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A member registered Dec 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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Technically impressive for the restriction, nice work

Enjoyable puzzle plaatformer, controls work well, sound would have made a big difference. Nice work!

Yeah the jumping minigame is not scaled properly, player jump speed should scale, oh well next time! thanks for playing and commenting!

Impressive animations and concept, well done

Fun, addictive and complete game, nice!

Very nice, well done, beat the first 2 bosses but not the third! quite long fights that reward careful timing and resource management.

Did you actually spend that much on unity assets D:

Very fun game, difficult and engaging fights, good visuals, everything made sense. Parroting some other commenters the wheel became quite clunky as the game got harder i.e very slow to switch forward and not being able to switch backwards. Great work.

Fun chill game, looks great, cute sound effects. some light background music would go a long way but otherwise really nice.

Love it, player controls well and bosses were engaging.

Fun game and cool concept, visuals were nice and bosses are creepy (in a good way). The "steps" could be spelled out a little more with UI elements, i was a little confused about when/how my cards effects actually activated but overall it seemed to do what it said. 

Cutscenes when entering bosses were quite a cool idea. Similar to other commenters, less bosses with more polished encounters would do well, keep it up.

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Fun game, easy to understand hard to complete. A lot of polish and effects, very nice.

Thanks for playing! some of the attacks can be very punishing when you get knocked back into them but i didn't come up with a good solution in time, i did the music last and wish i'd spent more time on a few more boss tracks too!

fun beat em up, great slot machine/weapons concept works really well

fun game very chaotic. i had a lot of trouble figuring out keybinds (what they do, why does E make me glow etc..) a note in your game info would go a long way!

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Fun fights, simple but punishing mechanics, clear indicators for boss attacks/incoming attacks, very nice.

music very loud even at low system volume, bullet spawns above the players head but heads in the right direction.

Nice visuals, keep it up!

I died but the game didn't restart.

Really fun game, great music and visuals and it comes with a story!

The green text sections after defeating a boss took so long to finish and unless i missed it can't be skipped. my only real issue.

Fun concept and game, nicely done. It took me way too long to realise that the buttons numbered 1-10 were levels but once i started the game it all made sense.

Love the concept, keep it up! I got stuck when i purchased a heap of +box speed and the boxes stopped spawning entirely.

Thanks for playing! you need to make sure to grab the orange key before the purple key on level 14 to avoid getting stuck!, you can restart if you are stuck with the button at the top. (that was an intentional, if slightly cruel trick!)

I had the same experience almost exactly.

Thanks for playing! Yes shooting the firework out of the top part of the screen is intentional, however i've had feedback that it makes it feel like you're not actually engaging with the objects to get par on some levels. Something to think about!

Cool concept and interesting to play! A restart level button would be nice, often i'd mess up entirely and just want to start fresh. Also restarting the whole game from the beginning when you fail a level is a bit harsh, i didn't bother to play through a second time but would have continuned playing from the same level i had just failed if i could have.

Thanks :)

Game scales strangely for me so I wasn't able to get past this first upgrades screen. (consider adding full screen in itch?)

Fun game, cool "fog" effect and interesting to explore. Sounds are a bit obnoxious and fall speed/gravity felt a little heavy but otherwise controlled well. Nice.

Really nice, art, sounds and gameplay worked together well. My favourite was Far Sea Invaders, the witty remarks between levels kept me around. Did not encounter any bugs in my playthrough, though I would have liked to play on controller. Keep it up!

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Thanks for sticking around to the end! the art doesn't make a great first impression in some cases. I've received the attack animations and movement feedback a few times,  i think the dash starts too soon and often too long, so even succesful attacks result in too much follow through, something to work on next time!

Great to hear, thanks for playing and providing feedback. Art is a weak point, i struggled the most with player animations (there are a few frames where his body is backwards, elbow is bent up and the head is facing camera lol). Glad you enjoyed the sound  I enjoyed putting them together.

Satisfying attacks and great tracks

Video playthrough on hard for anyone interested :)

Thanks very much for playing and posting your playthrough it's very good to see the pain points for my own knowledge! The boss health is quite high on hard perhaps that could be scaled down a little bit as it is already challenging to survive. I've just made a video playthrough of the full game on hard 

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Thanks for playing! I did reduce the size of the first boss (i was supposed to replace it but didnt have time lol) and the levels absolutely are re-skins. Making the attacks and associated effects/text more satisfying will be the priority for the next game! 

Thanks for the feedback, you might consider the "easy" mode accessible from the main screen which would reduce the frequency of projectiles and make the enemies easier to kill, hard is intended to be hard.

The attacks are definitely clunky and something to work on, cancelling the attack during the motion is also something that should be implemented.

Fun chill game, presented well and on theme. A keybind for next level when you complete a level would be my only suggestion.

Both good suggestions, thanks for playing!

very enjoyable, took me til day 20 to win lol.

same for me, can't rate, soz.