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A member registered Jun 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very fun idea, at first I thought there wasn't much strategy but you can actually herd the other fish into a corner and keep them bunched up to improve your odds. Love the intro cutscene as well, however there should be an option to skip it as it's quite long to have to watch every attempt. Great game!

I love everything about this game, it's so much fun to just cause chaos in the middle of the match with zero consequences to your character. The aesthetics are fantastic, the animations are really nice and snappy and the programming is really impressive. The music is perfect for the game and the sounds fit perfectly. Also fits very well within the theme of the jam. Very enjoyable experience!

I love the vibe of this game and how it seems simple at first but ends up being quite challenging. For after jam improvements I would suggest adding a quick tutorial as it took a few minutes for me to figure out the controls. I think the game could also benefit from some sort of checkpoint system to support the general comfy feeling. Great job!

Thanks for checking it out! 

Truly the greatest new development since Pong first released for the Atari back in 1972. GNOP OLOS will revolutionize gaming as we know it and usher in a new golden age for design innovation  within the space. A 10/10 masterpiece that will go down in history. 

Great puzzle game! I really enjoyed the concept and the sound design matched so well it really added to the experience. I think this could definitely be expanded into a full release, thanks for sharing!

Great game! I really enjoyed playing this, the stat increases added a lot of strategy and made it a lot of fun to try and optimize the best way to survive. I think this could definitely be added on to a lot post jam, like adding different enemies and weapons. Great job again, thanks for sharing!

This game is fantastic! As a big fan of RPGs I really enjoyed playing this one. My only suggestion would be to put some sort of limit on the negative debuffs because I feel like the final boss was pretty easy once I figured out the strat. Amazing work with the characters and the dialogue though, the pacing was good and the length felt just right for a game jam.

Really unique take on the theme and I loved the lore behind the game. I think some more levels would have been good because I finished the game very quickly but I understand it's tough within game jam constraints. Overall great job with the game, thanks for sharing!

This game is a lot of fun to play, and it's sooooo satisfying when you get the rocket. My suggestion would be to have wrap around so you can pull off some crazy manoeuvres. Great game though thanks for sharing!

Great game! I thought the music and sounds effects in particular were done really well. I'm pretty bad at these sort of games so unfortunately I wasn't able to defeat wave three but I had a lot of fun trying different strategies like staying on the six to shoot more powerful bullets.  Thanks for sharing!

Really love the concept for the game and I think it has a lot of potential  to be fleshed out! Possibly you could have multiple levels that you could drop down to, or different tiles that have various effects. I think it could be improved by having the controls change to your current viewing angle because that got me a few times.  Great job though!

Cool concept, great work on making something like this for a game jam. I did have some trouble working out how to play and how to create buildings though. 

Really cool idea! I'm a big fan of tactics games so I love the concept and for making such an ambitious game in 48 hours you did a great job. 

I love the art style you went with here! The puzzles are fun to solve and I really wish I had a friend or someone nearby to play this game with. Great work. =)

Thanks so much for the feedback!  I agree that the combat system is very shallow currently.

The stronger monsters you encounter in later levels are a little bit harder to capture, since the jam ended I've made it so you can throw multiples ropes at the same monster so the RNG is a lot less annoying now I think. I really like your suggestion that catching multiples of the same monster could level up your existing monster rather than just accumulating, I think I'll try and implement that today!

Thanks again for checking out the game. ^^

Clever game idea and good execution, I think this could be a fun multiplayer game to play with friends. Nice work!

This is how I imagine the daily life of a marriage counsellor, attempting to facilitate love between two obviously incompatible people whilst dodging crossbow bolts fired by eligible zombies. 

In all seriousness though this is a really impressive game for a 48 hour jam, especially the art which must have taken a lot of effort. I love the polish and detail on the spritework, the church scene in particular is really beautiful. I like the original game mechanics and I think it'd be really cool to see a full story mode following the tragic plight of a lonely cupid surrounded by his successful matches but with no love to call his own. Great job!

I definitely agree that the battle system is very shallow at the moment, perhaps I could add a class system that interacts with an elemental system but I haven't thought up anything solid yet. Thanks for checking out the game! 

The aesthetics are really nice and I like the concept of the two characters having different abilities. I'm not ready for such a challenge though, I must meditate under a waterfall while I consider how to improve. 

It took a little time for me to figure out how the mechanics worked but once I did it became a really fantastic strategy game with just the right amount of luck to make things interesting. The art was really good and the enemy encounters reminded me of a better version of old Adventure Quest in the best way possible. I had a lot of fun with the game and I definitely think it's something that could be expanded on post jam with some more levels, lore and a deeper battle system to become a really solid commercial game. Great work!

This game was absolutely gorgeous. The way the narrative was told and also enhanced through subtle gameplay tweaks as the monster loses power was fantastic and along with the beautiful art it really engaged me in the world. Definitely one of the more memorable games I've played throughout this jam, really great work!

Thanks so much for the review! I'd definitely like to improve the depths of the battle mechanics a bit, I've already fixed the progression issue and improved some other things like UI so I'm looking forward to releasing the new version when voting ends. ^^

Incredibly original experience. 

Thanks for the feedback! I already added the retreat option and I'm working better fusion display so I'm looking forward to updating the game post jam. ^^

You're absolutely right, this is why people don't usually create RPG's for a game jam. In the interest of creating something relatively polished within the timeframe I simplified the battle system a lot and made it relatively easy so people wouldn't be turned away before trying out a bunch of the fusions. Thanks for the review!

The visual presentation here really stands out after playing so many 2D games, and the puzzle mechanics are solid. Great work!

Short and sweet game! Once I worked out the mechanics it was a lot of fun to solve the puzzles and progress, and I really like how the game didn't penalize you for making mistakes like I originally assumed it would. My only wish is that there were more stages to play, the game ended just as I was really getting into it. Great work!

This game gets better as it goes, the fights against the other ships while swatting down birds get super intense. I really love the sense of progression you get from this game that most games of this type don't provide, it really makes every trip feel worthwhile. Great work!

This game is challenging but very rewarding as you start to master the mechanics. Presentation is really strong as well, great work!

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! UI will be the end of me. xD

Love the colour aesthetics, challenging but fun!

This game is gorgeous, I really love the musical element to it and when an unexpected solution works it's incredibly satisfying. Great work!

I don't remember the last time I did a puzzle I forgot how much I love them! Thanks for making this. =)

Thanks for the feedback! I've been working on the game a bit and I've already added a retreat button and am working on colour but I really like the idea to show results of fusions you've already tried so I'll work on that next, I really appreciate the suggestion!

At first I thought you had to fuse with the lightbulb guy, you can imagine my surprise when he straight up devoured me. xD Great idea and as others have said the atmosphere is really well done.

Thanks for playing! The battle system is definitely quite shallow, I would have liked to make something more interesting but unfortunately I didn't really have the time. 

I really love the music for this game and floating through low gravity feels really nice. As other commenters have said a restart button would be a really good addition. Possibly you could add some more maps with different mechanics if you wanted to take it further. Good work though!

This game was a lot of fun, I really liked the breakdown animation of the enemy tanks. I managed to cheese the boss battle though by partially hiding behind a pillar, so possibly AI could be improved a bit. For 48 hours though this was a really great effort!

I really love the art and the tile conversion is super satisfying when it occurs. The reroll system was quite confusing to me though and the games seem to end quite abruptly. Overall though great work and I think a bigger time window you could develop this into something really unique and polished.