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A member registered Feb 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Really happy to hear you enjoyed it, and thanks alot for the detailed feedback and kind words. Regarding the engineering graph paper notebook, I actually experimented with lined and blocked paper as a background but just could not get the same game feel with those backgrounds. I get your point however, there is probably a middle way. Maybe a key that allows you see your previous drawing (with lower opacity) in the drawbox, so you can draw over it? As for the key to draw straight lines, thats a great idea!! I am planning on developing a well-rounded remake at some point, maybe you'll get to play it someday:) Cheers!

Yes I also noticed that. There are two levels with incorrect deathboxes but I didn't have enough time during the game jam to do proper play testing :( Also I wasn't sure if I was allowed to change the game after the jam, Im very new to game jams. Thanks for pointing it out though:)

Happy to hear you had fun! I wish I had the time to make more levels

No I'm sorry, I didn't have time for that:( Thanks for playing though!

Thanks a lot for the kind words! Happy to hear you had fun 

Glad you had fun:) And thanks for playing!


I only know snipper clips but is probably like the other games too!

I am flattered to hear that:) Thanks for the kind words

(1 edit)

I was aiming for people to use their own creativity so I am happy to hear that worked out to some extent at least:) Thanks for playing!

Thank you, glad you liked it:)

Thank you very much for the kind words and positive feedback! Happy you enjoyed it:)

Wow thank you so much for the kind words. Really happy to hear this positive feedback:))

Thank you for the feedback, I asked a friend to give some feedback on the difficulty curve and I think it helped a lot. Happy to hear it worked out well:)

Thanks for the feedback! And happy to hear you had some fun:)

Thanks!! I was also aiming for fun:)

Great concept and fun styling also. Well done! As for some feedback, it seemed that if you merge in a location you are not able to grow in size, they still merge but you simply lose part of the slorbo. This was a bit frustrating sometimes as mentally I solved the puzzle but then trough impatience I made a slight missclick and lost part of the slorbo. Nonetheless a great submission!!

Great game! The styling, chunkiness felt really good:) Also well done with incorporating so many modes. As for some feedback, I like the somewhat uncomfortable controls as I feel like they added something to the game, but at times I felt a bit too little in control, especially when it comes to shooting. Nonetheless a great submission, well done!

Visuals and sound effects are really retro, pretty cool! It took me sometime to realise the screen wraps around but after that I managed to beat the levels quiet quickly. One point of feedback would be that the gravity is maybe even too low now, making the levels a bit too easy, but it could just be me. Either way, good job!

Interesting take. I like how you can switch the modes of the people that try to steal your pizza. Sometimes however the buildings would be in front of the mode options for someone that I was shooting at. And I was sometimes also not sure where the arrow was pointing at. But nonetheless good job!

Really great and simple mechanic that fits the theme perfectly. Also really fitting 1bit art style! If I would have to give some feedback it would be that the current 'obstacles' rely more on patience (because of the ghost) than skill or understanding. But as you said you had a lot of ideas but not much time, and I think the basis for this game is super good and allows for many different puzzles. Hope I am not sounding too critical just wanted to give some feedback. Nonetheless a great submission, congratz!!

Really great art style, music and concept.  Characters remind me of Jacob Two-Two.  The 2D sprites in the 3D environment also really suited the game, and still the walking an jumping mechanic felt clean! Great Job.

Having multiple robots and multiple modes was cool. One thing I noticed is that for me it could be interesting if the new modes or robots would be introduced more gradually, accompanied with corresponding puzzle elements. But overall interesting take on the theme, good job!

The animations on the characters have a really charming style. Would have been interesting seeing this style also for the environment. As for the mechanics, it was quite difficult to get a hang of it. A tutorial section, and a slower learning curve would probably have helped me personally. Nonetheless well done on smooth movement and great style!

Very original mechanic and it also worked quite smoothly. One thing for me is that I sometimes didnt feel in control enough and got slightly frustrated but overal a really good job at creating this, congratz:)

I read the controls before and saw space was crossed out, thought it was taken out last minute or something. Took me soo long to realise I had to press it to enter the annihilate mode. Really original take here, well done!

I really loved the aesthetic of this game but I it was way too difficult for me >< I wasnt sure if I was playing it correctly but wave 2 of level 1 seemed quite impossible to me. I was wondering if maybe there is something with my resolution and thats why I dont see all my little dudes spawned. Also I didnt really get the hint "send healer to charge dudes". Can you redirect your little dudes? If you could redirect them it would make me feel more in control, now it felt that my winning odds were strongly depending on my little dudes spawn locations. Nonetheless I realllyy liked the style and I think it has great potential, congratz!

Great style, and also an interesting take on switching button puzzles. Great job:) As for some feedback, sometimes I felt like I was not fully in control of what I wanted to do, might be just something personal but I thought I'd let you know.

Polished smooth platformer with two mechanics incorporating the theme. Well done, I had fun playing it:) 

I like the cute style and simple gameplay. The camera movement might have been deliberate but for me it was a bit chaotic. Good luck!

A nice simply game with an original goal. But mostly I think the presentation was superb, very visually pleasing! Great job:)

First and foremost I liked the story. Combined with only being able to build on your moat it made for a quite complete setting and fundament of the game. As for the gameplay, it was pretty smooth and relaxing! However for me the difficulty curve could have been a bit more interesting, where tactics play a larger role. Nonetheless well done:)

Very satisfying game with simple gameplay. I specifically like the chunkiness of the shotgun. I also feel like the difficulty was good! Well done:)

The level of polish in the art is very impressive given such a short design window. However when playing I felt like the actual core mechanic and gameplay could use some more love. Either way well done!

At the start I had some trouble getting the controls right but once I did it was quite fun and I managed to beat the game quite handedly:) Strong points in this game for me were simplicity, and styling! 

Such an original approach to the theme. Also styling was really fitting.

Really great job on finishing that within the time of the jam. Controls were really smooth and satisfying. Overall super polished and complete. The thing I like the most were the 3 energy flames and how they are spend for different actions. I have never played the original game but I already see much potential in this kind of energy system.

As a starting game dev I found this game quite inspiring. It showed an approach to game jams I haven't really thought about. As for the gameplay, I think the pace was pretty good, and the chunkiness felt satisfying. Style was I believe the game excelled the most, it felt really complete and polished, well done, especially in such a short time frame! As for the theme, I think survival mode is indeed a "mode" but I felt like the theme could have been represented better. I hope I am not sounding too critical because overall I was quite amazed by what you made:)

Thanks for you comment, thats exactly what I was going for:) 

Great job on beating it! And thanks for playing and giving some insight on your experience. I did notice that sometimes levels could be 'cheated' a bit, which can be fun, but can also take away the satisfaction. I was also quite content with the difficulty curve, happy to hear you appreciated it:)