had a tough time getting anything that wasnt the bad ending. didnt understand where the path branched and even when i tried it felt railroady. the bitcrushed photo environments and dialogue are very cool.
Fun Base Alpha
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The hard, monocolored, geometric game design is a great choice for player clarity in the context of a game jam. Shader used to satisfying effect as well. The restart transition after completing is also very clean. The time pressure was a bit at odds with the idea that one would absorb much in the way of the philosophical message. Still a great set up. Good work!
This was a lot of fun. I am not at all a fan of foddian level design, but still happily played this for about an hour. The character controller is extremely smooth and effortless to use. The multiplayer aspect also adds more than i would expect to the eperience and i know that kind of thing can be vary challenging to code, especially in the context of a game jam. Great work!
This is a really fun concept. Physics and collisions are one of the fussier parts of making games so to get here in a weeks time is really pretty good. The core concept is kind of like a constructive Goat Simulator, which I really like. This idea could go places for sure if one has the time to polish out all the wrinkles.
Great style, classic reference. The combat unfortunately needs a lot of polish. I didnt finish the entry because dying on level three started me back on level one and I wasnt willing to go through it all again. I would be interested in seeing where this project ends up if given more time and love to get the combat where I'm sure you have envisioned to be.
This reminds me a lot of "keep talking and nobody explodes" in that the core demands of the player are about interpreting an instruction manual. Thats a system I findly strangely enjoyable. Something to incentivize and reward faster work would be good to see in a deluxe version, but its a good design choice for a jam to leave that pressure off. There was a bit of fighting between my mouse during register portions and switching to different interactable areas. Jam problems, I'm sure. Besides bug fixing, what do you think you might add to this if you were to keep working on it?
Twin stick shooters are my absolute favorite. The aiming mechanic seemed very interesting and different, but didnt appear to do much to change the gameplay. I would be curious to see results from experimenting with that. Never could take down a UFO, they're just in and out so dang fast. The characters are also endearing, I wisj I had had the chance to see them from another angle where we could get a good look at our hero and his foes.
What a great concept. Anti-kaizo mario, love it. Had a lot of trouble figuring out what to do on the final level but we did finally kill ourselves successfully. Something about the tall skinny block piece felt out of step with mario design, not sure why. Was there a reason to include that shape instead of a more square block?
Wow what another great entry from Cow House! A very well rounded entry that hits right on the art, humor, sound, and most of all the character controller. You've also made an approachable prototype that leaves a lot of open space to expand upon with a very strong foundation. Most likely in a deluxe version the collisions might have to be more punishing. Some times they even worked to my advantage. Had a lot of fun with it all the same. Please keep making stuff.
Love that VHS filter. Love that reverb on the music track and the narration. Seems like the colors in the video were a bit too saturated to be on the VHS tape itself. Also, didn't the Wii U come out in like 2010? Well past VHS time? That was a strange juxtaposition. You're obviously fully capable of making something quite good. Love a good fake commercial. Hope you keep making!
The art is fantastic. I really like the mspaint/crt/video static collage you've got going on. I'm curious about the gameloop itself as a concept. Do you think there is a draw for "dating sims" that only explore platonic friendship? I dont think I've seen such a thing. So there's that at least. Thanks for making~!
I like the look of this. It makes me think of project zomboid. The premise is an interesting one as well, altough I like it could be refined if you are considering expanding on this idea. 1% of the world is still 80 million psychic people which seems like a lot. If you do any story crafting for this, we'd be curious to watch it evolve.
This is very cute. I like the monster designs and art style a lot. The images have a lot of interesting details. I found myself noticing new things every time i revisited an image. The empty space you have left in this has my mind filling in the gaps for how it might be expanded, which is kind of ideal in this context. Great work!
Its nice to see this was at least partially programmed for real, given that the hand seems to be human controlled and taps his little finger while waiting for message responses. I dont think i understood the ending or the trough reference, but I have some theories. Thats where good found footage horror is supposed to leave you, right?