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Spinbot's pageGame's Take on the Theme
The playable robot use spinning to reflect attacks and to dodge
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Art/models done myself. Music and sound from packs
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here. ,
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Quite unexpected game style, its a bit obscure but very effective too, mechanics shine well there, I like it a lot really!!
I loved the neon minimalist aesthetic. The bosses are creative, and reflecting enemy projectiles is really satisfying. My PC isn’t very good, so the game runs very slowly for me. Maybe an option to adjust the graphics would help, although it doesn’t seem to have very intense graphics. I wonder if you used unoptimized 3D models, or maybe a shader to heavy, or if it’s just my potato PC. Either way, I think it’s a good game.
I think it something to do with how unreal handle blueprints when using projectiles, when i was testing they still could cause fps drop if too many even when they had no mesh, I see if i can figure out how to get it run better in furture. Thanks for your feedback
Nice seeing unreal engine games! Really like the artstyle and the combat. Congratulations
This is Great! The art style is very cool, like a wire frame. And it is great fun to reflect a large number of enemy bullets. I know everyone has their own taste in music, but for me at least it is perfect.
and My score was 5,667 :)
Hello fellow unreal engine jammer! Great job on the look and feel of this one!
really cool art style, love the neon look on everything with the black backdrops. made it really clear what abilities were doing. cool boss fights and wish there was more to do! great work!
I really like the idea that you can spin to reflect the bullets. I had a lot of fun in this game.
The art is super cool. At first I thought this was a 2D game and then I realized this is a 3D game rendered with edge detection algorithm.
Overall this game is fantastic. Well done!
I really like the art direction and the bosses are creative, I really liked the Rage Engine boss concept
Your game is so much fun!!! I loved the whole aesthetic, it was really good! Congratulations on the game :D
The parrying system is super fun but i think the camera either shows too much or too little at a time for some bosses, the Rage Engine could’ve had indicators or a more dynamic camera to show where the boss is coming from
Thanks for feedback,I agree with Rage Engine as was intending to add indicators but did not get around to it in time for adding
The neon arcade style really pops! Kind of reminds me of Tron a little bit.
It is very satisfying to deflect a bunch of shots from the boss because it does so much more damage than I can output with my little gun. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at bullet hell games so I only tried the Crab 3 times before I gave up (got it down to a sliver). I think there is definitely something here though because I probably wouldn't have gotten to the Crab if I didn't enjoy the first two bosses.
I would have liked to see a little more variation on the third boss. The difference between the first and second boss was really neat and I think it's what got me to keep playing. I also think the movement can be a bit tighter and the walls less bouncy. Overall, I think this was actually very fun!
The retro outline art on 3d was really cool. Reminded me of old school games I used to play as a kid. The spin technique was kind of neat at first, but I didn't really feel like it was explored very much as it didn't seem necessary. Overall, kudos for having such a cool looking product in such a short amount of time!
A very fun little game! The spinning mechanic is interesting, and I really liked the bosses. They create their own little bullet hell, but thankfully, you can block the bullets. I was really surprised when the final boss transitioned into 3D space! The graphics are very minimalist, but the music adds a lot to the atmosphere. Overall, a positive experience!
Really nice game!
I like the artstyle and music very much, the combat is simplisti but unique and the bosses are nicely disigned.
The controls are a bit wierd: I think shooting would have been better with just mouse-aiming
Really enjoyed the parrying mechanic and the train boss!
Good game overall!
Thanks you for the feedback and yeah that make sense with controls, idea was to make control simlar to classic bullethells such as binding of isaac but i could add mode that allow mouse aim controls in furture
good game
I really like the art style you went for here, it fits the tron cybergrid idea well.
Each boss having their own sort of mechanic was cool and helps the game feel interesting. The reflect is quite satisfying to use and feels good when you can reflect a large group of bullets into a boss all at once.
Personally I found the crab boss to be the hardest as it got really aggressive at low HP and sometimes it felt like if I dodged through one attack he'd just follow up right away with another attack I couldn't react to.
The train boss was very interesting mechanically as I had to play it quite safe to get him down. I think that boss took me 3 minutes on the attempt that I killed it.
For the core boss, there was an issue where the shield pylons weren't flashing red or anything when I hit them so I think that might confuse some people into not realising what you have to do there.
Overall was a fun time! It would be interesting to see what high scores people can get.
Thanks you for the feedback, glad you enjoyed it and also thank for pointing out that bug with core's pylons, it something i will have to fix in furture