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A member registered Aug 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Work is completely automated once you get the first reset (which, as others have pointed out, is quite slow; But automation *does* exist)


It appears in the 4th tab, albeit quite muted

The theme definitely comes a little bit late yes. I originally intended it to be much earlier but I got too carried away with the duality between stress and "other things" that I didn't really come back to the concept until there was little time left. There was an additional duality I wanted to visit about choosing to fight for equality between lunes and sols people, or *not doing that*. This is implemented extremely roughly at the end of the game

The settlements are frustrating indeed--they came on the last day of development and I didn't really bother balancing them. It's probably quicker to get the e7 lunarity without them and instead just getting as many quick resets as possible (There should be a label that says "the game isn't balanced beyond this point" when they appear but perhaps it's not implemented correctly.)

There are multiple upgrades that seem innocuous but greatly increase stress (just as in real life!). You have to figure out how to avoid them while still reaching 1e6 stress to unlock education in a reasonable time

There is an upgrade that makes use of sol shards if you take the equality path

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You can get the two rebirth upgrades which makes things way easier (If you do it right you should need only ~10-20 resets for each) 

It was just there to make sure people don't somehow softlock their save. (I don't think it's actually possible now, dubious is more than enough to bring stress up)

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That's odd-- I thought I'd balanced the game so that nearly all lunarity upgrades were attainable within 3 rebirths at most. Perhaps you're buying too many copies of "dubious" each rebirth (Someone mentioned that 3 was the sweet spot for quick progress)

If not, the solution is probably just to idle a bit more. The balancing is quite off since I let the game run while I developed it to save time, which probably contributed to this issue a fair bit

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The balance is definitely somewhat off, but it's influenced quite heavily by your strategy (One mistake some people make is getting "dubious" too much quite early on, which easily tanks lunarity gain)

It would probably be best to play this concurrently with other games though, since it is still admittedly quite slow. This was how balancing was done when I was developing the game 

Hint 1: There are some seemingly innocuous upgrades that increase stress. 

Hint 2: Can you get to 1e6 stress without having to rely on stress multipliers?

The first rebirth always gives 1 lunarity to make sure nothing dumb happens. I could have made it give 0.1 instead to make the flow "feel better", but the balance would be the same

This feature is actually something built into webpages-- pressing enter will click the currently active button.

(This also means the game would be significantly harder on mobile, but the UI is not designed for mobile at the moment)

Did some digging- The issue appears to be highly specific and I haven't been able to reproduce it so far. If all else fails you can try playing it over at

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Can you give me a copy of your save? You can do it via discord or by going to the github repository and opening an issue

Edit: sorry, I realised this issue already existed a year ago. Some say it's an issue when you download the game as an application specifically, I'll try fixing it

This wasn't really planned out- you can correct it currently simply by not making any elixir the second time (or making and storing it instead of upgrading)

Yes I will admit having deliberately clunky controls was probably somewhat of a bad idea. I might add some easy mode or such that has more sensible controls post-jam

There isn't an endgame past lasers, that's just where the game ends as of now

Fun short little game, kind of took me a while to remember that there was a document explaining controls. It's convention to put controls in's description.

Themewise I'm not really getting it other than renaming health to energy

No. I originally wanted to add gravitation to make it especially frustrating to play, but then kind of ran out of time

Yeah, I see that now, very nice take on "energy" 

To be quite frankly honest, there's not really much interesting going on, mostly just a currency rebranding of the general TMT mod-style incremental. Regardless, this is a good attempt at your second game prototype- It was where I started too, after all, you'll eventually find more and more interesting ideas to tack on.

Itch doesn't let me post images, the full feedback is here:

I thought both upgrades could reduce the chance for error while shooting and they did at least for me. I might just be bad at my own game

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This looks like a bug where the moving gets kind of wonky; Same problem as alterhistorian, since I used the same framework to handle panning and zooming. ~~I'll disable it on mobile since, unlike alterhistorian, the game seems somewhat playable there~~

Edit: It actually isn't playable on mobile, some upgrades go offscreen after you unlock enough things. I will work on making the pan and zoom controls work on mobile which might fix alterhistorians' - When I do have the time of course

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Fun little game, maybe a bit too fun because I didn't check upgrades at the beginning. The prestige layers feel a bit haphazardly tacked on but I do like the antimatter mechanic. I do wish mass and energy were more than currencies and had some sort of effect though like gravitation.

 (Radiation may be a more suitable currency name than light, as EM waves from black holes tend not to reach into the visible spectrum- And additionally, black holes decay via hawking radiation, so it does make a bit of sense)

It reminds me of heartosis's entry with a bit more depth due to the antimatter mechanic.

Even without finishing the game this is an 8.5/10. Very well done implementation of both themes I must say, and it turns the incremental into somewhat of a challenge. Only thing off is the balance and waiting for energy feels a bit sluggish especially at the pipes section. But still very good game

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Looks like I crashed the game after leaving it unfocused too long. The time each frame took to process became progressively longer. Interestingly, same problem I faced while developing "genesis".

If it's worth anything: The best thing to do here is to probably place a cap on how many particle are displayed, since that's the major source of lag. I also highly recommend drawing circles in canvas instead of creating a new HTML element for each particle.

Very solid game , liked the tower offense a lot like many others did, it feels less like a hard incremental like many other games here do. Took around 26 minutes to beat the game, had ok fun figuring out setups and everything. Unsure about how much it actually adheres to the theme though since it seems like energy never appears

The recipe chains at robots get hard to follow and because of how limited fire is it's not really useful to assign multiple droids to take on each recipe. The end result is that they get dragged out a lot. And also the screen size becomes a problem.

The start was quite promising with a bit of gradual expansion and some adherence to the theme. After a while energy just stopped being a problem at all and you never really cared about it much, and the sprawling UI after unlocking laptops was a bit daunting. Also turns into a bit of a waiting game with laptops, end is basically waiting 2000 seconds for all laptops to finish. A bit weak on the balance side but the start is quite promising and I would like to see some more expansion with less hectic recipes and generally better automation and abilities to upgrade the speed at which you gain resources in general to avoid very obvious bottlenecks

Really great concept- Once I saw the swapping of roles I just had to give it 5 stars for uniqueness and theme. Unfortunately the strategy seems to kind of upgrade a bit then sit and wait each time, and some upgrades seem to either not work like HP regen, or update values for other upgrades like in the case of blocking bullets. Would love to see a bugfixed and better balanced version of this post-jam.

Neat little game which has a reasonable take on the theme and a slight bit of strategy. It did start to feel quite confusing as progress appeared to stop being made after some point though. Going to have to deduct a few originality points since the layout seems similar to that of a generic incremental. Overall it's not bad and there is a fair amount of content for a 14-day jam game

Thanks, wasn't really expecting this game to be liked so well lmao
I originally planned to make the goal to turn the box into a black hole, where mass would play an effect as it sucked in your lasers and you had to constantly build new ones, but I procrastinated on other things for a bit too long to implement that

Overall ok fun game, a nice expansion on top of communal cauldron with the ability to place down tiles to affect what buildings do, I wish it were expanded upon more apart from getting resources but the time limit is tight.

I'm not sure how well it adheres to the theme. There is an energy mechanic to be sure but I'm not sure what mass is supposed to be

no, I made the game on rather short notice so there's not really much happening sorry

You get essence itself by distilling the essence of power. Use essence to power up the machine, then you can extract it from lava to get vitriol. Check which inputs are allowed on each machine and you'll have a pretty good guess at what goes where

It's useful for beating the game

Uhhh, congrats on actually beating the game I guess 

I'm not actually sure how to do that--least of all making the UI look at all good on mobile. This isn't my largest priority at the moment since the code is still quite messy and needs a lot of cleaning up

Okay I am very sorry can you export your save and send it over in the discord server as a .txt file thanks