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A member registered Oct 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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Great game, the atmosphere was awesome, i actually felt in distress whenever the pod fell down, and then that last part... damn i got scared lol

The concept, music and visuals are great,  but i think it could have an easier difficulty curve, it's super hard from the get go.

 I like this one a lot! Game is very fun! Loved It !

The MC is so kawaii <3

Are we allowed to take into consideration the x y coordinates of the Tap on the screen ?

Like, moving a object to the tap position, or if you are holding the tap make the object follow your tap.

I saw this jam one week after it already started, and this was my first time using Crayta and programing in Lua and CSS so i had to learn all of them on the fly, but i've managed to complete this project.

A big thanks to the Crayta Discord comunity and the guy on Crayta youtube channel that made those quick guides, it was a big help in my process of learning,  Hope you guys enjoy it.

Link for the game:

Thanks ! <3

I've challenged myself to complete at least one lap, it was fun XD

Fells great now, a lot easier to undersand the rotation process.

Well done the visuals look great, it was enjoyable reading the signs, great work!

Nice game, i liked the aspect where you are force to move all the way until faced with a obstacle, and how the world rotates, but you don't move with it, was really cool.

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The game has some balancing issues i only bought the first upgrade over and over and very quickly i had infinite money, the whole process took less than a minute, but i commend you for trying out your first jam for making and uploading a game, well done.

Interesting concept, very creative i liked it. Good Job!

Fun game, solid concept and great level desing, good work.

Fun game, really hard, but fun, i just personally didn't like the miss and success sfxs, it sounds like a glitch noise on the audio card it's not pleasant to hear especially constantly.

Oh, i see, here the cups go way faster than what is presented on the video XD

But, the concept is really cool i really enjoy food themed games, and the visuals are super cute, i'll be back post jam to check out the upated version.

How do i play? Couldn't figure it out, i press the LMB sometimes grabs an item sometimes it throws sometime dosen't, i'm totaly lost.

Cool game, the background music is great, that ship who does a "barrel roll" shot caught me by surprise, it was really cool.

This game was so much fun, the tension of having to run with the mouse to spin the gears to save or block a character was great, loved the concept.

I've to disagree with my fellow developer bellow, for me at least the challenge and coordination of having to rotate the mouse and the time it takes to do it is what makes this game challenging and fun, if it was with the scroll i think the game would became way too easy.

Good game but i gotta say that first level is way too hard, it look me a lot of time to get through it, and that intro scene that i can't skip just made it so frustrating, don't get me wrong it's cool that you added it, but after the first time i must have a way to skip it, i lost more time watching that intro over and over again than accuatualy trying to complete the level. But other than this is a really good game, good job.

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Cool concept and gameplay, though sometimes the game feels more like a luck shot than a puzzle, there are so many possible ways to hit the goal that you can just shot in a somewhat good direction and get it anyway.  But  is a really good game nonetheless.

Oh the retry button could show up soon as you shoot the ball.

Man this game is hard, but its super fun trying to survive and kill the enimes, get your shield your rapid fire and go! oh yeah rapid fire is a must!

The mood feels really good like some space trip stuff :D

Super creative game and really cool mechanic, i've enjoyed it a lot, wish it had more levels i wanna keep playing :D

It's kind hard to aim, but is fun to try. Great visuals too btw,  good job.

It's a fun game and a nice mechanic, but the sword feels underpowered and risky, she could have a spin attack that hited everyone around. The way it is now is better to run away and wait for the magic staff and just rampage on the monsters.

The concept is cool, but it's really hard, when the gravity swap happened i was just at loss, it was already hard playing with iverted controlls and then a had to play with the controlls changing all the time.

Fun game and great visuals, it just felt weird that even if you choose the wrong path the option to go to the next level will still show up.

Great game, loved the eviroment mood you created.

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The game is cool, but it could use a feedback for when you hit the stations at the begning when i started shooting one i was wodering if my shots were doing anything to it until after some time it exploded, other than this good job.

Great visuals, the mood in game is super cool it's fun to stroll around looking for the greens.

Good and fun game my own satelites getting hited by the shoots was a nice way of making the game more challenging, more often than not i would fire an asteroid and go focous on another just to find out that shoot didn't went though and i was about to get hited kkkkkk

Ok, didn't realize the commands were on the games page... my bad, thanks to Sock Puppet Studio i was able to play, the concept is great and super original, loved the ideia of making the enemies kill each other by rotating them, good job.


Got it, thanks, i'll play.

Really good game and concept, i had a hard time trying to go up the tower, but it was fun.

Great concept and very original way of making the "gravitational" aspect of the planets, great visuals too and that sound when miss my change to grab a planet is so funny.

How can i play this game? i couldn't figure out the commands aside from movement.

Couldn't understand, i've try out every button and all that i was able to do was move.

Great game and great difficulty progression, i wish that at the end of each level it had a menu asking if you want to continue or try again, because i wanted to try and catch all yellow crystals, but if i hited the goal by mistake the next level would start right away.