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Good work for your first jam, especially when its 3 days shorter! I thought the pop in effect of the drawn cards felt pretty good. Obviously you didn't have time, but I'd suggest doing something to ramp up the difficulty as the game goes on, maybe cards with harsher penalties, random events, or freeze grows faster. Nice job!
I'm not one for horror games, but I toughed it out to the end. It probably took me a lot longer than needed to win, because I was waiting every time I went in a door to make sure the hallway was safe. Having to physically move objects was a little wonky. The pieces would get stuck on things and made it hard to get in a door, which was a problem when I'm trying to move fast. It might be better to abstract them into an inventory system, and put out invisible interaction spots to place things.
I think the overall length of the levels are fine, they just need to be shorter at the start. With fewer options, there's not enough strategy element to keep players entertained long enough. First level should be really short, then ramp up quickly with more options for players to fiddle with. It's a very solid tower game. I'm impressed you were able to pack so much gameplay in such a short time!
I loved Papers Please, so naturally I loved the atmosphere of your game as well. The transmission being slightly garbled before you completely focus on it was a nice touch. The controls for the radio frequency were a little confusing, you click the knob, but than simply move left or right instead of rotating it like I expected. Great game!
On the windows version but not the browser version none of the menu buttons except play worked, but then opening the menu from the started game lets all the button work for some strange reason. Not holding it against you; bugs can slip through on multiple platform releases, just letting you know.
It's a very fun game. The quick destruction and upgrades can make it pretty addicting. Very good job for a first game!
The controls felt responsive so jumping always worked as expected. Which is great because single block platformers live or die on whether their controls can work. A small bother to me is having to switch between keyboard and mouse for menu and game, it's better to stick to one control style. Overall a good game.