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Troy Story Games

A member registered May 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Great level design that really brought out the fun in the scaling mechanic.

This was exactly what I was looking for. When I started the game, I was a bit confused. But then I hit “1” on the keyboard and literally said “holy f***” out loud. This was great. My only complaint is that the asteroids were def. unfairly aimed directly at me. With that kind of scale, the chance of any of those hitting me should have been basically 0 - but then I guess it wouldn’t have been a game so ya know…balance and all that. But great job. I really enjoyed this one!

Great arcade-style game. I like that the mechanic is skill-based. I lost because I timed it wrong and I appreciate that.

The artwork and style of the shooting was great. Creative use of the theme and puzzle design.

Addicting gameplay and surprisingly fun for such a simple concept. Good job!

Scope of this is impressive for 4 days! Good job!

Good visual style. Good job!

Very fun and funny! Good job!

Great game! Super creative concept and very fun and challenging!

It took me a while to figure out that I could pay the people to make them happy instead of firing them. That seems to map pretty well to reality.

Good use of Kenney assets. We actually used a handful of those assets in our game :) - I wish I could move the camera around bit. Good job!

Super creative use of scale and incorporating gravity! Good job!

Cool to see someone using python in one of these jams. My first game was in Python! Good work.

This submission was great! Super creative! Great use of the theme! Really good polish and creative puzzle solving. Loved it!

Addicting gameplay and good polish! Great job!

Really like the art. Super polished for a game jam. It’s on point with the theme and the creative use of the google chrome no internet game idea is gold!

lol! “loading your mothing”, “loading trojan virus” - good stuff! Super creative puzzle game! This was excellent!

Very polished and very good art! Great job!

The drawing mechanic was good! Very polished submission. Impressed with the online features too. It was cool to see other people’s art.

Thanks for playing! Good catch. I noticed that. It’s tricky to reproduce in VR but easy in the non-vr mode. The reason is simple. The pick-up areas are on each hand. If you position a box between the hands and click you’re grabbing with both hands on the same frame, so each hand calls the function to kill the box and spawn an item.

Thanks so much for playing! We’re glad you enjoyed it. Browser support was a last minute addition. Thankfully they fixed the audio issues for web export in Godot recently so we didn’t need to do any annoying hacks to get it to work.

Thanks for playing! We knew it would be a risk making a VR game as the hardware isn’t ubiquitous. I’m glad you were able to get some enjoyment out of what amounts to our “debug mode” for when we would test features without needing to throw the headset on.

Thanks for playing and for the recommendations. I actually haven’t played either of those. Our primary inspiration was vampire survivors and the doom mobile game. I’ll have to check those other ones out. I think aimed firing could be fun, but I think it kinda completely changes our genre and we’d have to do some serious rebalancing.

Hey again! Thanks so much for playing. It was super fun to watch you work through it on stream and we got tons of great feedback. Our team was super impressed by how patient you were on stream figuring things out and working through the tough spots in the game and we were so pumped that you played through to the end. Thanks again!

Thanks so much for playing! I’m glad you liked it. Doing animations for the upgrades was actually something I decided on out of necessity more than anything else. With 120x120 resolution, even font of size 8 is too big for any sort of explanation or description text.

Thanks so much for playing! I actually think our power up system needs a bit of balancing because, depending on the path, you end up a little too powerful. But I’m happy to hear you enjoyed the extra power!

Thanks for the comment! Happy to hear you got some good playtime out of it!

Thanks! We appreciate the feedback.

the little diver guy is cute. I also like the use of lighting and shadows.

I like the art style and the turtle was cute. Good choice on colors too. I think the background moved a bit quick and made it hard to look at for extended periods of time. I think just slowing down the scroll a bit would make a big difference.

Once I figured out how to get around the kitchen and serve customers it was really fun. It reminds me a bit of a game called “Cook out” for the quest that I’ve played a lot of. Fits the theme great too!

I like this concept a lot. And like others in the comments I also assumed I was a guy until I flooped out of the water. I immediately knew at that point I was a fish. Good work!

This was super cute and fun. I loved the music and while this game falls on the much easier side of things as far as difficulty goes, it was still fun to try to time the bird juuuust right.

Good stuff! I love the art and zooping around mechanic was very satisfying.

Thanks for the feedback and thanks so much for playing!

Thanks for playing! and thanks for the feedback. Good notes! You hit on some good points. Balancing the feel of the waves was something that was really challenging. In fact it wasn’t until a few hours before the due date that we had a game that I would even consider fun. All the pieces were there but the enemy spawns were completely random with no concept of a wave and no balancing of what enemy types were spawning. We made a last minute push to redesign it and I think it was worth it, but the down side is that we really didn’t have a ton of time to play with different options for the waves and make the difficulty scale in a way that feels more natural.

The little green things increasing the water…idk lol. It was just an experience bar and probably could have used more thought. When it filled up, you’d get an upgrade. The numbers in the middle of the screen were “wave number” and “enemies killed” - the wave would increase every minute. So the wave is basically “how long have I been playing”. It caps out at wave 10 with a boss and then you win.

Flappy bird with health?!? You’re so generous. I could actually play this version haha. I like that it works on my phone too. Good work!

Good point!

Really polished effects. Love the pixel art. Enjoyed the concept and I like any game where you play as a robot. Was easy to keep playing it over and over.

Nice art! Fun use of theme. Fun gameplay. Nice little package :)