nice touch.

For feedback, the game could have benefited from quality of life things like a health indicator and damage feedback on enemies. The core grappling mechanic could also be tweaked to be easier to manipulate your character.

Awesome job!

The sound effects are an excellent touch to the aesthetic! What I found most interesting about this game is that ring size is not equal to HP because it's possible to lose multiple people. It's an excellent way to distinguish a glancing blow from a direct hit!

Only thing I struggled on was the depth perception; until you know how big the obstacles are, it's hard to know how far they are from hitting you. Good work!

(1 edit)

I finally made it to the second level and really loved the new enemy! Originally I didn't realize each level was 5 waves so after having made it to wave five thought maybe the rest of the waves were in the same arena.

Nice simple game! My favorite aspect is that it's good movement that defeats enemies instead of good aim.

I eventually found out though that you can spam spacebar to activate the secret technique, Wave of Death. Limit the on-screen bullets and implement a difficulty curve, and you got yourself a pretty good arcade game!

This is a game where the true value is beneath the surface. What a succinct way to satirize conspiracy theories and utilize the theme! My only feedback is that I wasn't able to put together coherent sentences.

It's surprising how hard it can be to control two people at once! Very nice entry; I like that even if you make a mistake in the game you can often find a way to recover. Level design is especially tricky for a game like this!

Beautiful art and aesthetic! The characters in particular are very well drawn. My favorite part though is the theme, that having a successful relationship has so much to do with listening, and this tiny game somehow conveys just how hard that can be sometimes!

My feedback is that strictly as a game, it is very small and simple, and (surprisingly) very hard from the beginning. I'd add a difficulty curve, making maybe some of the first sequences easier (less symbols, more time to look, etc). Also, as a reward to the diligent, actual dialog in between "waves" would be interesting and add to the flavor of the game.

Fantastic polish, from sound effects to aesthetic to consistency! The core game idea is also fantastic, utilizing your enemy's attacks against them; especially the last level where all the enemy types come together, giving you choice on what kind of enemy you want to soullink with. Love the line of sight idea too!

My feedback is managing my partner's health as well as mine was somehow overwhelming to me, and I often died without really knowing why. That's probably me just being bad at the game, but I think something about the design could be tweaked to make that better for players.