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A member registered Jun 08, 2024 · View creator page →

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wow had a lot of fun with this game

I really liked the art, shame it couldn't get finished.

very nice game.

Wow this game feels super great to play and is really fun. The only thing letting it down is the unintuitive selection and spawning, I always forget to press right click.

wow, fun and fast-paced, would be every so lightly better if maybe the background changed as you approached low health, and maybe also a sound for when you get hit in the bullet hell mode

Very well balanced and fun incremental game that looks amazing. However, the upgrade UI is a bit overwhelming, could be improved with colours to show what you can buy and also maybe combining upgrades together (like upgrade damage scale every few normal damage upgrades) to compact the UI.

Wow I really had fun playing this game, the building mechanics are easy to understand and can get surprisingly deep. Only thing I found slightly annoying was that it was difficult to see the bullets, they don't stand out very much in the chaos.

Game is pretty unique and fun and the art is great too.

It would be better if instead of having to click, you could maybe use two different keys to scale the fire. (O and P, or maybe left and right arrows). Other than that, great game!

Movement feels great and the art looks good too. like the little detail that the atoms are shooting (what seems to be) electrons.

I would've loved to have some sound effects though. Also maybe base high-score on enemies killed because you can just run away from one enemy forever to get a good score.

Surprising amount of enemy and ability variety and the game is also quite challenging. However (this may be because I suck at the game). I don't feel like stopping to attack pairs well with enemies that keep putting pressure on you. Since the levels automatically ends anyway, as of right now it's probably more worthwhile to just keep running away than to fight back. Probably just an issue with balancing or I suck really bad at the game.

Oh yeah, the art is also amazing!

Awesome game, could see it being great with more time put into it.

a nice addition would be to allow holding down mouse button to buy tiles instead of having to click each one.

love the vibes and style, we were considering doing something similar at the beginning of the jam. Would be a tiny bit better if I could use W and S to zoom but other than that the game stands out quite a bit from the others.

Also it appears that you can zoom out with mouse-wheel but not in? probably a small bug.

simple but great, I always love it when visuals are in sync with audio!

love the style and the platforming feels great, would be better if snapshotting and scaling had more feedback and maybe only use left click instead of left and right.

OOOH, the texture is a diamond but is processed like a square, thanks for helping me find the problem!

I see, thanks very much. It's probably to do with the size of the window, I'll change it to see the effects. I should put that full-screen is recommended too.

Thanks for playing the game! May I ask what do you mean by getting a tutorial only on your "second run". Was it a bug or something else? Curious because I like to bugfix and polish a bit after jams.

My first idea going into the jam was similar to this and it feels awesome seeing it be made to such a high quality.

Gameplay and art is really cool but ai isn't that good. I know pathfinding is hard to implement so it may have been a better idea to make the ant nest a more open area. Other than that the style is awesome.

Would make a really great idle game if more was added. Ended up playing this for longer than I should have.

so many crashes, all because one line of code was missing...
Later levels are bug-free if you want to try them out.

Everything about this game is great, everything is super polished.

Small nitpick, but it might be nice to give levels a certain amount of score needed to beat them? I just found myself beating them all with 0 score.

Also right click to remove would be nice too.

love the art and the simple gameplay can also become quite challenging, would be better if the hitboxes were smaller than the sprites rather than the same size.

the music is really really great

those sounds are something else. game has a very nice style.

played around a bit and I liked the concept, would be cool to see what you could make with more time!

fun game with great style, though I dislike how you have to wait for 100 seconds, unless there was something else to do, cuz I skipped all the dialogue.

Almost top-down perfection, sound and style are top-notch and the gameplay is bug-free and feels like it's the right difficulty.

Only issues/improvements to make are:

  • Other binds for switching size, maybe scroll-wheel?
  • Some very noticeable lag when a huge amount of enemies appear (might only apply to hard mode which I think has more enemies)
  • The large size hammer is too unbalanced, it practically provides an escape option to anywhere on the map, a safety net with knockback and it also has a ridiculously short cooldown. on the other hand, the small size's dash is worse for escaping and mobility yet seems to have a larger cooldown.

Other than that, very good eye-opener for me to see how to spend less time on art and effects during jams.

I was too smooth brained to beat the second section but it was pretty fun

Although when you start playing it feels a bit weird, you get used to it pretty quickly. fun platformer

I love factory games, would be perfect if there were some sounds and also if the player could view all the different recipes they've discovered

w game

I drew the banana on the man but it was too small

thanks for the feedback! I was planning on adding a hurting sound tomorrow along with the leaderboard. Also it seems like the game lags a lot on web, and some melee attacks don't register, but when an executable runs it seems fine (though the melee hitbox is quite dodgy if I were to say so myself). also the player shaking is probably due to my lack of skill in art, since i tried to make a sprite-stacked player but it looks kinda off.

Anyways, thanks again for the feedback! seems like a hitsound makes bigger difference than I thought.

(1 edit)

I feel bad for the  games that I beat, you couldn't even download my game :(

the scanning thing is annoying but the sounds and art are top-notch.

If i update my submission now will it make any difference jam-wise? Either way I had quite some fun and am pretty proud of what I managed to make by myself. I look forward to checking out the games of others!

btw what happened was that with half an hour remaining I was exporting on Godot but realised I had no idea how it worked. All the game files are available so if you were curious you could run it in Godot yourself, though that's a lot of unnecessary effort.