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A member registered Sep 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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I may have found a bug. I'm not sure how it happened, but I ended up dying since every time I clicked I produced a tomato sauce. I was just dropping them all over the ground in front of the restaurant xD. I really like this game. It's creative and artsy. The sounds are satisfying and both within the restaurant and outside are pleasantly difficult. As a composer/ sound designer, I think the music inside could be a little more varied. I did find the jukebox and listened to all of the options, but each is only 2 measures and can get a little dull. The only way I was ever able to make enough pizzas for everyone was to throw all the ingredients on the floor near the tables and hope I can pick up the right ones. Maybe that's where the bug came from? A lot of charm was put into this and you all should be proud of the results.

I think the hitbox for the player character was a little unforgiving, which made it really hard to squeeze through many of the small gaps. It took me a second to realize that my hitbox included the rings around the ship. I like the DJ stuff and the art, but some of the sounds seemed a bit loud, I guess that's how DJing is but I'd rather not lose my hearing over a video game. It moved me to turn my sound down, thus missing out on the other softer music pieces.   Accept for the hitbox, the mechanics were well polished and smooth. Good work!

Thanks so much for playing! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I'll make sure to play yours too when I can.

I got stuck in the map before finishing my final task. I like the idea, it's just big.

I'm not super great at this kind of game, but I like the way you did it. I do wish orders would reset on break. Then I'd actually be able to catch up

I would have enjoyed a little more variation in the amount of resources collected per person. I'm trying to make a game like this myself and am going to implement diminishing returns, and variation. I like the ambient music and sfx

I can’t provide footage, but frequently when trying to upgrade a wall or buy a tool, if there was a character close, I would drop the coins to the character instead. Then, the characters wouldn’t drop coins when I stood on top of them for a little while. Usually in the kingdom games, if you stand right on top of a unit it drops any coins it has for you. 

Glad you enjoyed! I'll try to play yours too when I can. About the size of the objects, once I realized they were too small it was a little late in the project to change it. Hopefully you had fun regardless!

Thanks so much for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'll try to get around to playing yours too. And about the size, by the time I thought about changing the size of the objects, it was a bit too late to have it work out

Thanks so much for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'll try to get around to playing yours too.

Thanks for playing! I’m glad you enjoyed it! I’ll make sure to play and rate yours too.

Cute! I made it to about 6750 score till I decided to move on to playing something else. I like the cute music, wished it would change as the game got stormier. The art assets made me laugh, especially the little angry storm cloud. 

I like the art and aesthetic. The gameplay wasn't hard enough for me, maybe I just got luck with the wind spawns.

This was cute. It was pretty hard to control, so I'd say I wasn't really vibing. When I made it to the shore I had 400 dollars in repairs, and only 26 dollars worth of fish. Guess I shouldn't become a fisherman lol. Thanks for the laugh! Good luck with the jam!

Well done and fun to play. I wanted to play until I got whatever the boat thing was, and then I saw the victory screen so I guess I played through the whole thing. Not particularly difficult, but fun to play and relaxing. Some of the coin mechanics were a little more awkward that the original kingdom. Thanks for making this!

I like the graphics. The ship is pretty hard to control, but that fits the WE'RE GOING DOWN!!! idea. I think I would've preferred in audio for more sound design to add variety in the music. Neat work!

Cool idea! The screen shake is really satisfying. I didn't quite understand my hitbox at first with a creature that had such long limbs, maybe it needed a bite animation or something. Either way, good work!

Cool idea! The screen shake is really satisfying. I didn't quite understand my hitbox at first with a creature that had such long limbs, maybe it needed a bite animation or something. Either way, good work!

I love the hand drawn graphic style! As many others mentioned the gameplay is a little odd since you can't tell when you hit enemies or hp or anything of that sort. I think the spells idea is cool too. Maybe it just needed to be exaggerated. 

I love the hand drawn graphic style! As many others mentioned the gameplay is a little odd since you can't tell when you hit enemies or hp or anything of that sort. I think the spells idea is cool too. Maybe it just needed to be exaggerated. 

This was really cute! I loved the puzzles and the art style! Thanks for the fun experience!

This was really cute! I loved the puzzles and the art style! Thanks for the fun experience!

thanks for playing! I’ll make sure to play and rate yours later today!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Sorry about the difficulty. I was our only play tester and I like my games a bit harder. What wave did you get to? Also I’ll make sure to test and rate yours later today

ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the game!

Once I realized that the art was too small, it was a little late to go change it. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! The attack is slightly slower than the enemies move so it is possible to miss. Sorry if that was frustrating! I'm glad that you enjoyed the meditation!

This was a fun puzzle game. I was not feeling like thinking hard enough to save all of the villagers, but I saved 2 on level 4 so that's something. The puzzle mechanics were enjoyable and the graphics and music accompanied them well

I like this! The aesthetic was good and it was fun to play. Maybe a little unbalanced. Just surround the tower in krackens after making enough money generators and you win. The villager comments were cute too.

This was a neat idea. I thought the ambience was pleasing. I just thought it was rather slow and didn't have the time to play long enough to have enough boats. Good job for working without an engine. Hard work from all members!

This was cute! I enjoyed the mechanics. I know my wife would enjoy it more than me because she loves these kinds of time management games. I thought the God's were a fun touch, although I sold fish right under Poseidon's nose so maybe something didn't work right. Either way, I liked the game!

Good work! Fun to see students progress and learning. Best of luck to all of you on your game dev journeys!

Thanks! It adds an additional element to the top down shooter genre that we're proud of.

Thanks a bunch for playing! Glad you enjoyed it

This has been my favorite game so far. Very cozy and atmospheric. The ocean zone is a little overpowered with legendary cards everywhere. It makes the tow cost not a problem. You could probably speedrun this if you just are able to get out there and fish a strong shell card. I might've balanced that a bit better, but that's a small change for an excellent game. Well done.

The aesthetic is really nice. The music was a bit too short. I like the town builder genre and many things work well for this one. However, I couldn't figure out how to repair and destroy things which caused me to die once lightning hit since I wasn't able to get enough for lightning rods before the first strike. I really like the idea.