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A member registered Sep 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Great entry! The gameplay loop and mechanics are quite easy to pick up and play, but engaging nonetheless. I played both single-player and co-op and it's even more fun with someone. The feeling of getting a dash in at the last possible moment is unparalleled haha.

One small note, maybe the vulnerability windows for the bosses could be extended a bit, because in co-op what will happen often is that both players will go for the same objective (let's say for example, the claw) and the second one will end up missing.

Congratz and good luck!

That's some dedication, thanks a lot! We're working on polishing the ending, so that will probably get addressed.

Great aeshetic and pretty cool and innovative take on the theme. I particularly loved the fluid physics and the out-there controls, really made an impression on me.

Just a nitpick, I think the slowdown on getting hit coupled with the amount of stuff on screen may be too much at times, it gets difficult to see the projectiles. 

Standout entry, best of luck guys!

Congratz on the entry! I managed to beat it with the last sliver of health! The game does need some polish but the idea is there. If you keep updating it, I would really recommend adding a marker in the middle of the screen.

Good luck!

Congratz on the entry! Game is really fun and the concept feels like it has a lot potential if explored further. At first it took a little bit to understand that I had to land on the yellow chip and sometimes there's too little time between the round start and finish.

Overall, I ended up liking it way more than I expected, good luck!

Thanks a lot! We thought about giving it kb+m support, but the game's concept really works better with the controller.

Good luck to you too!

Very fun entry, ended up beating it and liking it way more than I expected, great boss design and well though out character controls. Keeping track of all weapons while avoiding the enemy patterns is a thrill. Maybe there should be a little less downtime between collecting ammo packs.

Thanks for the cookie!

Incredible game and a really cool implementation on the theme. It has one of the most unique mechanic I've seen in the jam and it's a really fun and polished one to boot!

Aiming and spiting the slime strategically to gain even more inertia is great fun, and I greatly enjoyed the stage hazards factoring in the boss fights. The presentation is also slick and hell, giving a weirdly repulsive (in the best way) feel in both the in-game graphics and the cutscenes (amazed you even managed to fit in cutscenes).

My two small issues were technical, as I had some slowdown from the second boss onwards and I falled out of the stage in the third boss.

Great entry and one of my favourites so far! Will be following you guys!

Incredible vibes and aesthetic, I particularly loved the design of the bosses. I really enjoyed mixing the different chips which is saying a lot, because in a jam environment is really difficult to make this kind of character progress obvious for the player and still fun.

I went with Archetype Barrel, Dynamic Advantatge and Bartender's Cellar Barrel, and when I rolled Shotgun with explosive shells and Speed up, I decimated the bosses' lifebar. 

If I have any criticism is that attacks overall lack anticipation, with the changes in animation of the bosses getting difficult to see from afar.

Great entry people! Congrats!

The art direction is really good, the cutscene artwork especially worked for me. The bosses' attacks feel very hard to avoid and block, but I liked that their patterns are pretty on theme.

Once you get used to the controls it's way better but the character's movement and attacks feel somewhat sluggish and I think the attack action is not completely related to the animation (I found out that you can spam it although the animation doesn't seem to follow).

Overall, nice job on the submission though! Great luck!

Nice visuals, the concept and overall aesthetic are strong and the ideas are well thought out and fit well by the theme. The main takeback here is that the animations of the player, while great-looking, do not gel well with the design of the boss and feel too sluggish overall.

I really think the concept has a lot of potential and with some minor tweaks in timings, the fight against the first boss would be a great proof of concept. 

Thanks for playing!

Do you remember which boss encounter? We are working on a balance patch post-jam so it would helps us a lot to get feedback on that front.

Thank you so much! 😊

About the controls, we really liked the idea of making the player spin both joysticks, although I can totally understand your point that it gets too much at times haha.

(1 edit)

Pretty cool game, nice use of the theme and it feels really good to control and play. The bosses have nice patterns that can be learned and mastered, which is an enormous plus, but they take way too long to kill. This together with the fact that their health doesn't show can make the fights feel like they drag a lot.

The quality of the game design in place here is fantastic, and way more than it looks when you start playing.

Pretty cool game, nice use of the theme and it feels really good to control and play. The bosses have nice patterns that can be learned and mastered, which is an enormous plus, but they take way too long to kill. This together with the fact that their health doesn't show can make the fights feel like they drag a lot.

Truly amazing aesthetic and top notch juice, this is one without a doubt one of my favourites from this jam. The controls get a bit to take used to (I do appreciate all the helpful tutorials in the page) but once you get them you cannot stop playing.

My only criticism is that  it stretches a little bit thin the definition of boss rush, but overall congratulations to the team for making such a polished and fun game.

Very cool theming, with great characters designs and a cool world, I was surprised to see how many little details you managed to cram in. I also liked having four different weapons with very different uses, I tried to adapt to each of the bosses. 
I think the boss battles themselves need a little bit more balancing, as you can face-tank the majority of their attacks, which also sucks out some of the fun of alternating between weapons (as you can stand in front of the boss and go swinging your melee until it dies).

Overall though, very nice entry!

The concept is incredible and actually really unique. I kinda love it all the more because it's the type of game that you can practically only experience in these types of game jams. However, there are some small tweaks that I think could improve the experience a lot:

  • With sound enemies, it isn't clear which sounds indicate the side and which don't. After playing some more, I figured out that the second sound signals the player that the enemy has been blocked successfully, but that was entirely by trial and error. Maybe a visual cue could help, make your block have a little bounceback or smth.
  • Vibrator enemies don't work as well as the others as the nature of the signal doesn't directly relate to their position. It would be nice if there's an actual reminder on the screen of which vibration relates to what direction.
  • This isn't a small tweak at all, but being a downloadable + needing both a controller and a headset may throw off a lot of people. I know it's integral to the concept, but maybe giving a big warning both in-game and in the page would be nice. 

PS: I got to Level 6, the game really goes crazy (in a good way) when the enemies start mixing

Cool idea,  it feels pretty unique and stands apart from other entries. I'd love it if the animals change every round. In the first time you play, the game doesn't make it very clear when the listening part is over, there could be an indicator of some sort. 

Thanks a lot for the feedback, glad you liked it! Actually, the timer was supposed to shorten between each customer, but I didn't get it to work right before the three-hour limit D: 

Thanks! We actually did all the voice recordings ourselves, so that's our music guy screaming at the mic :D

Thank you! We implemented the moving penality on purpose so the player isn't constantly spinning around, but several people have pointed it to us as something wrong, so we should probably rethink that...

Thank you for the kind feedback!!

Actually amazing idea, would love to see it in action in a more fleshed out game.

The player's hitbox is way too big, which paired with the slow speed very often got me in what felt like an unwinnable situation.

I love the art and the aesthetic of the game. Both the main character and the final boss are very expressive and their personality comes out beautifully with each frame. The physics based puzzles are nice, but sometimes there are too many objects and pushing the right one gets clunky.

Getting killed in one hit can be pretty brutal, especially on the boss fights, which can feel pretty random due to the attacks not being telegraphed enough. For example, in the last boss, the projectile that come from below are almost impossible to avoid on reaction.

Congrats on the submission!

Love the artwork, specially the main character design and animations. The project really commits to the metroidvania aspect, and the order in which you encounter enemies and obstacles that you cannot yet overcome makes the character progression more meaningful.

The combat does get a bit repetitive, due to the enemies not really presenting any challenge to the player. 

Congrats on the submission!

Had a great time playing the game, didn't expect the boss at the end. The gunplay feels a bit lacking due to the player not having any way to avoid or defend against enemy attacks. 

I do like the aesthetic of the game, it really gets the vibe of a retro licensed game of a cheesy action movie. The platforming feels really difficult and the lack of checkpoints can get frustating, but I had a lot of fun figuring out the best way of besting each group of enemies.

Congrats on the submission!