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A member registered Apr 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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Looking past the unfortunate bugs this is actually a really fun game, could do with some work but all-in-all a great concept!

Loved the submission, also, the music slider looks adorable. Art looks cool, concept is really fun. Well done!

Awesome art, loved the idea and the implementation, especially the sound design!

Loved the game, the dirt guy is quite cursed. The only thing I ran into is how long it takes to transform, I'd rather it be faster, or, have a button to transform.

Loved the game and the concept, controlls are a bit wonky, the wheelchair could do with a bit more "swing"/maintaining momentum. Other than that it's a great submission!

Cool concept, would've loved to see more. The character spend more time hugging the right wall, might be worth removing his ability to walk backwards, the curses is also not sensitive enough to properly keep up with him. But, that's all technical stuff, all in all great idea with great potential!

fun game, love the name as well! The lives feel a bit much with the minimal moves required, or 3 hearts per level.

Really enjoyed it, love the take on the theme as well!

Lots of fun!

Lovely little game, would love to see more levels in the future!

very fun! The swap is a bit hard to put value to, when my speed and enemy damage got swapped I noticed my own speed, but, I didn't have a way to relate their actual damage to my own health. Also, a few instances of something getting swapped with itself, damage with damage, or attack speed with attack speed.

really chill and meditative, I feel like a real tomato plant now!

Hey! Thanks for the kind words and feedback. A checkpoint system was something we had in mind, and partially implemented, we unfortunately didn't have the time to fully implement it.

Awesome game! Love the art and music, gameplay is challenging but very fun and challenging!

Loved it, the puzzles are fun, the audio and music sounds good. the art looks clean, well done!

Really cool submission! Not sure if it's intentional but the hole will accept the shape regardless of how it got there. And, on the third level, you can store stuff above the actual line or roll stuff off the side.

But, great concept!

Loved the game, the explosion sound does stack which gets a bit too loud for my liking, other than that it's awesome!

Fun puzzle game, and a really interesting concept. Also love the cute little robots!

this'd work great as a "learn to type blind" game!

Love it!

Thanks for the comment, and the SFX link, that's likely going to help a lot in the future. And for blood type, it is essentially random, yes. You don't know what blood type someone has. IDK about you, but I don't know mine or have that information on me at all time.

really enjoyed this one, I love the idea of going through an area in one way, getting heavy and backtracking more powerfully. Great entry!

really loved the ricochet mechanic, well done!

Loved the game, took a second to get the movement but I got it in the end. It's a bit hard to land on the platforms, if you bump into them before the second jump you're screwed. The main system of switching movement types is really fun though, well done!

Loved the game, the movement systems is very smooth and responsive. I think it'd do well with more enemy variety. Larger, or faster, but, good entry!

Really loved the machenic, it was a bit tricky to get a hold off, I think you'd do well with a description explaining how the game works. But, really well done!

Fun little game, the only thing I'd change is dedicate a button to each color, or, a button for the previous color. But, all and all a good entry!

Really enjoyed the game, would love to see more of this, the machenic is fun to play with. Well done!

Loved the game, music and sound effects are nice, loved the overall machenic of absorbing the bullets!

Awesome submission! loved the visuals and the sound, felt very smooth to play

Fun game, seems to have a bit of slow down with a lot of enemies, but, was a fun game none the less

Fun game, loved the visuals, really nice submission!

Loved the game, the visuals were cute and the audio was nice as well. It didn't always want to move the block I wanted to, but besides that I really enjoyed it!

Loved the game and the visuals, the little plane is so cute. sounds were nice, although I wish there was a little more feedback for picking up coins. But, overall great game!

Loved the game and the visuals, kinda wished there was a way to make the dice go faster - so I can play more of the game. Really good entry!

Loved the game, movement felt amazing and it was very satisfying to land the correct way around!

Loved the game and the idea! The puzzles were really fun to complete!

Loved the game! The art and music was good, the gameplay was enjoyable, if not a little annoying waiting for the right dice roll.. (or getting the dice you needed after you change the number the building works on)

Fun little game, the puzzles were nice! Would love to see more levels added after the voting time is done!