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A member registered Dec 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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After extraction, the window popped up, then killed itself instantly. There's no sign of any Godot operation in the task manager after that as far as I noticed, but the cursor was then blipping in high frequency. The blipping stopped after I deleted the extracted file that I ran.

Pretty weird, but I heard from Smart that some other devices also couldn't run the game as well. So, the problem might be something dependency-related methinks. (I do have Godot installed, though, for the record.)

(1 edit)

Trippin balls

Also, whose face is on the character?

Very creative, but quite unfortunate that it didn't run on my device.
I watched Yonderu's (James) playthrough, though, and I really enjoyed the idea and execution of the multi-window style.

(5 edits)

1st Playthrough: The monk's aggressive collision no-clipped my character out of the invisible collision box and eventually made all characters fall through the ground. Softlock.

2nd Playthrough: Completed the gorilla loop in the aether room, but couldn't select Yes to sleep as the interact button doesn't seem to work. Softlock again.

3rd Playthrough: Finally complete the game without experiencing another game-breaking bug.

Verdict: Love the style and aesthetic. The clock puzzle is interesting, but the clue-giving method is extremely easy to miss the first time and could have been better managed. The Stephen Hawking room almost confused me (and could potentially cost me another run.) But it was fun, I guess.

10/10 I need a refund for the past 45 extra minutes I just wasted.

Oh my god, that was just pure arcade bliss. The twist at the beginning was done extremely well, and the game is so addicting that I was surprised this had so few votes. The graphics are awesome, and I really love the gameplay idea, and the execution is really satisfying. The control explanation could be better, but I can hardly critique it as it's so damn fun.

There is so much potential in this work that I really want to see it explored more. One of the hidden gems of this jam, for sure.

As a person who doesn't play chess, I am glad to give this a try. The package as a whole is amazing. The whole vibe is blissful, and I really liked it. Superb job.

Love the art and the style you went with. The performance was rough on my device, and the motion blur didn't help much either. Still, it's a great idea with nice execution. I have seen other games with similar premise as well, but this one is by far the best with the depth in mechanics and the beautiful visuals.

I would suggest having the report and statistics on the HUD as well for easier management (which may defeat the whole point, so take it with a grain of salt), and an option to turn off the radio would be nice. The VFX work is amazing to see, and the tire deformation is very neat. There's a crucial bug where I couldn't interact with the fuel system after the race started as well, so I couldn't reach the end goal of the game. I'll look forward to when the game is fixed and seeing what victory tastes like!

This is challenging, intuitive, and extremely enjoyable. It's a very fun RTS that I can't find fault with, and it's a very good base for an even larger game.

The control feels more like a suggestion, and that is very good as you have to carefully guide the infected around the dangerous area. The way all entities wander around gives life to them, and it's so fun playing all the levels that are offered.

I am very impressed by this game, honestly. Absolutely well done, man!

Great art, good story, and a very solid take on the mechanic flip! I really like how you ended the story with a cheeky jab at the character. I found myself enjoying the relationship between the characters a lot.

I may have found a bug, however. I missed the shot on the second try, and the game auto-rebooted right when the "raindrop" spawned, but after that, the raindrop didn't spawn and just soft-locked me in an empty land with no more bunnies. The same thing happened again in the 2nd try after I got past that section to the next gameplay and hit the R after the rain passed through the ground. It took me three times to eventually complete the game.

It was fun, but it can definitely be improved. Good job!

WOW! This is extremely fun and surprisingly strategic. The art is really good, and the combat is very interactive. I really enjoyed the gameplay, although it's a bit confusing execution-wise on the mechanics (sometimes I didn't hit the enemy but it said that I did, plus the known bug in your description), but nothing game-breaking. Your team did a very well-done job.

Very cute art, good mechanics, and a nice gameplay loop. The vibrant characters with lovely sets of personalities really shine in this game. Massive props on that.

I just wish there were explanations for what each skill does and what the characters want during the gameplay, because it's a bit hard to grasp for me (I could only notice the "rich" skill that increases the roll amount), and I sometimes completely forget about the goal during the rotation (too hypnotic, haha). I would even love to see this game with gyro-control or touch-control, since that would be a very intuitive input for the players to rotate the gacha box. Great one!

The concept is really fun, and the frustration is there, good and bad. I really love this kind of game, and this one went down the right path. Though the action interaction is hectic by design, the audio being layered over each other when I played too fast at the beginning wasn't intentional, I assume. It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it.

I would suggest adding some alternate ways to level the player up and introducing more and more mechanics to fix the difficulty ramp, as it's quite slow at the time. That can both spice up the story and compliments the mechanics better imo. Anyway, nice work!

The inclusion for both sprite editor and coding mechanics are really novel and interesting to see. I would love to see you innovate more on the mechanics post-jam! This is such a fun game that really brings lots of interesting gimmicks to the table. The voice acting/dialogue/story are quite fun to have as well, but because of that, it's a bit on the rails and doesn't offer the player to innovate more. Still, you can definitely build more on this idea, Stanley Parable-style.

Overall, the game is a bit too easy, but considering all the things you've added, it's a great package. I will be looking forward to your future works!

Great entry with a brilliant take on the reverse-tower defense by adding the fun and unique story; that really enhanced the gameplay experience by a ton. The art, animation, and sound are pleasing and well-polished. I couldn't have asked for more in 48 hours.

I really like this entry. Mega job!

Wow. While the game is brutal in its difficulty level, the polish is everywhere. The feedback for the actions really lures me back to playing more and more. Great job!

Lively art, relaxing theme, and brutal yet fun gameplay; I really enjoyed it a ton. 

I don't think the concept can ever be more specific, but here we are. 

Lovely stuff indeed; I like it.

The spook and horror element is well crafted. The environment is great, and while the sound can be a bit better, this much is extremely impressive for 48 hours. I got jumped thrice lol. Great one.

Great visual and sound design. The balls really go everywhere, and as much as it's frustrating how the balls travel so damn fast on the slate, it's very entertaining. The parry system is nicely done as well. Brilliant job!

Nice concept, loved the original, but had a hard time on this one. 

Control, as others have said, is hard to manage. A snappier control with fixed rotational speed will benefit the game more. Moreover, the speed and frequency of the ball are too high to react to. Maybe lessening the tempo a bit in the early stages and later increasing it will benefit the players more. Lastly, the screen orientation is not fitting for the direction of the ball to spawn from; there is a reason why the original game is in portrait. Having a portrait aspect ratio instead will bring much more to the table with this concept.

Overall, the concept is brilliant, but there are rooms for improvement. Have a great jam!

Simple yet entertaining. Brilliant art and sound as always! The challenge is there, and the play strategy varies between rounds. Awesome work! 

Although I would love to have a twist at the end after you become the boss: an actual boss battle on the last level. Also, the gray patch on the ground is a bit too dark to imply that it's still a floor for me. It took me quite some time to realize that it's just a floor texture.

Still, it's a nice, polished game that I really enjoyed.

Glad you enjoyed the game! I will improve on the enemy direction signaling for sure since a handful of people does struggle about that.

I'll check out your game as well!

Thank you for checking out!

I planned to have the trainers' sprite turn to the direction they're facing in the next round instead, but there wasn't enough time for me (because I'm a pixel art noobie TwT) so I went with the arrow instead. I will improve that later for sure.

Yep, you're completely right about the bug; that's not supposed to happen lol. I just didn't think of that case before. Nice catch!

Thank you again for a very informative feedback!

Thank you for playing! I agree with that suggestion as well. I'll see what I can do post-jam.

Good luck with your jam as well!

Thank you so much!

Thank you for checking the game out! Those monsters really had it hard XD

I'm glad you had fun! I agree with that suggestion. I did plan to add some tasks for Grassmon to have some evading moves like throwing distraction rocks as well. Sadly, the time ran out first, haha.

You were almost there! Thank you very much for playing, and I'm glad you liked the visual!

Ohh, that is a great idea! I'm adding that to the post-jam plan right away.

Thank you for playing! That suggestion is very interesting, I'll add that to the plan!

Cleaver design and what a lovely environment/theme you got going on. I really like the addition of those wheeled robots; they added so much life to the scene, ironically. The realization that I'm the tutorial box was great as well. Brilliant stuff.

I have two tiny bits of nitpicking: The first of which is that the controls are hard to shuffle around, but I suppose that is the point of this game. It was frustrating at first, but when I accepted that fact and beat the puzzle with that "handicap", it was actually more satisfying. The second is that when the tutorial box landed on the moving platform, it jittered around. I suppose that was already known, but I'm just letting you know that it's not that big of a deal, just a little jarring.

In the end, I really liked the game. I played it twice as well, the second time just to mess around with the robots XD

The art, gameplay, and polish are really nice to play. The puzzle is solid, and the idea of descending-fall damage is really well blended together; it's intuitive. Massive props on that . 

A small suggestion is that there should be some indication of what height can break the fall, as it could be a bit clearer.

Overall, I like the game. Had a smile while I was playing too :D

Thank you so much!

I did have an idea to throw rocks on the other grids to distract the trainers as well (the main reason why I added the mouse-highlight-grid system), but couldn't get to it in time. I will try to implement that post-jam!

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for checking out!

I planned the food-exp system, which can heal health and add exp to level up, as well as the leveling system where you can "attempt" to fight back. Though both plans didn't come through, so that's why there is some stuff left over. Level as of now only tracks the amount of trainers you killed haha.

There actually are small pixel arrows on the trainers' bodies that indicate which way each will move on the following round. Using that, you can plan the path step by step and complete the game.

Thank you very much!

Excellent adaptation of the shotgun's birdshot bullet capability for this type of casual game.

There is great potential for mobile adaptation. Well done!

The puzzle and execution felt really good. The humor in the mechanics was pretty great (the confetti gave me a chuckle).

I have to mention your level design for the introduction. It was so satisfying to start out like that, introducing multiple mechanics at the same time. 

Also, about the usage of flashlights throughout the game. That mechanic was really well done and added a lot to the puzzle. 

I really love the game, great job!

I'm very delighted you liked the plot and setting! Now that you bring it up, I definitely should have included the sound of a gunshot.

Thank you, I sincerely appreciate your kind compliments!

Thank you for your visit! I'm glad that you enjoyed the story and atmosphere.

Nice art and an interesting music choice. 

Still, it is quite hard to tell that the dice roll mechanism is implemented, and the car is really challenging to control; it's slippery and unpredictable at times.

A nice looking endless racer.

It lacks quite a lot experience-wise, but what's most concerning to me are the gameplay-interrupting map design flaws (frequently getting stuck) and the lack of a clear time-related visual indication (rolling cooldown or action cooldown, assuming that there is one).

My other nitpicks are about the map tiling gaps, the heaviness of the car, and the lack of sound. But overall, this is a cool endless racer that I had some fun with, especially with the weird and wacky power-ups. Those are quite a lot of fun to handle. I understand configuring the car controller must have taken quite some time, and congrats on completing the jam!