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A member registered Jan 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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Great game! I found it very hard for me as the game progresses since the units level up and get stronger, then adding new units to increase weight is less effective cos they die so quickly. Got to almost 30 a couple of times. Some way to balance that would be good and add some nice extra strategy to the game. The shop system was cool but felt like there could be more depth there.

Super polished though, creepy giant dude in the background was really effective and I liked the adaptive music a lot.

Nice game, the one I've spent the most time with so far. Got to round 6, didn't find a way to get extra turns (maybe there was) but only having 3 and relying on getting cards in the right configuration felt increasingly (un)lucky. I'm kind of confused what cards gave what at the end. The art is super cute and the sound was good and polished.

Cute idea, the art style / character designs fitted well with the game. I'm not sure what happened but I basically just left the scale on full all the time and they always bought it.

Heh, loved it, so cheeky and creative with the different generated dialogue and wacky ingredients. Made me laugh. Gameplay kept me going for about 10 minutes, not cos it was the deepest, but it was deep enough for the game lore.

Really cute and stylish, dave the diver except a blob. I dunno, I could eat the fish but then didn't know what to do and pressing E didn't seem to do anything? Hit box was pretty unforgiving.

Really cute and stylish, dave the diver except a blob. I dunno, I could eat the fish but then didn't know what to do and pressing E didn't seem to do anything? Hit box was pretty unforgiving.

Great idea and quite stylish, seems like some fun maths went into calculating and rendering those trajectories. Tutorial was a great touch but I couldn't finish it, I never got the hang of the shrink-in-real-time mechanic even though I gave it a good go. Maybe the next stage of the tutorial explained the fruit thing at the top, it was some kind of resources that the planet wanted I presume, since at various times I tried to deliver fruit but nothing worked. I found the game itself kind of difficult. The ship turning to aim was pretty slow and it would have been nice to have a way to affect it (speed it up, change directions, etc).

My favourite part was the lore and the setting, really well done there, and the game is really stylish which I liked. Good choice of music. I got kinda frustrated at the puzzles though, even level 2 was beyond my patience for finessing game physics :-(

Fun 10 minute game, cute interpretation of the theme. Played up to day 9, it was most fun trying to craft the more complex items to sell them for more money. Having some mechanics around this a bit more fleshed out would be nice, because the hook is good. I liked the title music a lot, it's more interesting than the game music. It would have changed the vibe but IMO might have been better to use title music for both? Not sure. Liked the meaty SFX especially the shop one.

I really dig the aesthetic. The blocky colourful pixels and animations and funky music works really well. Dying felt a bit random/unfair but it was fun in the meantime. I think (ironically?) a tiny bit of auto aiming would have helped e.g. make turning more accurate the closer your trajectory is to hitting an enemy. Just subtle.

(1 edit)

Love the grim fandango thing you have going on. Lighthearted setting, writing, sound, music, art all worked well together. I'm a sucker for train murder mysteries.

Admittedly... my memory is nowhere near good enough and I gave up on taking notes. So I kicked the wrong person off :-) That's on me. The "anybody could be the murderer" thing is neat - perhaps it could have been tighter (fitted in my memory) if only half of them were (the other half tell the truth) - but maybe that's not a good idea.

Really creative idea - dark souls meets a game we used to play as little kids. A couple of levels were challenging which I enjoyed, I liked that you had several types of chests and heroes. Good ramping up of difficulty too. Platforming controls especially on the ladders were a bit frustrating when you got caught.

Really creative and original. I found the instructions overwhelming in my rush to play a whole bunch of games :-) not sure if things could be simplified to make the game more approachable?

Loved the game, simple and really pretty. The physics could be tweaked a little bit I think.

I think there is a good start of something cool here. It's relaxing to set things up and see what happens and the icons are really cute. But the fast mode could be faster and the parameters a little user friendlier perhaps?

Super polished, loved the art and effects and the wacky sound. Wasn't really sure what I was doing at times though.

Thanks :-) 

No windows PC to play puma cat on :-( but it looks fun!

Thanks :-)

I now appreciate how important sound/music is in games. Lesson learned.

Lack of time, and not appreciating how important it would have been to make time for it!

Loved this - *especially* the visuals (amazing artwork!), the sound effects, and the funky concept. Everything felt really polished, like the camera and scene switching.

A few nits for next time:

  • I couldn't figure out how to get past the 3rd level (I guess you were meant to jump?). Some kind of visual indication would have helped?
  • The hit boxes were frustrating at times.
  • Taking me back to the main room each time I died got tedious - just going back to the puzzle room would have saved time.

Super creative! I loved the concept once I figured out what I was supposed to do. Fun use of lore as well. Music fitted in well and the sound effects made me laugh.

The game loop was a little slow for me, it takes a long time to get going and part of the challenge seemed to be randomness instead of a feeling of skill.

Cool concept and slick game. Your music and use of sound was really effective and you have cute graphics (respect for only using polygons!). I found it quite relaxing to play.

I think it speeds up a little too suddenly, and I kept losing and not sure what was going wrong. Perhaps you could lean into how relaxing it is in some way?

really fun! liked the levels but i think it got hard too fast. the forced switching mechanic is maybe a bit too frustrating.

couldn't get it to work :(

very charming but i guess i couldn't figure out what whether i was doing well or badly. I got a good score sometimes and a bad score other times but I couldn't really tell what i did differently 

Thanks for playing & your comments!

We added rubber banding to the center of the track to make it easier, which gets weaker on each level. You can probably make it onto the other track later on, if only we had time to reward that somehow :-)