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A member registered Oct 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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The main project for that internship was to include as much retro games in the project as possible, so for example Space Invaders, Pong, Pac-Man, Mario etc. All following the idea of allowing user to change assets into his own. 

There is a chance that the final product will show up on mobile stores at some point under the name "Mod Your Games" unless they won't change anything of course.

That's pretty awesome game. I love how the particle effects are everywhere and somehow they are not invasive. Also the mechanic with juice loading that just keeps on giving is great. It's just awesome. Especially when it comes to the "juice" factor in this jam it's the best I have played so far.

Pretty neat. I like the different types of wands you can have. The gameplay loop in my opinion is pretty well design and simple. I really like it. The only downside is that I can't understand why resolution is so small. It could be way better if it could be bigger, even if pixelated.

So I just checked again, and it was one time thing. Maybe I used alt + tab and it broke something. It seems to work fine.

I didn't see any 'X' button. I the whole thing looked pretty out of scale (back then I assumed that you just put something together because of time constrain, but now I think there was something wrong with resolution). Later I can send you screen shot on discord if you want. If I manage to recreate it of course, maybe it was one time thing.

Great and well rounded, music and visuals are nice. I'm just not sure if something broke, but after the level I was just stuck on the bill screen and had to alt+f4 out of the game.

Like it was mentioned before, visuals are absolutely stunning, from art to animation. Gameplay feels great and the only downside is the lack of sounds.

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Platforming feels very good and particle effects are great. It's a shame after the tutorial there is no actual levels. Music is also a very big plus. Even if you won't consider creating the full game, I think that just filling in a few levels to be able to jump around, shoot and dash (even without any big plot elements) could be a lot of fun. For the jam it is great.

For smoothness I'd also suggest making the slash animation faster (if not instant) as the fact that player character stops to attack feels a little clanky.

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Controls are a little bit off. I got used to the fact that WSAD works relative to where I am poiting my mouse, but then found that if you aim to the side, player character doesn't shoot at mouse, but slightly above it. Aside from that it is also a shame that there is no sound in the game. Trust me, that even some little click noises can make the whole experience way different.

Aside from that theme is matched pretty well, ammo collecting mechanics is fun, and the ammo particles look great.

Thanks for feedback and compliments. The pixelish art decision was combination of me not being an artist, trying to make something I can work with without spending too much time on it while also aiming for old flash game feel. At the beginning this image resolution was supposed to appear around whole project, but I can see how in what this project is now, it may be seen as weird and ugly. This could use some revision, but it's a bit late for that now.

That some awesome product. I also very appreciate you finding time to add main menu to the game. It's such a simple thing, makes it feels way more polished and yet very little projects do that.

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It is very well rounded project. Great job managing to put it all together in such a short time. Also + for character design similar for Deltarune.

It's nice game, although after being put on the beginning for 5th time I started feeling like I am in actual purgatory.

No worries, it's game jam. If I'd have to count how much ideas I cut on during these. Time is pretty big constraint.

Everything about this game is great. I just personally feel that picking the vampire survivor-like game for game jam is risky, as these games in my opinion feels best when they have a lot of equipment options and when player learns how they interact with each other.

Probably the best game I played so far. Great pixelart, gameplay loop is simple to understand and everything feels smooth, impactful and right. Awesome!
(As a side note, you can just stand in the corner and swing in one direction. Finding this kind of killed fun for me, but after 20+ minute of playing.)

It's very cute. I love the pixel art, although it seems like the game is missing any challenge. From my experience, I was the only danger to myself. In general great work.

It's very simple and cute concept. I love the self-made sounds, but death sound jumpscared me. Awesome pixelart.

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It is very abrupt. Enemies move fast and spawn right under my nose. Player moves fast to the point where it feels out of my control. If enemies would at least spawn outside of view, it would give me time to react and not accidentally walk into them. Try making the enemy movement slower at the beginning and make it grow progressively more difficult and it will definitely be fun. But the theme is matched pretty well.

It is unfortunately very unfinished, but I'm sure you had fun creating it. I hope that you learned from this project and in next jam you participate you'll manage to create something great.

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Don't worry about being redundant. If all people would let me know that sound would be big improvement, I'll make sure to make space for it in my future plans. 

I wanted to go to sleep, but I kind of got glued to this game. Great work!

This is one of the most unique game ideas I have seen in so long time. To be honest I wouldn't mind playing more refined version of it as a full game. It seems like a fun game loop. 
Im' just a little bit confused what the player's hitbox is. Most of the time they didn't hit me when I was sure they did, so it's a pleasant surprise, but its still a little bit confusing

Game is fun but controls are somewhat unresponsive. When I stop, the square keeps going for aother 0.5 second. 

It is very cool to see jam game that pushes some story, it is not very common. Also visuals are absolutely stunnig.

I managed to beat the last stage and this game rocks

Visuals, idea and audio are absolutely awesome. Controls are a little bit odd for me though, like there is this 0.5 pause between input and actual movement of the character.

The theme was supposed to be implemented mainly in graphics and story. Unfortunately artist had other things to take care of and I didn't have time to make up for it. So theme is implemented only in the wall-of-text story at the beginning and end of the game (Escaping the prison).

That was very wholesome 15 minutes of my time. Game lack a little bit of challenge though. Completing requests isn't difficult at all.

WebGL version is outdated. People that don't know that you had worked more on it may not know to download desktop version.

I don't know if it is only with me, but after getting jump-scared game did not progress anymore. I had to restart it.

I am absolutely astounded by level of "being a complete game" this presents compared to all other projects.

Seems nice, but I still found few bugs that are a little weird. Namely:

  • Player collides with bullets, so if you are running backwards and shooting, bullets stop at your face. In Unity exists collision matrix with can easily allow you to disable player bullets to hit his face.
  • Enemies shoot at player, but don't seem to correct their vertical angle, aka if enemy is to high, he will aim above the player.
  • Yellow guys can push player outside of invisible walls.
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The walkthrough is pretty handy when there is no indication if I am doing something right or wrong. 

As a side note, do not use the same texture for a button where player has to push block to press it, and for buttons on which he can just stand on.  If not for walkthrough I would walk around the mansion with the block till the end.

I must admit, I have spend few minutes watching the reload animation. 
Enemies feel like their are spawning when I am near their spawn point. It resulted in some enemies spawning in my face, what was weird.

I had no idea what I'm doing and I still managed to complete the game. Props for good level design. I also admire touhou inspired boss. 

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It is mildly annoying that once something is typed into the keypad, there is no way to remove it. Closing and opening interaction window was first what I thought should reset it, but it did not work. Also, I don't know if it says something about me, but I couldn't solve the first riddle.