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Cameron Paxton

A member registered Mar 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Are you playing the web build or the downloadable? It seems like the web build is a little more unstable, unfortunately...

Hmmmm, I would think it should definitely work on Chrome... I wonder if there is something that needs to be updated? 🤔

Not sure which browser you're using, but it should work in most major browsers.

The browser version is inferior to the downloadable version, though. I would suggest giving that one a try if you are able to.

Definitely a fun surprise this morning. Appreciate it!!

Thanks for sharing the video! It was a lot of fun watching you figure it out (and sing along to the music ^^). The English translations at the bottom were a nice touch as well!

Really cute and chill little physics puzzler. Congrats on the high ranking!!

Really enjoyed this! Definitely a ranking well-earned. That bossa nova soundtrack is incredible and fits the vibe so well. This has so much character and charm!

Really fun aesthetic and good puzzle design. Well done on the ranking!!

This is super cute! Really excellent character designs, dialogue, UX/UI. The soundtrack is also lovely. You should put it up on Bandcamp and link to it!

If I had any criticism at all, it would be that placing individual candies gets a little tedious when there are a lot of available places to put them. But definitely a minor nitpick for a jam title.

Very well earned ranking. Well done!

Got really excited when I saw that SlowBro did the music for this. Didn't disappoint. Congrats on 3rd place!!

Congrats on 2nd place!

Congrats on the win!

(1 edit)

The art, design, typographic choices, and page design are immaculate! I can really tell this is a team full of talent.

The idea is really interesting and unique! Definitely adds a new layer of strategy to the normal tower defense formula.

One thing I would've liked in the UI was some sort of 2D depiction of how much the landscape is tilting, as it's not always obvious with the free camera. I don't think it would need to be super detailed, just a scale or maybe even just a # of degrees out of whack you are.

The soundtrack is really fun and fitting as well. Really fantastic work, great job all!

Sure thing. You definitely did a fantastic job!

Thanks so much for taking the time to check it out! Really appreciate the kind words, and very happy you're enjoying the soundtrack 💚

Thanks so much! The game does have an ending at the end of the 3rd stage (usually takes about 10 minutes or so). Appreciate you taking the time to check it out!

I think this is easily the best-looking and most cohesively designed game I've played so far. It's clear a lot of attention went into the little details of the visual design. And the writing is fantastic as well.

I admit that even after reading the tutorial, I didn't fully understand the results of my actions and judgments. Reading through other's comments, I see it was common for the peasantry to just generally be unhappy. I swear I tried to make them happy! But still ended up at 0%, heheh.

I also experienced the bug where I would occassionally receive the wrong card, but bugs are to be expected in a jam game.

But overall a very polished experience. I think if I spent a bit more time with it I could develop a better strategy :)

Haha, this is such a unique game! The animations are absolutely fantastic, and the music is madcap but totally fitting. I liked the "yoshi drums" detail when the neck starts extending.

Unfortunately, the final snail soul escaped the shell and went offscreen so I wasn't able to complete the waves. But I enjoyed myself all the same. Great work!

Agree, and definitely see the challenge there. It's one of those things that would probably get figured out in playtesting on a longer dev cycle.  Thanks for the response!

Well I played that for much longer than I intended to! The premise is absolutely bonkers and the characters are hilarious. I made it to the underwater mountain range before running out of willpower. This was a lot of fun!

I can imagine! The results were worth it :D

Very cute and engaging puzzle idea!

It would be nice to be able to preview the robot's movement from  a certain tile or piece. For a few of the puzzles, having to wait for the entire process to play out could get tedious even with the speed modifier, as I wanted to get past the parts I already knew were successful, but needed to slow it back down to see if the new pieces I'd placed would work. I'd need to think a bit about how to balance that idea to not completely negate the idea of it auto-playing.

Regardless, that is a very minor criticism and was only relevant on a few of the puzzles. The character design is very cute and I liked the pixel art mountain landscape. Well done!

I like the concept! Nice, relaxing, and intuitive. I think the mid-game is where it shines the most. 2x2 it is very easy to get bad luck on spawns and not be able to progress. By the time you get to 4x4 and 5x5, you can almost randomly press directions and still make progress fairly easily. 3x3 was the sweet spot for me.

Nice work!

I was wondering when I was going to see a game related to music scales! We brought it up during brainstorming but no ideas came out of it. This is really cute and clever!

I enjoyed the cute character designs and the bouncy animations. Well done to the composer too. Nice touch having the music change scale along with the action. Great work!

Really fun and cute little puzzler! Getting chain reactions is very satisfying. I couldn't tell if my name made it onto the leaderboard is it didn't update when I hit submit, but I didn't play through again to find out. Really enjoyed this, well done!

This was really quite engaging! I thought it was going to be more of a sit-back-and-watch thing but I really needed to keep an eye on my lil guys and help them along.

Some pitch variations in the sfx would help a lot, they got quite irritating. But otherwise this was really surprising and fun. Well done!

Really interesting mechanic. Not sure if I've ever seen anything quite like that. Seems like something that could be worth exploring further! Some nicely constructed puzzles, too. Cheers!

Really fun mechanic that seems to have a lot of potential. The character animations are really top notch. I do wonder if you got the parallax backwards or if that "circling" effect is intended.

Overall a really satisfying and short experience that left me wanting to explore a bit more! Well done!

Super cute art and concept! The music is a lot of fun as well.

I found it tedious to change the sizes of the hedgehogs. I didn't really come across many situations where they needed to be different sizes, so having to adjust each one (with a slider that changes sizes while adjusting) made me feel less inclined to experiment.

But I really liked the mechanic of attaching and detaching them, and see a lot of potential there! Overall a really cool idea. Nice work!

Fun, arcade-y gameplay and really tense action. I can imagine that getting upgrades for your walls and weapon would be pretty fun. I wasn't able to come up with a strategy that would keep me alive for all that long, but I had fun!

(1 edit)

This was so beautifully executed! Really simple but engaging gameplay. I really tried my best not to kill anyone... I swear!

Oh and really great soundtrack as well, it fit perfectly.

Really cute factory builder :) I can imagine this getting very complicated with different transmutations added in. Well done!

Team Godot!

This was a really fun arcade-y shooter, and I enjoyed the Ikaruga-style switching mechanic. Would love to get some controller support for this, as I found the keyboard controls a little cumbersome sometimes when things got hectic. But still, was able to win! (on easy ^^;)

Really well done :)

This is such a unique idea! I can't imagine ever in a million years coming up with a concept like this.

The vibes and colors are nice, and everything plays very smoothly.

As is often the case with dice positioning games, forgetting or not knowing what is on the non-visible sides of the die can make strategizing a bit difficult. I found it much easier to just have fun running and dashing around and getting dice to ignite by chance.

The isometric view also made it a bit tricky to spot where new dice were going to fall once the screen started to fill up. I know there are other viewpoints, but honestly I'm not sure they would've been more helpful. Not sure what the solution would be for this problem... slower blocks falling? Or some sort of highlight around squares where dice are falling to make them a bit more visible.

Regardless of those criticisms, I really enjoyed this. Plus it's always nice to see someone else working in Godot. Well done!

48 hour submission! Well done!

This definitely has a lot of style. As others have mentioned, the menu system is a lot of fun.

The scaling of items feels fairly limited. At least fairly early on, I didn't see much difference/incentive to using the smallest vs the biggest version of an object.

Happy to see another Godot project. Nice work, and good luck!

This is quite the mash-up!  Katamari meets Cult of the Lamb meets Roguelike upgrades with a sort of arcade-y points system. Really fun!

Great upbeat music that fits the vibe perfectly, and the art direction is a lot of fun.

I felt that there were times I took damage that was basically unavoidable. Might be part of the risk/reward design (so you can't be big for too long) but sometimes the damage felt a bit unfair.

But overall a really fun and well-polished entry. Great work!

Nice take on an Asteroids-style arcade game! Customizing your own ship always feels fun and meaningful.

It's been a while since I've played a game like this, so it took some time getting used to the controls. I found it pretty tricky to hit targets with the gun. With my direction movement in addition to the enemy's, it was difficult to lead shots and get hits in. Most of what I did get just seemed to be luck.

There's definitely a really fun idea in here. Nice work!

Really interesting idea to have to balance keeping the either the enemy in focus or the projectiles, and switching back and forth. I would've liked some sort of indicator or which direction the enemy was when off-screen, as I found myself spinning around quite a lot, especially during the 2nd phase.

The art direction is obviously impeccable. Everything is put together very well. Excellent work!

There's definitely a good core idea here, and a type of puzzle that I don't think I've ever really seen (having to use external objects to push you in the 3rd dimension).

I think others have mentioned the camera. The lack of controls in that regard made it difficult to confidently make jumps and see where I was going sometimes, especially when jumping to a lower platform.

But yeah, definitely like the puzzle concept. Nice work!

Hello fellow Godot-er :)
Sorry to hear you couldn't get the build you wanted up in time.... I've experienced that before too and it's super frustrating!

But what is there is really nice! It was fun just poking around the office. I faxed something! The mattress on the floor has some grim implications ^^;

Looking forward to checking it out once the rating period is over!