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A member registered Aug 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Cool first try!  Graphics look good.  The animations look good, but could use more movement next time, try adding some bounce after planting a foot and some jiggle to the head on impacts.  

Was a good base, but it wasn't apparent how i was supposed to move.  At times i had parts of my blob that stuck around, others i just stopped moving all together after a couple of pellets.  Felt more frustrating than fun.

Good job!   Keep learning.  graphics were nice, but just need a few things like a restart on death and maybe a higher jump.  it was hard to get to platforms most of the time due to the jump height.

Though it was a good entry, but as others have said a little bit of tuning would have made it great!

Was ok, but could have used some more design.  I got stuck on a level where the spawn point was surrounded on all sides by impassable water and mountains without access to tools.  The gameplay loop was look at the end, grab the one or two tools i needed and leave.  Could have used some more mutation themes.  Good attempt though!

Strong idea, though the gameplay could use some more improvements, i agree with other comments about the elements that could improve.  Otherwise good job!

Nice little game, super simple to get and just play.  Liked the music and the atmosphere.  It could use a bit more indicators like showing a simple hit flash or something when the player takes damage.  

Really strong entry, polished and well made.  Though the puzzle isnt much of a puzzle as it is too free with choice to finish.  Great overall though.

Yep another player mentioned the same issue. Units are made on a timer and use ORE.  Its random which unit gets built based on if the timer comes around when you happen to have enough ore to make a unit.  I am working on the production system and will update the game sometime in the future.  Thanks for playing!

Yeah the collectors have an issue where if they are collecting, they dont "belong" to the base, and so you cant send them out.  As the game is submitted to the jam, units are just made on a timer and each costs ORE to make.  So it takes a while to ramp up.  I've already got updates to production in the project, but the AI then needs some updating to use these new features.  I hope to work more on it in my offtime. Thanks for playing!

Yeah a lot of the UI issues were there due to time constraints, it was a get it in and working and move on as we had set some lofty goals as does happen.  Thanks for playing!

You got it right on the head, we used mushroom wars as our inspiration.  The mutators change any unit that passes through a base.  Once a unit goes through a base it gets a mutator based on the ones equipped on the base.  If up upgrade any of the bases you can equip specific mutators from the list.  

We wanted to add an instruction page when you start but we were fighting with build errors that took longer than we wanted which sucked up the time allocated to make an instruction page.

I've already made some changes to the game and will make some updates in the future when I have free time which will require more re-balancing for sure.  Thanks for playing!

Thanks everyone for playing! 

Ha, not much, i tried it a few times to see if it was a bug that i caught... but i couldnt get anything else to happen.  

Thanks for playing, we had a few bugs, one you encountered where "New game" broke it.  We wanted to make a "How To" page, but time slipped.  Thanks for streaming was fun to watch!

Good idea, simple to pickup, wish the "Reload" said "Reloading" to know i wasnt supposed to push a button to reload.  Other than that, good job!

Nice idea, needs some more refinement, but the block building is cool  AI is a little easy to hit due to them not reacting to getting hit, only on screen.  

Was a game, needs more theme.  The small upgrades were not enough to mutate the player.

That was cool!  i enjoyed it, though the when the timer ran out, nothing happened.  Cool idea with the changing of sizes and stuff.  Though im not sure if the mutated bunnies actually had an effect on the eggs as i bred two huge bunnies, but their eggs were always normal.

Overall a good entry nice story

Nice!  really on theme, and has a cool idea.  restart does not work, but overall really cool example!

Not sure i understood the method of discovering the monster.  I also dont see the mutation theme.

Polished, good idea, not too easy.  Good Job!

not sure what the gameplay is, but its a thing!

Great idea, good graphics and gameplay is good.  Need some bugs fixed for shooting different mutators.  

No gameplay, so its hard to rate it. Good attempt!

Was good, needs a quit game button, but otherwise was good.  Liked the idea of the radiation enhancing your ship.

Unfinished game, but graphics and intro were cool... fish look funny.

I enjoy the idea, but would have liked it more if i could do more fishing before dying.  

Nice, though had some issues with getting stuck on walls when jumping too near to them from the ground.

Great idea, could have been longer, but you made a full game with  the theme.

Enjoyed the theme, graphics an audio were good and made it feel like lab.  

Good idea, liked the mutation of actual gameplay.

0:44 took a few tries. Not seeing the mutation theme in this though.

I enjoyed that, was fun, good art.  Needs a goal and more random enemies. sailed around for a while and only got to fight once then got beached on a rock.

Good graphics, but the game was broken.  I killed the first enemy, got the loot screen and from then on, i couldnt die and couldnt get rid of the loot screen during combat.

All i got was a green ball that blue up the blue ball.  After which an orange explosion played over and over.  No input worked i tried all keys on the keyboard, no mouse nothing.  Waited to see if something would happen but got nothing.  Had to kill it from the task manager.

Good puzzle, but was a little slow.  otherwise it was really cool, i would play this normally if there were more modifiers and it was a bit faster, I played until the sacrifice level.