Play masterful piece of art
Judge feedback is anonymous.
- Oh wow where do I even begin?! I laughed throughout the entire playthrough. The intro was seriously top notch. The music, the art, i loved it all. I was even laughing reading through the GDD. On a more serious note, I LOVED THE IDEA that you're the sparkly weapon on the ground. Once the knight you want to be your adventurer walks by, you light up, and like any gamer... ooo shiny! Brilliant. I liked the idea of finding the enemies weakness, and also being able to block their attacks. Great job! I honestly don't have much for criticism. Everything about it was fun. I trust you all had fun making it. I would love to see more progress and I hope to see another entry from you all in the future!
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
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Summarise your game!
An adventurer gets turned into a sword, and must possess heroes to defeat the lich... in order to get revenge
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
Is there anything you'd like the judges to pay particular attention to?
Just pour your mind out
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what an absolute masterpiece, although i don't think its possible to beat the lich even if you put all your points in the best stat.
Hilarious game. Having a music video intro was awesome. I played a couple times and continued to lose to the Lich, probably because of the upgrade I chose, but when you're faced with that option, you have no other choice.
The intro, what can I say? Better than most tv shows! The music was great!
I let the hero go and waited for another. No such luck.
2nd try, easily beat the first 2 guys and got killed by the third. I wont mention my upgrades but it would make my wife happy.
I'm speechless for the game and laughed my way through it. Keep up the great work!
In the annals of gaming history, 'LICH TURN ME SWORD NOW REVENGE' stands as a towering colossus of unadulterated magnificence. This shitpost masterpiece of a game thrusts you into the steel-clad boots of a knight-turned-sword, hell-bent on possessing hapless heroes to exact vengeance upon a glitchy lich.
Visually, This game made my mental white stuff come out. It's as if the developers handed a toddler a copy of MS Paint and said, "Go on, have at it." The result? It's the perfect blend of "I don't give a single shit", "attention to detail", and "that'll do pig... that'll do".
Now, let's talk upgrades. In a fit of empathy and projection, I chose to channel all my enhancement efforts into increasing my character's 'manhood.' Seven deaths later, courtesy of the relentless lich, I stood firm in my decision.
Was it foolish?
Should I have upgraded the damage?
Also probably.
Would I do it again?
In a heartbeat.
And the music—oh la la, my sweet baby child, the music! The intro assaults your ears with a symphony that can only be described as an auditory onslaught of hope and wonder.
In conclusion, 'LICH TURN ME SWORD NOW REVENGE'... Well, just go and play it. Play it, embrace It, and hold a deontological stance regarding anyone who dares disagree that this...
This is a masterpiece.
(I should get back to work now).
P.S. Gay mechanics are the best mechanics. Solid GDD.
wow the vibe on this is freakin massive
Haha quite fun ! I also lost ;/ but quite creative ! well done !
I couldn't get past the 3rd guy, Am I supposed to try and block attacks by moving to left right up down?
Loved the intro, great work.
How could i lose?! i put all my points into penis size!
"Empires always have the hubris to think they are indestructible, when in fact they are always unsustainable."
Is that hand drawn? Well done!!
jsdhnjgkashdfljhas at one point I got stuck in a room with nobody in it at another point I upgraded my uhh size?
I do feel like this kind of side-stepped the theme with the story, but it’s ok!
Good job!
What uuuh what did I just play? I like the additional loss condition of not hitting space to possess the knight fast enough. Intro was netflix worthy. Good stuff