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A member registered Mar 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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This was fantastic, great work! Both the retro swap and staff mechanics were really satisfying and fun to play around with. I'm excited to come back and try hard mode later!

Glad you liked it, and thanks for the feedback! I definitely agree that there needs to be a better balance between modes, I had a few ideas for ways to intertwine the two better and push you to swap more instead of being able to easily just freely play the match-3 mode until you have enough gold to do whatever you want, but unfortunately I wasn't able to finish much more than the basic proof of concept in time. I'm hoping to revisit and refine this idea in the future though!

Very difficult, but really well put together! I had a lot of fun with it despite never quite mastering any of the modes, and everything feels very polished. Love the visuals! Great work on this!

This was a little confusing, but really interesting! I had fun working out all the different combos, though it was kind of difficult to tell what was actually dealing damage a lot of the time. Great work!

Thank you for the feedback, I'm glad to hear you liked the concept! There's definitely a lot of room to expand and improve on it, I had a lot more ideas than what I was able to fit in for the jam

This was fantastic, definitely one of my favorites that I've played so far! Loved exploring and experimenting with each new option as they were unlocked, and the story surrounding it was short but enjoyable! The inverted camera controls were a little frustrating, but honestly I think that added to the idea of this being an unfinished game you're playing. Although that said, the game doesn't lock your mouse to the game window which causes problems if you're using more than one monitor, which definitely feels like a bug. Beyond that little issue though, amazing work on this!

Nice work, I really like all the arts/assets here! I was a little confused about what I was meant to be doing at a lot of points, but I think there's a solid foundation here for an interesting card game

This was a neat concept, I really liked the intro cutscenes! Big mode definitely felt more developed, it was fun seeing how chaotic things got as more and more layers were added in. Great work!

The core mechanic here is a really cool idea, and the game as a whole was super charming! The crow was probably my favorite part, also really got a kick out of what hard mode was. Great work!

This was fun, I really liked the stylized spritework! I couldn't quite beat legendary mode, but that door has me tempted to try again at some point. I did find myself a little frustrated by how little feedback there was when you damaged enemies, the quick dark flash is easy to miss on everything but the boss. A sound effect at least would help a lot!

This was fantastic, felt really polished for a jam game! Movement and controls felt great and I like the gimmick of the randomly shifting modes. I feel like the balancing could use a little work though, I spent a majority of my time running from the normal goblins and shooting down the flying ones because of how much more threatening they felt. Also it's a minor nitpick, but the sound effect for being alerted of the current modes makes it misleadingly sound like there's a countdown before the start of the round. First couple rounds I played I had an 'oh shit' moment of realizing the goblins were already on top of me when I thought I was waiting for the round to start haha

Thanks, glad you liked it! I appreciate the feedback! I'm honestly a little embarrassed I never caught that oversight with blue tiles allowing for a broken spawn if you get unlucky, there's even one in that position that causes it in the screenshot I used here for puzzle mode. I might even put out a patch to fix that for this iteration of the game after voting is over!

Had a lot of fun with this, nice work! I really like the time slow effect when you took damage so you had a second to assess the situation, that was a nice touch

This was pretty great, always love a good tower defense game! One thing I found pretty frustrating was the lack of information about where enemies were coming from, it always felt bad when the highest concentration of enemies would spawn in on the path I didn't get to add new towers to that turn. I still had fun with it though, there's definitely a solid foundation here to expand on past the jam if you wanted!

There are some really interesting mechanics here! Admittedly, I never quite wrapped my head around a solid strategy to use and I'm pretty sure I was still on the first non-tutorial level when I gave up, but I still had fun experimenting with the different modes. Good work!

This was great, one of my favorites so far! The world and aesthetics were super charming, I'd love to see this concept built up further some day! Using the arrow keys for the admin controls while using WASD to move tripped me up a few times, almost ruined  some of my expensive crops frantically trying to hit D to enter sleep mode instead of right arrow one time. Might just be something that takes getting used to though, because I'm not sure being unable to move while accessing the admin controls would necessarily feel better if they were tied to the same buttons.

Great work on this!

Thank you! I am hoping to revisit and refine this concept down the road, I had a lot more ideas during development and as you point out there's a ton of room to expand on the dungeon mode gameplay in particular!

Glad you enjoyed it! I've definitely got a lot of ideas to expand on the concept if I come back to revisit it down the road

Thanks for the feedback! Sorry you ran into that issue with the unlucky spawn point, I unfortunately didn't catch that oversight until the day after the jam

This was really cute! I was having an issue where it would frequently register me pressing enter to start as an attempt at the first round of lockpicking and immediately fail me, but outside of that the lockpicking was fun and satisfying! I got a laugh out of how abrupt the "secret ending" for letting your curiosity get the better of you near the hardest chest was

Wow, this is a super creative concept, and the execution doesn't disappoint! I got a real kick out of the dating segment, and the framing device of the cassette tape was a cool aesthetic choice. Great work!

Thanks for the kind words and feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed it! The exit being marked with a skull might give away that I really wanted to have a boss fight at the end—in fact it was the very next thing on my agenda before the final day rolled around and I had to shift focus to polishing up the presentation—but sadly there just wasn't time. If I end up revisiting this concept to expand into a more fully fledged game down the road, you can be certain there will be something a bit more exciting waiting at the end of each dungeon!

I'll try to find time to get that set up, or maybe find another computer I can borrow that hopefully won't have the same issue, before the voting period is over. Thanks for being so helpful with this bizarre issue!

Sorry to hear about such a major bug sneaking in last minute! The spritework looks great and movement feels pretty smooth, I'll be interested to see the full game once you're able to put a patch out!

You can definitely feel the inspiration from Potion Craft here, and I'm a big fan of that game so it was great to see another take on that formula. Great work, I had a lot of fun with this! The permanent paint trails left behind as you moved throughout the level were a really satisfying touch

This was a blast, I'm eager to see you follow up on that "to be continued" and expand on this outside the jam! All the art looked great and I really enjoyed the gameplay loop, being able to instantly swap modes to zip around and chain together abilities from both felt super satisfying. Fantastic work!

I like the swapping mechanic, nice work! I found it a bit frustrating needing to use separate buttons for each instead of a single swap button at times with how tight the timing was on a lot of jumps, but I still had fun with it!

Glad you liked it! Early on the room shapes actually weren't tied to color, but I thought it would be better to have some consistency you could rely on while thinking things through in puzzle mode. Good to see that change was well received!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! The dungeon mode gameplay definitely could have used more refining, but getting the mode swap working smoothly took so long that I ran short on time

Did not work unfortunately, they were already set appropriately for me and changing them to a whole number didn't effect anything. I appreciate you going through the trouble to look for a solution though! I did some searching around myself and it seems like it might be a Monogame issue, I was able to find a forum post of someone else having my exact problem:

They were the dev for the game they were having issues with and solved it by publishing the game in a different format, though. I tried reinstalling .net 6 based on what was said in that thread, but no luck there

I really loved this one! The potion mixing mechanic is really fun, though admittedly it felt like only a few combinations were actually useful. Gameplay aside, I loved the environmental storytelling you pulled off throughout the level! Felt really satisfying to predict what the boss was going to be based on all the details spread around. Great work all around!

The pose mode was an interesting addition to this style of game! I found the camera to be really frustrating in both modes, unfortunately, it made it difficult to tell how close barriers were and what shape you were meant to be making in pose mode until time was almost up

I love the main mechanic here, this was really cool! I definitely kept instinctively trying to jump like an idiot though lol. Finding the way to reach that middle coin after the second checkpoint was really satisfying!

Also, I found a minor bug on a second playthrough: if you mange to die without ever touching a checkpoint, you won't respawn and the game softlocks

This was really well put together! This might be the game with the most polish I've played so far, it's short but definitely feels like a complete, finished package. I really loved the shift in the music alongside the first ship appearing, that was a great touch!

This was super charming! The perspective made it a bit difficult to judge where you were in relation to platforms at times, but skating around was really fun once I got the hang of it. The music intensifying as you made progress was a really nice touch! Fantastic work!

Great work on the aesthetics and presentation here, the character models in particular look great! I'm impressed that you were able to fit in full cutscenes. The gameplay side of things feels pretty unfinished and I was a bit confused on what I was meant to be doing at times, but I think the idea has potential! Overall, great work!

Great work on the art here, the slime in particular looks great!

This was really fun, I loved the world swapping mechanic! Ledge grabbing and wall jumping felt a little inconsistent at times, but overall the gameplay felt super smooth. I really liked a lot of the aesthetic touches here, like the extra twirling flourish on double jumps and the seamless music transitions where the instruments would change depending on which mode you were in. Great work!

This is a really cool concept, and the puzzles were pretty clever in the section I was able to play! However, I wasn't able to reach what I assume is the end point of the first level with the big circular staircase, I couldn't walk or jump up them from any direction. I hope I'm just missing something there and it's not a bug preventing progress, because from the looks of the screenshots there's at least one more level built! I did also find the camera a bit unwieldy, it often got blocked by tall decorative objects. Overall though, great work!