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A member registered Nov 13, 2024 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

The lore is actually very deep in this game. Long ago the hot squares were at war with the ice squares. For 1000 years they fought but then a space wizard brought peace by introducing the white guardian squares of peace. That wizard is you.

Definitely a good idea. My patience for minesweeper always ran out pretty fast but even I can admit it's pretty good twist.

The simplest thing you can do to make this enormously better is have two buttons that let the player turn left and right. It doesn't feel good to overshoot. And if giving the player more control makes the game much easier, then compensate by having more enemies, and it would be more fun that way.

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The meta is to aim at their feet where you can grab and throw quickly without a lot of looking up and down. :)

yeah, I had that for a long time even. It eventually is just burned in though.

This is unironically the best fishing game I've ever played. TBF, I haven't played a dedicated fishing game in a long time, but most of them used to focus too heavily on realism which made them boring, whereas you have a unique gameplay thing underwater.

66 tries

Garbage of the Year Collectors Edition.

I think everyone feels that way about their game tbh

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yeah, I mostly agree with that when it comes to games where you die quickly. Part of the reason for going back is I like to split up help notes into multiple messages, that way I'm not posting three text boxes of info all at once. You get more info each time you die. Plus the restart animation and sound effect is pretty satisfying imo. But overall I think this is a good point.

Great job. I'm glad you liked the music haha. I'm sure it's chaotic noise to a lot of people but ya know.

You're absolutely right though. Once you've mastered the procedure, you can go infinitely until you just happen to click where a killsquare is spawning. And it definitely feels like bullshit when that happens.

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Yeah this is a good concept that you can go places with if you want.

If you do keep building to it, there should be something interesting to find at each new depth. It could be anything. Enemies, items, lore, different environment, whatever you're into. But that is what would keep players interested in going further down.

The best thing about this is the vibes of driving around the small planet with the music and the space planet setting. I think you can definitely do something cool with this, but the gameplay needs some work. Maybe if you could slow down and speed up it would feel better to shoot at the targets and not crash into them.

Interesting idea.

The biggest problem I had was reading the math problem while it's moving so fast. I would slow down the screen scroll so the player can see, or at least give them a slow down button.

Also maybe start with easy problem so the player feels like they understand the game before it gets hard.

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yeah some players are always going to skip text if given the option (or just only register 20% of what they read), especially if they see several screens of it.

not me. *looks around*

But yeah, this game is a lot more fun if you know that hitting the presents will advance the difficulty haha

The scaling thing is unfortunate but I definitely enjoyed the platform obstacles.

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I really like it.

If I could make some suggestions though:

Don't take the player back to the start screen on death and make them go back to their keyboard and hit start. Just immediately spawn them back at the spawn point. One of the biggest pains in a game where you repeatedly die over and over again is counting up the amount of time you spend waiting to get back into the level. With a game like this, before you get a clear on the hardest levels, you'll spend a huge amount of time just waiting for screens to change. Many people will quit not because they don't want to play the level but because they don't want to wait to try again anymore. It seems like its not a big deal but when you die frequently it is.

IMO, the player moves too far left/right from a very slight input. It would feel better if you could move very slightly with a small touch.

Also, let the player use D-pad for movement on controller in addition to analog. It allows more precision.

Also, in some of the harder levels, its ambiguous whether its the top or bottom character that is dying, which makes it hard to figure out what you're doing wrong. There should be some kind of clear indicator which side caused you to die.

Good job.

This is really cool. I'm a big enjoyer of difficult platforming, although one of the hardest parts is not being able to modify the awkward control scheme. It's still fun and worth it to learn it. I got to the snowman boss, and I'm not sure if there is anything after that. I don't think so.

I also noticed there are collectibles really high up above your head. I couldn't figure out if it was possible to get up there.

The main thing: I'm assuming that you developed this on a high resolution screen and you don't realize that it's not scaling down for people who have smaller screens (like 1080p max). So we have to carefully zoom in as far as we can and even then we only see portion of the screen.

Good obstacle design though.

Really cool. I think transitions between screens should be faster, I think units that are able to fight maybe could teleport to another screen by command -- it would make it possible to save yourself when running out of resources. When it's impossible to get materials and impossible to recruit, trigger a game over and restart loop.

You have a good menu setup which I think is a good first impression. But yeah, I agree with the person that says the mouse controls should be fixed. There is some kind of input delay that is hard to ignore.

My suggestions:
- Blind drops onto spikes usually doesn't feel good to the player, because they can't see. It can be done right but its tricky. Try to minimize these.
- At the start because there is no walk animation and the ground is solid color, it takes a while to realize you are moving. Try putting a single tile in the start location, so the player can see themselves move relative to it on the first screen.

Like the other commenter said, focus on puzzles that involve switching the temperature to get through.

same, it's a little uncertain what to do at first because the torch is off screen but once you realize that it's cool. I enjoyed.

(2 edits)

Damn this one is real good.

It does have a bit of NES game syndrome, where it wants to physically test your ability to repeatedly press a button. But it's still great. I love being killed quickly. Makes it exciting.

I also like how it sets your expectations up for one thing before switching up on you.

I'm not sure if others are having this problem but when the game scene starts it lags out too bad to play it. I tried with Chrome and Firefox. Maybe adding a desktop version would allow people to experience it as you intended at least.

quick, file for a patent!

Art style is good.

Nice. I imagine an Undertale-like would find an audience pretty easily. It seems like you understand pretty well what players liked about it.

Still early into reviewing the Jam games but this one has the most potential to be expanded that I've played so far. So take my criticism with that in mind.

This could be a me thing, but doing these types of controls with a mouse adds a layer of frustration that takes the reward out of it, somewhat comparable to Getting Over It but with checkpoints. This could just be that my brain is grasping for a touch device to play this type of game on.

I don't think the levels should be easier, but anything you could do to make the player feel more in control would go along way to make it satisfying.

Overall I think it's great. I'm only complaining because there is potential.

Fellow Defold developer :)

I actually loled because at first I thought you're always wrong, which is hilarious.

Then I got score 8 by brute force.

Pretty cool. I beat it.
Good example of how to do a lot with little visual detail.