Thanks for trying the game, that bug should be fixed in the updated steam version of the game Forg here is a key:
Four Games
Creator of
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It started out bigger than my browser window, but it fixed by pressing fullscreen in the bottom right. I think more than one should be able to be orbit the core, I think it's really cool how you can slow time down I think the line that shows the direction should be longer so it's a little easier to see where it's going the graphics are really nice and minimalistic love it!
Thank you for playing!
Yeah it was inspired by orcs must die and dungeon defenders but in first person. Thanks for the feedback on the tool selection! The theme being illuminations our way of seeing it was in that we used alot of glow but your right! Hope to see you too in the next jam merry christmas!
Thank you for playing!
Right now its not very balanced if you place the first turret in the middle its becomes much harder but aslong as you place your first turret on the wooden piers and hold shoot until you get enough money to build 2 turrets and upgrade them to level 3 your invinsible and cant lose lol
It was decent here is my feedback the really small vases tought they were mice it was unclear that all of them had to be stroyed aswell to win. sometimes that cat had problems moving to a location behind walls. i also tought in the beginning that i could only move one square at a time. would be nice if there was a small tutorial level or something 3/5