I thought it was really fun, but I really didn't understand it... I like frogs though!
Connor Wolf
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This is a good submission!
I don't really feel like I'm doing anything meaningful at a certain point. Once I got my build going, I'm not sure it could ever lose. Repeatedly doubling a value is a quick way to go to infinity. I think the game could do with a bit more balancing and a rework of some existing mutations.
Web build seems a bit outdated. I switched to desktop because I saw you had a sound designer but didn't hear any audio.
Good luck with the competition!
Very fun platform mini-game!
I enjoyed the sound effects and particle effects quite a bit! They add a lot to the gamefeel and help the player see the results of their actions. The randomizing of the map suits itself well to an arcade-style high-score game, where the player is motivated to continue attempting new runs for the coveted godlike RNG.
That being said, I do wish there was more to interact with in the map. Besides the jump-boosters, I didn't find myself really thinking much aside from "Go left... Go right." Aerial boosters, low gravity sections, black holes... Something else would've made navigating the maps feel more engaging rather than holding a direction and spamming boost/jetpack. Could've also helped lean a bit more into the "momentum" theme, which I'm guessing is what you went with here.
Felt super retro and nailed the aesthetic. Funny cover image. Good game! Good luck with the competition!
This game rocks, and I'd love to see it in one of the top spots.
I really don't have much advice to give about this game. It's got a short and understandable game loop that's easy to pick up and play. I think there could be a bit more variation in the gameplay, but all in all it's a nice little piece.
A bit of polish and flashy effects and you're looking at a great mobile game.
Best of the top-down shooters I've seen so far!
There's a lot of polish that is put into this game, and it feels pretty good! I played this game when you first submitted it, and it's impressive how quickly you polished it up during the jam! The arena felt unique, but I wish there was a bit more to do while waiting for the slugs.
You thought you could sneak in a little adaptive audio didn't you? I freaking LOVE adaptive audio, and you got that going in a game jam? At first I thought I was imagining it, but then I realized I was right! When the slugs start spawning, the music gets funkier! Nice touch, that's a super neat detail!
I will say, the game felt pretty hard to me. I can see from your screenshot that you've got other arenas, but I wasn't able to make it to any of them. Unless I'm missing something core about the game, that probably means pulling back on the difficulty is the way to go. You always want to err on the side of players seeing all of your content.
Everything felt cohesive and fun. I wish there was more content, but that's always how you should feel after playing a good game.
Great job, and good luck with the competition!
Thank you so much for the review!
I'm not sure if you checked the instructions page, but the dodge mechanic you suggested is actually in the game! Press the space bar while moving left or right and you'll dash in that direction. I believe you can find that in the instructions page in game.
Glad you enjoyed the design and animations! Wish you the best of luck in the competition!
Very clean-looking game with crisp visuals and clear player-feedback.
I'm guessing this is supposed to go along with music, but you ran out of time or ran into a bug. In that case, I bet would've been super cool!
I don't really have much to say about the gameplay, other than there isn't much chance to swap your mutation during the game. If there was a way to switch between colors easier, it would make the game more interactive.
Neat visuals!
I liked the idea of having multiple player characters, but I would've loved to been able to switch during gameplay. I think that would've helped feed into the theme of mutation in an interesting way!
I think you could also focus a bit on player feedback. It's a bit unclear what the goals are for the player unless you read the itch page.
Great job submitting an interesting game!
This is a fun game that would great on mobile.
I'm a bit confused on what the lose condition of the game is, but other than that it seems very straightforward! I do wish there was a little preview coming off of your ball as to the direction you were going to fire. The two+ planet trickshots seem nearly impossible, but accidently hitting one was incredibly satisfying.
Not much to go on here about the theme. Whether you went with momentum or mutation, I couldn't see anything that really stood out to me in that regard.
The game seems very clean and polished from an aesthetic standpoint. Everything seems cohesive and with a clear minimalist style. Great job!
The sweet sweet lore~
I love the cutscene at the beginning. Rat lore.
The style of the game has a very unique feel, and I love it. I do think that you could spend more time in the future on fine-tuning the gameplay, as it currently doesn't feel very concise. Each mutation feels... Odd. Controls switching during gameplay is also very odd. If you gave the player a heads-up, or streamlined the controls, I think it would be much more enjoyable.
There is a ton of content in this game!
Wow, you clearly have a lot of talent for quick creation and prototyping. This game has a lot of content and a lot of different systems. Personally, I think that half of the content you have would still be plenty. You could then use that extra time working towards things that your game is lacking in, namely...
Player satisfaction. There's not enough of it in this game to feel good. Getting an item is quick and snappy, but none of the items feel particularly powerful. Instead of adding more content, focus on fine-tuning the content you have and making it feel better. A flash when an enemy is hit or a bit of camera shake when a player shoots would go a long way.
Great game that with a bit of polish would really shine.
As many folks have said, very pretty but no sound!
While the gameplay is fun, there is a lot to be desired as far as clarity goes. I couldn't easily tell what mutations I was getting outside of things like the pea-shooter or spike plants. I would've liked to see some text pop-up when I completed a mutation with maybe a little blurb on what I gained.
The game seemed to get too difficult too quickly, which it understandable. Balance is tricky during game-jams.
You're a very talented pixel-artist, and should be proud of what you've made here! Great job!
This game is fun, and bears a lot of similarities to the game Paper Plane.
The collectables are an interesting addition to the game, but unfortunately they are completely random. The fun of Paper Plane comes from the demand of precision, and you've captured that excellently here. The collectable addition seems more like an addition rather than an integral part of the game because the player really doesn't have much choice on whether they collect them or not. At the end of the day, the player MUST keep the bird alive, and they CAN get the collectables. That means that they're never really incentivized to go out of their way to get collectables.
I like this game, but I think you could add some more unique mechanics to spice it up.
Great job!
Oh, this slaps!
What a cool gameplay-loop! I'm sure I don't need to mention the difficulty. I would've loved to see some of the other mutations, but I'm just not good enough to see that content...
Personally, I think that while the animations are crispy, there needs to be more of a telegraph on the Alchemist's attacks. I'm sure with enough time you could learn what each pattern does, but given the fact that this is a short game, players need to be able to pick up on them quicker. The hitboxes also seem quite unforgiving.
I was not a fan of attacking in the direction you're moving. I felt like I didn't have enough control of my character in an already movement-demanding game.
The aesthetics of the game are top-notch, but there needs to be more attention to the polish.