Watching the Dunkey stream hoping you guys get a play. You're one of the only ones I rated 5/5 on all ratings. I'm surprised you only have 18 ratings. Was expecting close to 50 for this!
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Thanks for the comment - yeah the spin/attack in the beginning is clunky and slow for sure. It only starts getting overpowered when you're around lvl20+ and you start to build up stacks. But if I had more time I would have balanced the attack animation and maybe had a different one depending on speeds. Basically I'm just speeding up the attack animation as you get stacks, so the base animation is super slow because of that.
Completed it! Definitely a good basis for a platformer mechanic. I knew in the shower level that I had to flood the room somehow, but in my head I thought I had to block the toilet - so I spent ages trying to get the bucket in the toilet hah. Then I thought I had to fill the bucket with water - that's all part of the fun though, figuring it out.
This was a fun game - I found it a little challenging for me though, I felt like I needed a moment longer to pick up the charges after clearing a wave of enemies, they just didn't seem to stop hah. But there is a nice amount of polish on this game too, the models are seriously cool, the animations too. There's a nice style and atmosphere to the map too, lots of character. Well done, I hope this gets a few more views
Thanks for the feedback, yeah the attack animations took a lot of tweaking and they never really felt right unless you were landing multiple hits with one swing. My friends who did the music are hopefully turning it into a full finished song release - it was so insane when I heard it the first time.
The power up animation when you hit a crystal was squeezed in on the last day, and there was a strange delay for the text to pop up that I just could t figure out! It was also meant to make the screen flash the colour of the power up - so I definitely agree with the feedback! Thank you for playing and commenting
thanks for the comment! Yeah I agree about the stunlocks, I had planned for an ability that you could channel which would push them all away from you to give you a chance to escape. But I think when I was playing the game I became too good at kiting and rarely got stunlocked (especially on controller - when I play it with keyboard my score is like 50% of what I can get on controller!)
Thanks for taking the time to play, and submit a score!
Hey thanks for the rating and comment! Yeah I had a bunch of enemies in mind, these one's were supposed to just be basic pawns that are difficult when they swarm but can't really kill you alone. The idea was to have one random "boss" that spawns with them that can reset your stacks, or stun etc if they land a channelled attack on you. But ran out of time for that stuff! Thanks again for the comment