Sorry I was out of town the last weekend of voting or I would have! I'm glad you liked our game though 💜
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That player character design sent me back to my childhood, very evocative of custom robo arena. Loved how spacious the tree boss's arena was, gave me a ton of space to move around without really being in danger - perfect for a first boss were you've only just learned the controls.Appreciated the in-game tutorials, though the drilling controls remained a bit unintuitive - it started to click more in the tree level where the main use of it was to get verticality but it still felt weird to suddenly be lurching upwards if I was holding W before entering.
Managed to beat the tree boss but I ended up giving up on car boss as I just couldn't ever catch up to it. Kinda wish I was just moving normally instead of on the bike but I do also appreciate the vibe of being on the bike for a stage like that. Feels like there are threads of a deeper narrative here too, would love to see a full version!
Thank you! We definitely wanted to focus on the silly "spaghetti western" vibes (you can shoot Vick's hat around after he dies) and his intro was supposed to be him trying to literally fly off with one of the train cars. Definitely want to expand more on the lore / narrative reasons for why things are happening and why you're there to stop them
I love the vibes, something about this game feels inspired by the game Carrion (in a good way!). I love how the snake-y movement lends itself to circling around the boss and I appreciated that one of the boss's attacks is to shoot out a bunch of projectiles in a circle.
My main complaint is it feels near impossible to eat your own body to reload the weapon. I gave the boss a few tries but I consistently was unable to reload my weapon.
Lots of potential, looking forward to seeing a future version of this!
What a fun time! I loved the noises as you gained charge and just spinning like crazy into the bosses.
I did end up dropping after dying to the second boss a few times, just something about the controls to actually start spinning around something wasn't clicking to me. I'd sometimes move the opposite direction of the way I'd thought I'd rotate (like if I was above the boss and attached and pressed left, i'd start rotating to the right/clock-wise)
Honestly pretty fun for what it is. My biggest complaint is choosing to start spinning the camera - instant motion sickness. Had to stop playing after that.
I also didn't super understand exactly what I was doing / how to play the game. I just kinda moved and sometimes was shooting. Controls put into the page description would have been lovely, would be happy to play again once the controls are listed somewhere outside the game (as navigating the level-select without really knowing how to play was kinda rough). At least for a little bit anyways, the motion sickness will probably stop me from doing a full playthrough.
I'd love a skip option for the boss intro. Having to wait like 30 seconds between attempts is a bit long for my tastes - especially with the sheer number of projectiles to dodge / clear (since the red ones can be popped). Enjoyed the carnival vibes; the music and showtimey-ness was very silly and fun. The spinning floor felt like it incentivized circling around the boss too.
If there are other bosses, I didn't get to them. Just didn't have it in me to get the skill needed to beat boss 1.
Ah yeah the intent was to warn that danger was coming and you'd need to be prepared to dodge attacks. Definitely with more time we'd liked to have tutorial-ized it a bit better. When you say impact, do you mean something like screen shake? There is a sprite flicker and hurt sfx but maybe its a bit too easy to miss
Loved the concept of being a Crow in a Corn Maze so I had to try it out! Lots of whimsy and charm, really liked the art and music. Found all the characters and dialogue really charming. SPOILERS: ||Also I like the Loch Ness Monster ending, I thought my goal was to find a hat, then pockets to carry the hat but I stumbled on Nessy lol.||
Sounds were a bit loud, got jump scared a bit by it when booting the game lol. Had to turn my system down to compensate.
Wish when pressing a key on dialogue it first displayed the full text / skipped to the end of the text animation and pressing again when text is complete moved to next / closed. Additionally, implementing text wrapping to prevent words being broken across lines would be nice.
Also there's a small gap between the tree's south-east of the hut and I accidentally slipped through that and broke the game, oops.
The mantling system was really cool. Background music was nice and I enjoyed the little coin collection sounds and other SFX but overall the sound was really loud. Would have been nice to have volume control options in the settings.
Mantling system did sometimes mean getting stuck to a wall or box when hitting spikes or having a turret shoot you. Would be nice for damage to disable the mantling or something. Not sure exactly.
Overall think it's a very good entry!
Love the player character, very cute. Enjoyed the variety of enemies, puzzling out how to approach each room was fun. The soundtrack was great, really liked how the different floors have different vibes musically (tho first floor theme was a tad repetitive)
An issue with collision where, when hugging a left-most wall of a room with a closed door, the character would get stuck on the closed door. I think it would be preferable if the door was flush with the wall collision.
Also an issue where when firing downwards and hugging the topmost wall the projectile would instantly collide with the wall. Edit: Actually just seems to be any time you fire the magic in tight spaces, it just hits the wall and you can't kill enemies - a bit frustrating that.
Overall, great time! Was quite fun and I think it fits the jam very well
I appreciate the feedback! If you don't mind, could you elaborate on what you meant by
"Also, d-pad on the left buttons on the right. If you use arrow keys, make sure to add one more mapped button to their right."
I'm guessing there were directional keys I should have added mappings for but I'm not quite following the specifics, apologies.