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A member registered Aug 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Haha thank you! Your first comment really warmed our hearts and grew our confidence in showing this game to others :)

haha no points docked for it, I'm a big horror fan anyways. Just wasn't expecting to see his skull.

(2 edits)

Something about this game really resonated with me. Love a cozy deck builder, and the themes of built to scale really come through here. You can really build a deck that scales numbers in a very satisfying way. Agree with others that beginning is slow but not sure if that's bad. The pacing of the game is cozy and it feels kinda right.

I would have liked an explanation of how sun and water combined. Eventually I realized it was multiplication. Maybe it would also make sense to have too great an imbalance actually harm the plant. Like in real life if you have too much sun / water it can be harmful to the plant beyond just slowing the growth.

Anyways just have a lot of thoughts because I really liked it 5/5*

(2 edits)

Don't know why, but this game couldn't run on my computer. Did you export with .pck embedded or nah?

How did you make this in only a few hours before submission. That's crazy! Very cute little pet sim. Simple, but neat!

Wow very difficult, but fun typing game. The style art and music are all 10/10. Interested in how you'd mix up levels beyond typing keys. Also great job having a very clear intro and tutorial!

Really cool game. Ramps in intensity in a very fun way.

Really cool idea having the aging mechanic tie to changing everything around you. Reminds me of the board game "That Time You Killed Me". Would love to see this developed further. The platforming was a little wonky sometimes, but the puzzles were elegantly designed and interesting!

This is awesome. Uses scale in such a unique way. Love how gameplay is totally different with different sizes. The frog gore when the frog dies really shocked me lol. The mechanics are all so well polished, and the level design is challenging but not frustrating. Good job!

Really cool! Wasn't sure how to hook up the timers, so I think I'm missing something, but this is such a clever idea and fits the theme so well. I could see some levels with goals to make particular sounds or sounds meeting certain requirements. Could be a useful tool for visualizing music theory.

Really nice style. Bummer about the bugs. I totally see where this design is going and it matches the theme well.

Fun story! Cool that you got an objective system working in a jam. Feels like a lot more of a story than most jam games. Well done.

This is cool! Nice a see a deckbuilder in the jam. Also like the style choices with color and aspect ratio a lot!

Neat control scheme! A unique take on platforming :)

Wow that game has such a wonderful and artistic sense of scale. Music and animations were both beautiful and mysterious. Thank you for a fun emotional short game!

(1 edit)

Amazing! You got so many worlds in such a short time. This is totally a sellable game. Good job! Also the adherence to theme is great.

Wow this is very functional factory game. Seems like you got all the systems working real well in a short jam. That's awesome. Took quite a bit of experimentation. Could be improved by some clearer graphics or tutorial. Having all the ore sources be the same color made it hard to tell what they produced.

Wow making a 3D game with this much style during a game jam is super impressive. You should be proud. Unfortunately have some performance issues on my craptop right now but I'll try again later.

Very satisfying and polished game! Love seeing the numbers go up haha

Really really cool aesthetic and music. I could totally envision the  music scaling as your factory scales. Hope you get a chance to finish it up after the jam. I'd love to play the finished version!

Very cute and fits the theme well! Love the style choices.

Great job! Amazed at how many levels you fit in the game! All the puzzles are very clever. I found myself occasionally confused about why an object would also move when I scaled it sometimes but not all the time.

Really neat control scheme. We did something like this for a jam a few years back. It's cool to see someone exploring similar concepts. Seems like there might be a full game there!

Bummer that you couldn't complete it but I like the puzzles you did design and the art! Also good play on a classic phrase.

Good job! Fun little maze. Think the colliders may have been a bit off on the eye, but maybe I missed something about how that works. Good use of theme too.

(1 edit)

This is fantastic. I've wanted to do a horror game for a jam for a while, but always been scared because it seems so hard. You show that it can be done very well with a high degree of polish.  Well done! (Also I was very scared)

This is awesome. The fact that you designed an interconnected metroidvania in just jam time is crazy. That takes a lot of skill and intentional design. Y'all should be super proud.

(1 edit)

Awesome game. The play on words is hilarious. The detail in all the rooms and animation is fantastic. This is super polished and y'all should be proud!

Very cute art and fun little game! Was a little control-confused at first then found the how to play section.

It's like space invaders + tetris + tower defense in all the right ways. Very frantic and fun!

(1 edit)

I'm so glad you both liked it so much! It actually does have 2 controller support, but the markings on the wall don't show it in the game!

Really cool game! The second I saw I needed to calibrate my screen size I was in. Left a rating. Would love if you could check out our game too!

I love this graphical style. The game is so atmospheric and eerie. I left a rating for your submission page. Would love if you took a look at our game too!

The animations are soooo cute

This game is so awesome. Love the 1 bit design. So challenging, but very fun.

Awesome! The polish on this is great. Love the frying sounds and animation. We also did a tetris/platformer mashup!

I've just released the free open beta of my tabletop role playing game Thieves of the Tome! This acidpunk spellcasting game uses real books. In the game, you will steal magic from evil people, wield prismatic chaos, and embrace your destiny! If you are interested in playtesting a cool game and shaping the future of this unique RPG, please join the beta and provide feedback!

Thieves of the Tome Open Beta

Some sample pages from within:

If you have a question about a particular rule please ask it here. I will happily clarify (and maybe change the book to make it clearer).

Please post feedback in this thread. In particular I am looking for feedback from GM's. If you would rather submit feedback directly to me than use this public forum, please use this google form.

Main Feedback Points:

  1. What parts of the game were confusing or hard to parse from the rulebook?
  2. What rules were hard to find while playing the game?
  3. GM Only: How would you approach running this game online?
  4. GM Only: How did you run the game? Did you use the suggested GM Sheet without prepping, or prepare a more detailed adventure?
  5. GM Only: Did you try a campaign? Could you envision playing multiple sessions with the same characters?

There are some truly blursed randomly generated people in this game.