I had that "issue" too. If you hit the enter key, you go on to the next putting attempt.
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Two other notes while I'm giving feedback, on the explosive dice, if you click and hold the mouse to putt, then swap die while holding LMB, the new dice will retain the particle effects and sound while displaying the other die. The other note is that I think the dark green sections act as hills for the die to roll back towards you. In this case, you could use some improved texturing. Perhaps add some pixels on the side to imply height? Maybe show them as a bridge instead?
Now that the game is visible, it's actually pretty great. Die #1 at the start of the game, I launched it backwards and got lost for a bit trying to get a new die. Reloaded the game, read the description and started over. Second attempt at playing the game, I shot the dice with whatever it gave me thinking I was just unlucky. After trying the different powers of dice a few times, I realized the potential of swapping them. The text "Press enter after putting to roll a new dice" could be clarified a bit to imply something along the lines of "Swapping dice at some times may be the solution to overcoming obstacles due to their unique abilities." Once I figured out how I was actually supposed to play, I had a good time with the game. I'll see if I can finish it.
I played the whole thing through and through. Honestly not a bad experience. Most people will overlook this for some higher action games. I enjoyed it. Kinda like the game horse with a basketball. I didn't put a name in at the start and got a "AND THE WINNER IS: " with no name. Perhaps in that case, just put the text, "AND THE WINNER IS: Player". Not bad. "Player versus Player" generally is the right term, but for a kids game, maybe go with something like "head to head" or "Play with a friend".
Similar to some of the other dice roller games submitted. However, this games first level acts by far as the best tutorial of the set. Allowing the player to hold right all the way to the exit is an excellent way to show the mechanic off without having the player get frustrated right off the bat with a puzzle. I award you the "Best dice roller game of GMTK 2022" award.
I was unable to figure out how to beat the game. I cleared all the enemies and was met with a blocker wall on the bridge that wouldn't clear despite everything being killed. The game was very difficult given the aiming mechanic. The led me to discovering that you could stay outside the range of the enemies and hit them with your attacks if you position just right.
The control scheme was uncomfortable to use. I found myself not wanting to use the enter key at all. If movement is on wasd (left hand goes here), and the right hand is on the mouse, what hits the enter key? It breaks up the flow of gameplay. If you're on the right side of the screen, the movement die animation gets tossed out of bounds and you won't know what you rolled aside from the number over the player's head. Greying out options on turns that you can't perform would've also been useful. I got stuck in a cycle of trying to move without realizing that I needed to end my turn. Similarly, attacking being an option without being able to attack.
Good concept, but I wish the bark functionality worked. The combat took longer than I would have expected. After a few battles, it seemed easier to just hit retreat and skip the battle. Tiles could've repeated a better, and the default dog could've faced the direction you last moved. I really enjoyed the theme and feel of the game though. Good art that made me happy.