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A member registered Jul 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing and your feedback!
Yes, the game should be more transparent as you say, lesson learned n.n

Combining two jams in one is quite the challenge!
You delivered pretty well, as you say, the game is a little bit frustrating but still enjoyable
Good job :D

Perfectly polished, astounding visuals, perfectly executed in general, 5* without a doubt
Very professional, I would pay for this :D
I aspire to reach this level <3 A game to be proud of!

Thank you for your feedback! Yeah, the game is tough, sorry about that u.u
We did best we could do in the visual side :D

Thanks for playing! Yes, the tape units shows "bananas", and it's used as your answer
For example: A cucumber can be 1.6 times the size of a banana (First levels have a bigger threshold and there are multiple answers)
Appreciate the feedback!

Visuals are so good! Nice pixel art :D
The skeleton was my fav "weight", loved the concept and how it was implemented
Was nice and a bit challenging! Nice game n.n

Thank you for playing! Glad you liked the game n.n

(1 edit)

Got stuck in the first box puzzle (Pushed against the wall), but the autosave was a lifesaver!
I reloaded the game and finished it! n.n
It was very enjoyable and the TAB key was a great implementation, great job!

Reminded me of Reigns, but with cute lizards instead
Had fun, even when I lost pretty quickly, didn't anticipate a meme ending 

Camera feels so good to use and it's entertaining to see how they move


Pretty good pixel art :0 Truly a great work!
Enemies were a bit glitchy but still enjoyable n.n

Cute, chill, relaxing, polished...
This game is full of good things :D
Had a great time playing it! Congrats!

Despite playing solo, I had a great time playing this game
Movement feels pretty good and polished, congrats!

I was playing with the keyboard and got blocked in the walljump level (skill issue u.u)
Was easy with the controller, but I only have one so... :(

Anyways, great game!

We are sorry that we didn't explain our game properly, but we are grateful for your feedback! Lesson learned
Thanks for playing and stand out the positive aspects of our game :D Your words made us very happy n.n

Good luck!

5 stars, this is just amazing, very fun to play :D
We though about this theme interpretation, but there was no way we could reach this level of mastery (Visuals, theme interpretation, gameplay, BGM, SFX...)

High respect to all the team, possible winner right here!

Jokes were on-point and it was very de-stressing experience!
(Helps a lot if you had a bad/hard day at work)
Visuals were amazing too :D Great job

Thank you for your feedback!
Yes, we messed up a little explaining the objetive and being so harsh with wrongs questions

Wow, a fantastic interpretation!
Astounding visuals and super polished in general :0
Really admire the work and effort put in the game
Easy and fun to play n.n

Nice job!

An impresive way of dealing damage to the enemies O.o
Sometimes kinda unfair, but still this game keep me hooked till the end
Pretty fun experience, congratulations on your game!

Thanks for your feedback!
The game ruler shows how many bananas bigger is the item you are comparing to
Fore example: Banana vs Cucumber, how many bananas bigger is the cucumber? That's what you need to guess
This way the game is "measurement friendly" across different countries

Should clarify better in the game descripcion, sorry if we cause you some trouble playing our game

I really like the feel of the game, jumping around with low gravity it's very enjoyable
Pretty impresive how big this game is for a gamejam :0
Congratulations :D

(1 edit)

I wish there was more deep to the combat, because the premise is pretty good
Would love to play a more polished version :D

But overall, good job!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing the game!
Yeah, the game is asking for bananas (so the game is easily playable no matter the measurement system you use)
But I was hesitating to add a label specifying it (for clean visuals reasons), I should put that info on the game page

Sure!, over/under statement in wrongs answers is a neat idea! Honestly, we didn't think about that xD Thanks for the feedback
I hope you enjoyed the game in spite of it being challenging

The best game of the JAM I have played so far!
Amazing, polished but tricky controls, and simple (but perfectly executed) visuals (I love this kind of pixel art)
I would pay to play this game :D

Pretty fun and challenging if you play solo!
Coming back to play it again with a friend, this has potential to be a great 2 player game

Great job!

I'm really glad you enjoyed our game! Your words fill us with gratitude <3
Currently there are 2-3 random items in each level, we tried to reach 5 per level but it wasn't so easy as we expected :c

Didn't expect to craft some pangolin scales in a game, but it was fun and chill n.n

Great job and good luck in the JAM :D

Very creative and experimental, visually pleasing
Also got stuck on the level with the weights and the scale.
I think I know how to solve it, because I put a few of the weights on the scale, but it was so difficult and tedious :<  (not going to say it, finding the solution to move the weights feels like the puzzle itself)

But without a doubt, a very good aproach to the theme :D

I would play a full version of this game without any doubt!
Pretty fun game, well made puzzles and charming visuals!


Simple but fun! Each run gave me more knowledge of the game and the mechanics
so I could reach a little further

Wish there was some kind of HUD to have an easy access to crafting and see you inventory resources
to play only with the mouse

Great job! :D

The art style its really good, you really catch the "fable aesthetic" very well
But I didn't handle the boulder that good :( It's pretty hard, but at the end,
that's how is supposed to be, frustrating u.u

Good luck in the JAM :D

Thank you a lot for playing our game <3
Reading your comment made me very happy !
Good luck in the JAM and congratulations on your game n.n

Minimalistic and cute, I had a great time playing it.
Weapons not having knockback made it a little bit difficult at the beginning, but the addition of diferent weapons is great :D

Nice work n.n

Wow, I felt sad and nostalgic about events that didn't even happened to me :,(
In love with 1-bit style graphics, the mountain scenery is wallpaper worthy

Visually amazing :D , love the retro style

I had some issues with the boss, I found it a little bit hard
The "dash" part with the orb was tricky cause of collisions, but is pretty good in general
Good work!

Wow, what a beautiful game! Music and graphics are marvelous!
It took me a few attempts but it was pretty fun to play

Congratulations! :D

I dont know if it was my fault or something but the waiting time between dialogs was so long, it was nearly imposible to start playing, and when I did, after the minute, another dialog started so I cant really play it

I'm missing something? I want to try the game D:

What a visually stunning game! Music and sfx were also amazing n.n

Lots of fun and a little bit of challenge
For me, jumping on enemies is my favourite playstile!
I think the antenna is the most difficult style, but still fun to play with


Thanks a lot for playing and leaving a comment! :D

Next time I'll make sure to polish that kind of detail, after all, knowing the objetive size is crucial to enjoy the gameplay
I'll learn from this and do my best next time!

Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad that you liked it
Yeah,  I thought about that "oopsie" button, but I was running out of time
If I make another puzzle game, that button will be the number one priority!

Thanks for your comment! :D