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A member registered Jul 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey, thanks for playing! We did add a button to full screen it for easier control, but couldn't use the standard Unity full screen mode since we found the graphics kinda bugged out unfortunately :(

We actually did add a volume setting! Admittedly, though, we didn’t make it clear in-game how to reach it (you press tab). Appreciate the feedback!

Really tight controls and good game feel. I like that the roulette mechanic adds a bit of tension to each screen. Was surprised that it was so short though! I'd love to see a longer, more developed version of this in the future.

This was spectacular! It has so much character, charm, and variety, especially for something made in two days!

Don't worry, it's not just you - it's just a pretty challenging game! Thanks so much  for trying it out again!

Hi, thanks for the feedback! We probably made that level too difficult in hindsight, but I hope you can come back and try again if you have time! The trick is just to throw those snowballs as far and wide as possible.

Wonderful visual style and feel. One thing I would say is that there's not much of a punishment for spamming Z for the entire game, and that takes away from some of the challenge. Also, I think the game might be more rewarding if there was a way to reach every snowflake without missing some of the others. That would really get the "ninja" feeling down, lol. Overall, I thought it was a very nice experience, if a bit short.

The polished controls and beautiful visuals make me believe that, if this is expanded upon, it could really become something special. At the moment, though, it does end faster than I would have liked. I hope you'll keep working on this! (Also, I think it's funny how similar our game concepts are.)

Hey, thanks for the feedback! We may have gone a bit overboard with that level in hindsight. Still, I hope you can come back and try it again when there's time! The trick is to always be throwing those snowballs as  far and wide as possible.

Cool game! The generous checkpoints were definitely something I appreciated, and I liked how many different situations you were able to put the player in using the game's simple rewind mechanic. My only complaint is that, while the UI looks good, the art in general doesn't really give the sense of a coherent world. It just kind of feels scattered, without a specific theme to unite all the artistic elements together. Overall, though, I enjoyed this game quite a lot!

Really cool game! The mystery wasn't the most complicated thing in the world, but it really didn't have to be. It was just complex to be interesting, without feeling overwhelming for the 15 or 20-minute game length. The hint-matching mechanic was cool, but as others said, it was a bit underutilized, and for me it felt like a bit of a "guess what the developer was thinking" game, since a lot of the hints were connected to some extent. The presentation was really nice, the writing was enjoyable, and overall it was just a really engrossing mystery game.

It's cool to see another game that centers around investigating a murder, and my team definitely took a different path than you did. But if you're at all interested, we'd really appreciate some feedback!

(2 edits)

Cool platformer! I loved the idea of flipping gravity; it felt like a natural evolution of the kind of gameplay found in Celeste. The controls were intimidating at first, but once I imagined my keyboard like a traditional controller, it wasn't too hard to get used to (with the exception of the wall-clinging button, which I never really got the hang of). I do wish the controls were displayed in-game instead of you having to scroll down just to see them. The character movement itself was extremely tight, and felt really satisfying. The difficulty curve was a tiny bit high for my liking, and I feel like the game could have eased the player a little more into the control scheme before getting to the meat of things. Overall, it was a really fun game, albeit with some room for polish and improvement.

Hi! Here's my story-based game, if you're interested:

I'll play and comment on your game as soon as I can!

The background art is fantastic, and it's a lot of fun to see the city progress to a more normal state. The enemies could have more feedback when you hit them, like some sort of sound or an animation where they flash white. The final boss is pretty great and definitely tests your skill more than anything else before it. Overall, it's just a really well-made shooter.

I enjoyed the whole idea of fixing a flawed AI's mistakes, and getting to see each of its individual calculations for the tiles. Feels like it must have taken some complex programming to get the AI to even function properly. The "turn based" puzzle gameplay approach was also really interesting. My one complaint would be that the sprite for the AI / guards clashed a little bit with the overall game aesthetic, but that could just be me.

(1 edit)

Here are some of my thoughts.

What I liked:

- The game's central mechanic is one of the best applications of "rewind" that I've seen in a platformer. It's simple, but instantly understandable, unlike many other games I've seen that make a simple concept unreasonably hard to understand/use.

- Lots of games with mechanics like this have made the mistake of expecting the player to know what they were doing from the very start, and make flawless paths for themselves without really having to think about it. This game solves that problem by having it so you win as soon as you touch the door -- so you actually have time to think about your path before moving!

- The controls in regular mode and rewind mode are very different, but both really precise and responsive.

- The graphical style, in general.

What I think could be improved:

- Honestly, not much. This is one of the most consistently polished and enjoyable games I've played in this jam. Great job!

Here are some of my thoughts.

What I liked:

- The juxtaposition of a Yo-yo with the bleak atmosphere of the map is really unique and  entertaining.

- The stylistic graphics gave the game a very unique feel.

- The gameplay concept of having limited moves due to the limitation of your string is really interesting.

What I think could be improved:

I wish that when you moved in the reverse of the last direction you went, it didn't cost you another piece of the string. I also wish there was a way to only partially rewind.

The gift boxes can get stuck in the corner, with no way (?) to collect them after that.

Overall, it's an innovative and strangely atmospheric experience. I enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

Here are my thoughts.

What I liked:

- Just the general idea of "unshooting" missiles at things. It was cool to see scenes gradually go from total destruction to a more peaceful state.

- Despite the lack of audio, the animations made catching the missiles feel nice and satisfying.

- The variety in all the different scenes.

What I feel could be improved:

- The game is a little shorter than I would have hoped.

- The fact that there's zero audio in the game.

- It could use a tiny bit more variety in its gameplay. Maybe different kinds of missiles could be introduced, some moving faster than others?

Overall, it's a fun (if simple) experience with a neat message at the end.

Here are all of my thoughts:

What I liked:

- The controls (except for one aspect, which we'll get to) are incredibly tight, polished, and satisfying.

- The art and audio are all pretty awesome -- nothing much to say there.

- Avoiding all the older versions of myself was an incredible rush, and some of the most tense, exciting platforming I've done in this whole jam.

- The dash is a super satisfying and cool mechanic, even if I didn't find myself using it all that much.

What I think could be improved:

- Does this game teach that there's a double jump? Because I didn't realize that until several levels in.

- The wall-jumping mechanic. The way it causes friction with the wall really messed with some of my jumps (mainly where I was trying to get over a wall, but just ended up sticking to it), and often got me killed in a way that felt unfair. The wall jump itself feels very underpowered, so I almost never (intentionally) used it. I can't understate this part, because it really hurt the flow of the rest of the game for me.

- The difficulty progression is a little iffy. Certain levels would be much easier than the ones that came before it, which I found a little odd.

- A restart button would have been helpful.

I know this may sound like kind of a negative review, but I really did enjoy the game! It was a ton of fun overall. It just has a few issues that, for me, kept it from feeling truly like the awesome platformer that it's so close to being.

Here are all of my thoughts.

What I liked:

- Amazing concept, and good implementation of the core idea. I can't believe nobody else thought of this concept, since it's such a cool way to tackle the theme "rewind." Also, stuff like "catching bullets" really makes you feel like you're playing in reverse, instead of just playing a generic platformer, but in the opposite direction.

-  The controls are pretty precise and satisfying.

- I really enjoy the music.

What I think could be improved:

- I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to get past the part with the circular saw over the water. I tried jumping from every angle, in every direction, but nothing worked. I can't tell if I'm missing something, but that one obstacle kept me from getting any further in the game. It's a shame, because I was looking forward to how much further this game's gimmick would go, but it was just impossible for me.

Overall, it's a cool experience that I just unfortunately could not finish.

(1 edit)

Here are some of my thoughts.

What I liked:

- I haven't seen a game with this kind of theming before, and its creative concept really makes it stand out from the crowd.

- The idea of using collectible items as "lives" is brilliant, and really encourages exploration as well as carefulness.

- The game is instantly understandable and accessible, while still being complex enough to be interesting.

What I feel could be improved:

- The game doesn't really get "harder" as much as it gets "bigger." By the third level, you're in an outright maze, and it doesn't feel any more challenging than the previous two levels. In fact, the enemies are more spread out, so it's easier! Instead, it's just so big that you're taking forever to even find one test answer, and it feels kind of sluggish and uneventful because of that.

- Sometimes I'd get stuck on the wall.

Overall, it's a decently fun game with a really cool concept, but it's lacking in natural difficulty progression.

My game is a murder mystery that takes place on Mars! It's very dialogue-heavy, if that's your type of thing. Here it is:

Hi! I'd love to play your game, but unfortunately I only use a Mac and it looks like your game is only playable on Windows. Is there some other way to try it out?

I just left some of my thoughts on your game in the comments! Here's my story game, if you're interested:

Fun game! The audio packed a punch and felt satisfying, and the graphics may not be "beautiful," but they're pleasant to look at in their own sort of way. I did struggle a bit with strategizing my use of the rewind mechanic, even with the bubble indicators.

This was a neat game. It actually reminded me of some of those old-school 3D platformers, just with more unconventional controls. I'll say that I didn't find it very replayable, since the objective is "survive," yet there's no way to keep track of how long you've survived, or any sort of "high score" feature. The camera can also be somewhat problematic. Overall, though, the control scheme for this game is really interesting, and with a more fleshed out objective, I think it would be a ton of fun.

Left all my thoughts in the comments! Here's my story-based game, if you're interested:

(1 edit)

Unfortunately, I hardly got past the first screen in this game, since the amount you're supposed to wind the monkey for him to end up in the second green square is very exact, and the game doesn't even show you that square at first, so it largely feels like a guessing game. The core mechanic of this game is interesting, but I wish it was made more accessible for new players, with a way to widen the camera view, or a faster restart system where you can wind up the monkey again within a fraction of a second. With some polish, this game could be something special, so I hope it continues development.