Thanks for the feedback! I'm just coming back to the world of composing and used these tracks to put into practice some things I've been studying recently about orchestration. I'll think more about loosening up on the next go around.
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I love that transition into Pastoral State. Such good energy! It starts very optimistic, but the way it deteriorates slightly before heading into Consumption was some great foreshadowing! Destruction gets very moody. It has an almost mechanical sound that seems out of place with the rest of the tracks but does work in an odd way. It makes you feel uneasy, which means its doing its job well. That guitar in Desolation is my favorite part of the whole piece. So beautiful!
This piece feels very alive. It's always moving and changing. I can see the story unfold with every little shift. The transition into war was especially good. There was this tiny little stillness, like a calm before the storm. And then you ended us with the motif you established in the beginning, bringing us around full circle. This submission was a darker one, but it's one I appreciated and enjoyed.
My reaction at 0:05 - Ooooooohhhh....
My reaction at 0:32 - WOAH!!!
The Sacrifice of Nature: You had me from the opening! That harp was such a majestic way to begin. The piano and choir just drew me in deeper. I definitely hear some Gareth Coker influence here and it's wonderfully weaved into your own style.
Afore the Harvest: This definitely feels like an ancient town you might visit in an RPG like Chrono Trigger. Very catchy. Those strings are placed so gently (something I will remember and come back to reference). I love the ominous ending, a nice bit of forshadowing.
Power and Spectacle: Right from the beginning I'm reminded of the Capital theme from Hunger Games. It works well. I can feel the overwhelming might of this unstoppable civilization. I appreciate the fact that you included some more relaxed moments. The flutes were especially nice. Wonderful ebb and flow.
The Call of War: I'm definitely seeing an army of orcs from Lord of the Rings marching here. This piece is pure emotion. I can see the camera sweep by as two sides collide on the field of battle. Very dramatic!
Ash Reclaimed: The title says it all. So delicate in its beginning. You properly mourn the death of the civilization and then slowly bring nature back. I seriously started crying when the nature motif began to play and build. It's a proper ending to this journey. Wow...just wow.
I can't say enough good things about this entry. I appreciate the fact that we both took a similar approach to the paintings: man vs nature. And we ended it the same with nature's rebirth. That being said, we executed this viewpoint very differently. Thank you for this wonderful piece. It was a joy to experience!
I love the nature sounds mixed in with this. Those birds mix with your melodies in a lovely way. I like your eclectic choice of instruments. The pan flute in Pastoral worked so well! Destruction really does sound like a proper battle theme. Again, nice job with the war cries in the background. Desolation really set the mood well. I appreciated the return of the pan flute. A painful reminder of times long past.
There's something about that baseline early on and the piano that goes with it that's giving me big Ace Attorney vibes. That flute at 1:47 hits hard! It's maybe just a tad too overbearing but I do love the flutters. 4:54 is another great moment. These flute melodies are catchy. There were parts that were a little too discordant for my liking (personal taste) but on the whole it was a good entry.
The host has few ratings and no comments? This must be remedied! Thanks for hosting this jam. It's been a fantastic experience!
Savage State: Wow! Those vocals really speak to the title of the track. What did you use for those? The atmosphere here is spectacular. It really feels like I'm out in the boonies somewhere.
Pastoral State: I love the feelings of peace here. Very tranquil. I could see this track being used in a game like Civ.
Consummation: It's a shame you weren't able to get more than the concept. I would love to see how you would have orchestrated it. But I get it. Time is a harsh enemy to contend with.
Destruction: Ahh, the drums of war. I like your use of horns here. The way everything grows is very nice. It's like you're standing on a hill watching as the enemy draws closer. A great feeling of looming dread.
Desolation: Oh those strings in the beginning! That haunting, scratching sound as the bow slowly moves across the fragile strings. A great opening to this somber track.
This entry was at times haunting and visceral and at others beautiful. But it was all very real and emotional.
I wasn't sure about this at first. That opening track is wild. But, that was the point wasn't it? You really created some amazing emotions throughout this entry. I love your use of woodwinds. There are many parts that are wonderfully delicate yet somehow carry so much weight. That transition with the orchestral chimes was amazing! It really caught me off guard in a good way. There are parts of this that remind me of some classic film scores. I can see the movie playing out in my mind. Again, I wasn't too sure at first but you sold me by the end.
Building Up: The timing issues really threw me off. There were also times that things would get just a little chaotic. Chaos can be a good thing, but it felt like things were a little too out of control at times. I like some of the ideas you have. If this were to be tightened up and developed further I think it could be pretty good.
For your first attempt at orchestral it's not too bad of an effort. It sounds a bit heavy on the low end. When it comes to orchestra you balance you EQ with your composition. When you have a lot of low brass and strings dominating the track, it helps to bring in some higher woodwinds to balance out the EQ. Having said that, you do a good job at building up to some great dynamic moments. Orchestra is very fun to write for and I do hope you continue to have fun with it.
Heavy inspiration from the work of Hisaishi. This really could fit within a Ghibli film. I noticed a bit of a shift in Up to the Clouds. Beautiful piano work here. I appreciate how subtle the strings are.
Escape to Reality is so beautiful. That big moment at 1:23 is impactful! Great use of motif in this track.
The entire soundtrack is one massive journey and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
A very lively soundtrack. I get a lot of Breath of the Wild vibes from Creation. Up in the Clouds has a very pleasant lift to it. As each track progressed it drew me in more and more. I feel a sense of wonder and excitement! 1:15 of Hidden World was such a wonderful moment! These tracks are so inspiring and I will certainly be saving them for future enjoyment.
A very lively soundtrack. I get a lot of Breath of the Wild vibes from Creation. Up in the Clouds has a very pleasant lift to it. As each track progressed it drew me in more and more. I feel a sense of wonder and excitement! 1:15 of Hidden World was such a wonderful moment! These tracks are so inspiring and I will certainly be saving them for future enjoyment.