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A member registered Mar 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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very buggy, but very funny. made me feel like a the man from the lorax cutting down the whole forest

Great game for 48 hours, i struggled with finding stone plots the whole game and ended up dying cuz of a lack of em, great game otherwise!

Great game, great audio, great graphics, great gameplay, smooth and not buggy, whish there was more progression instead of the repeating stale gameplay but otherwise GREAT

Love the graphics and the scary atmosphere! great absolutely great!

Thanks and gald u liked it, we did overscope on this project with the story and art, we ended up putting in a lot of hours into this jam even more than intended but we are both proud of the results!

Great game, loved the art and the music still being the original theme, it was a little too hard for me but maybe im just bad. a few things was missing for example a highscore and a place to view the next piece and if u really want to copy tetris a place so u can hold one off

but all in all great game!

Dialouge repeats, artstyle is unique and i liked the music, keep working and improving!

Loved the game, i love post apocalyptic themes and bunker games abt survival like this, even tho its small and kinda a demo. it works well and has enough content for a short game experience, just a few tips: 

better ai: self explanitory but the ai got stuck many times when they appeard and u should try using a pathfinding system in the future!

disable resource gathering when at max, during the tutorial where u could only get 10 of each. i still went around gathering when i didn't realise, a simple disabling of the gathering when its at max is all it would need

Update ideas:  make a day system and make it grow more over time, (for the water add rain events maybe)  but since its for a game jam

more enemies, 


bigger map and more terrain to explore?

just a few ideas would love to see this game be updated!

Thanks glad u liked it!

loved the painting , feeling like bob ross! and the story with people and the town decaying, web version crashed when clicking the red arrow on the right tho, never found out what was there

Hard game, a little fast on the border, would love to see checkpoints and a time system for speedrunners. would also like some controls in a menu screen or in the description but did see a comment about the dashing.

loved the artstyle and the smoothness of the game play tho! solid controls

SUPER WELL MADE! loved the graphics and the use of the theme, enjoyable! could use some more instructions, or it could be me being stupid/blind, but i didn't get it the first time but second time i played it after recommendation it was great!

also a few movement bugs where u get stuck on some edges i think, only got it once and wasnt a biggie 

got 15:15 time btw

id be down, i usually program alone but if u do another task like art or composer id love to work with u! or just game design in general

thanks, glad u liked it, we got a lot of done because we spent A LOT of time on it, i myself spent plus, minus 20 hours on it this weekend.

Great game and nice graphics, liked the lighting in the night, did crash on me for some reason, might not be a game prob but no other games have crashed on me so idk.

Loved the simple artstyle, was a little hard in some places but overall a great game!

Not a bad demo but def not a fully fletched game YET!

i loved the idea and the concept. but a lot was lacking, just one thing that would have made the game a little better would've been if the camera followed instead of haing to use the arrow keys to move it around. Great Idea and i also loved the character chose screen!

Not a bad demo but def not a fully fletched game YET!

i loved the idea and the concept. but a lot was lacking, just one thing that would have made the game a little better would've been if the camera followed instead of haing to use the arrow keys to move it around. Great Idea and i also loved the character chose screen!

not my type of game but i kinda liked it, the music made it relaxing

glad u did end up clicking on it, and thanks for the kind words, SPOILERS (in case someone reading the comments before playing) the reason he jumped before was because Rian bought those tickets for em to go together, and when Rian then died it was the final drop in the glass. but yeah the story was going to be more in depth but as u said with the time frame and everything it was hard to do, even with this story i myself put in close to 20 hours, with pipsqueak not far behind. so more story and more endings would've been even harder

Thank you for the kind words, and glad u found the secret ending! you dont know how much these comments mean to us,  only being two people for this game jam and this overscoped project really made us work!

yup yup that was it

amazing game and design, and it was a lil funny but i think there was potential for more, but all in all one of the best submissions

thanks glad u liked the voice acting, the story was going to be a little longer with more endings and more complicated but due to the time frame we had to compromise! but i agree its a lil simple, but im glad we got to pull of a secret ending ontop of it

thank you for playing and glad u liked it, i think voice acting is such an underrated part of a story game. really makes it shine, with the game technology we have i would love to see a game in the future benefiting from ai to make story games more interactable with speaking into the mic and having the npc anwser in sound not just text

Thanks man, yeah effort has been put in. since our team consisted of two people being me the programmer and pipsqueak as the artist (+ a lil voice acting) we had to put in many hours for my second and pipsqueaks first gamejam. i gotta play this game night in the woods, someone else said it reminded em of it too. so yeah thanks for playing and glad u enjoyed it

A bit lacking in features and game balance

but VERY polished and clean looking, sound design was great! though since i have a 60% keyboard i stood in the middle with the spary gun and just shot around me, got to 10k in score still so maybe rebalance and make it so u gotta move around more

all in all, great game for 48 hours 7/10!

Thank you for playing, and i hope u get through these though times ur having, remember that ur loved!

Thank you! compared to other games here its a very dark game. but i guess that makes us stand out

A lot of effort is the minimum requirement for a game about a serious topic like in here. together it was a team effort of 6 people including the voice acting!

art was all made by pipsqueak, and the emotional story took quite a bit of time to make for a  game jam game

omg so happy u played through to see the credits and glad u liked it, tho did u get the secret ending?

Love the artstyle just a few points, 

kinda repetetive and atleast for me, but prolly cuz im blind, i didn't understand the game in the begining, and some notes after i completed it: i never killed a pumpkin or tomato plant cuz they had too much hp, and  i wasn't rewarded for killing higher lvl plants, so i just took out the wheat and tomatos, 

but i loved the artstyle, idea, theme implementation and sound/music design. GREAT JOB

glad you'll be keeping an eye on it, hopefully ill get to release an update to it as soon as the voting for the jam ends

thank you, the story was supposed to be a lil more interactive but because of the time frame we only got to one ending, and maybe a secret one...

thank you so much, i hope u played through it all and if not i reccomend u do it!

funny game funny idea, i liked that there were some nice variation in the enimies and their abilities so good job on this!

Amazing polish on the game, from the menu to the graphics. everthing works as intended and i didn't run into any bugs, only things i can say are

1. no jumping inside the space craft so to get to the other side u gotta get momentum from ouside of the ship and come back in. 

2. this is really personal and i get that this is kinda fixed with the increased difficulty but the gameplay loop is smalll. but since im not really the person that sits around getting a better score this is just personal pref in my eyes. 

great game overall!

(1 edit)

thanks, i gotta add on for the artist here. in the end there was still room for more work for the artist, closing the end we were struggling with finding tasks for her

really glad u enjoyed the game

me personally, too much dialogue, i get the tutorial but everytime i die is a bit too much, especially when  i can't quickly skip it, but i love the controls and the difficulty in it, might be an unpopular opinion but i like rage games so great job with this