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A member registered Mar 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the icons. I used the health and magic icons in my recent jam game.

Thank you for the music, I've used it in my Recent Jam Game

Just looked up what you meant. Thanks for pointing that out I had no idea. As said on the game page I used pre made art and sound as I was doing this solo and wanted to concentrate on the gameplay / code.

I'll get this replaced in the next version as it was clearly stolen and slight changes made.

Probably just me missing something then. I also enjoyed the attack animation, it's was fun zipping through the enemies to damage them :D

I really liked the obstacles and random generation. Some times there were combinations where you had to get hit, and some jumpy animations, but having a good health pool helped me not to worry too much about that.

I like that you also put in some story to the game.

As others have said, D & Q for movement was a bit odd on a qwerty keyboard.

OH! Yeah that would be it haha I will give it another go I did not realise, I was trying to position my character to throw then where they were facing. Thank you for clarifying

Enjoyed the game, as others have mentioned I found it hard to keep track of my hp and bombs etc. I also couldnt find enough keys on one level to get through the door after killing all the enemies.

Multiple enemy types and the way that they show they are going to attack was good.

Fun game! i had a bit of a hard time seeing enemies when there was so much on the screen but other than that it was a really well polished game and a cool concept.

Felt a lot like playing necrodancer, found myself moving in time with the music even though there was no need. It was nice that enemies had different behaviours and the map reveals were well done.

Enjoyed the game, at first I kept dieing to enemies attacking me very fast when I went in a room. It would be nice if you had a second or two where you couldnt take damage after you have been hit.

It would also be good if you could hold the fire button instead of repeated clicks as that makes my fingers quite sore!

I  think with a bit of work and some art this game could turn out well. Thank you for sharing.

Good fun and well polished, sound design and presentation were great.

Really enjoyed the concept of this, it took me some time to understand the mechanics but when it clicked it was fun making decisions on how best to lay out the map.

I did find that if you just put a simple path and just try to include gold, then spam the start button you can get a lot of gold very quickly and cheese the game. Maybe disable the button whilst the character is moving to fix this?

The art and ideas were great though, thank you for sharing.

Enjoyed the game, it was fun reading all of the randomly generated emails that popup. The gameplay was a bit too repetitive for me input wise, It was quite the strain on my fingers doing to same quick clicking motion so much.

As with others, I got stuck at the startup screen but managed to get through it by randomly clicking. I thought the game was broken at first.

Thank you for sharing!

Enjoyed the concept of the game, the visuals were a bit much for me though and made me feel a bit sick with all the flashing and rotating.

Gameplay was good, as others have said there were some collision issues. The volume was also a bit loud.

My best was 68, thank you for sharing!

The art and sound are really well done, I really like the whole presentation.

I'm not sure if I was doing something wrong, but I had real trouble getting the bags to land in the truck, it would have been nice if there was a throw that went directly up instead of diaognally. Sometimes trash would also not spawn for half of the time limit which was a shame.

Thank you for sharing, it was fun to play.

Very nice art and atmosphere. I really like the design of the player character.

I found the enemies overwhelmed me very quickly and I was just taking a few steps at a time before holding my attack and hoping there was a refill point near. If there wasn't I would backtrack to my last one to be safe. It would be nice to have some more enemies or different attacks, but for 3 days it was grand.

Thank you for sharing your game.

I enjoyed the game, thank you for sharing it.

I found the levels at the start were a bit too small, I could usually skip straight over the top of them all once I figured out what i needed to do. I also found that the character was hard to control whilst you were moving so fast.

I enjoyed the concept though, and as much as it felt like cheating, hoping over the top of the first walls was quite satisfying. I managed to get to level 28 before getting lost.

Thanks for sharing your game!

The performance of it wasn't good for me, every time i moved the screen froze for a second which made it hard to stay alive but i did my best.

I like the art of the character and the title screen / background. Gameplay seemed simple but worked apart from the performance issues. I made it to about 15 points as my best.

Enjoyed the game, it was fun to jump around and shoot things. I like how the movement feels. It was good to have upgrades that all feel different and helpful.

It was a bit annoying that on my best run, i died due to an enemy spawning on top of me during a level switch. But overall a very cute and enjoyable game. Thank you for sharing!

Lots of nice design aspects to the game, i like the multiple weapon types and different enemies. I think the AI can be improved as most of them decided to walk past me and get stuck on the left wall. I like the art and music though, the robots are really well done. I got to 30,000 points and called it a day.

I did have this funny map generate as well :D

Thank you for sharing your game!

Enjoyed the challenge of this game. Very simple, I would echo what Zomare said about the buttons taking some getting used to though.

It took me a couple of attempts to figure out you shouldn't jump on the spikey guys, and at one point I automatically picked up an upgrade since the last enemy was at the edge of the screen.

Beat the game with 728 points :D Thank you for sharing.

Really impressive! I loved the art, sound and UI. I really like the title screen being a tutorial level, it helped me understand the game before I even got started.

Feedback wise, i think the doors as the end of the level could use some work. I didn't notice the first one appear so was stuck for some time. And kept finding myself back tracking a lot because if there were multiple doors I wasn't sure which one went where. In the power up room I also jumped into the first powerup before I realised that if you stand under them it would tell you what they are.

Very good though, a level of polish I would love to achieve for my own games.

Fun game! I loved the drilling effects and inclusion of a score counter. I had a bit of a hard time controlling the drill when I got a couple of speed boosts, i found that if i held up then switch to a side I would continue sliding up until I hit something. I also had a lot of enemies spawn in walls so I could just ignore them.

Overall a nice polished game though, thank you for sharing!