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A member registered Sep 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thank you :)

You can get to level 2 when you reached 100 points in level 2, and you can enter level 3 when you reached 80 points in level 2. It is written in the mouseover text in the menu, guess I should have placed it more prominent.

This game will be enanced with more levels that are not as boring as the first one ;)

Very nice done, I enjoyed playing this game! I didn't know it before.

The only buggy thing was that I quite often had to wait until the stone I was hovering was selected, or I had to hover it again...

Very funny and cool setting, this is a nice idea!

Sadly it was very buggy on my side so I didn't play too long

I played it twice because I really liked that game and I read the instructions only after I won the first round :D Would play it again and again!

The only thing I didn't like it that if you click on a figure, you are not able to choose another figure anymore but have to use that one.

This jump & run is well to play, good job! I liked the main character, it is something different. The only thing I missed was some background music

The idea of this game is very cool, I liked it!

OMG this game is sooo sweet and heartwarming, I deeply enjoyed playing it! More levels please!! :)

I enjoyed a lot playing this game, I want more of this!!!

Very well done for your first jam!

I was like "hey, another hexagon lover " ;) Morover, I like these kind of games.

But I did not quite understand what the goal was? Talking to people to join you and hunt and build for you?

sweet game with a nice story :)
the only thing that didn't work good was the control: I was quite fast getting out of the window with my mouse while turning the camera, then I had to re-enter the gaimng window from the other side to turn further.

All in all a good submission! :)

Very nice for your first game jam! :)

There are still some bugs in the menu (i read the instructions, went back and couldn't press any button anymore), and despite the instructions in the menu i didn't really understand what the goal was.

Keep on going! :)

nice game, not too easy to play. Very good for a first jam! :)

Nice game, I like it ;)

It was a bit difficult to find out how to balance it. I first built some houses but then I had no money anymore and had to restart the game.

Nice, every person should play that to learn how to separate waste ;)
I got through all three levels in the very first round :)

I liked the graphics :)
But I did not understand  the relation to the Wild jam theme?

nice idea; it's something different

Congrats to your first game jam!

I enjoyed plying it, everything was smooth and the collection of the diamonds was different from other similar games that I know. Keep on going! :)

Congrats for joining your first game jam!

Quite a pity that you designed only that short sequence, a longer level would have been nice

Hi Kjarrigan, thank you for your feedback, especially for the statistics ;)

(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback, Minachn! For strategic games, it can typical that you don't have this explicit win/loose goals. We tried to build some goals in by restricting some hexagons to the minimum amount of people that you need for building those hexagons.

Thank you for your feedback! Indeed, the next time we'll consider to include more descriptions :)

Hi Pete, we are sorry you are not able to play it :( It was the first time that we created a 3D-game so we were not aware of the issue that it works so differently on different systems / in different browsers. Thank you for your feedback! :)

Thank you for your feedback! :) We always leave space to improve ;)

Very cool for your first game, keep on going!

I did not really understand why it was game over or what i could have done against that.
And the people talked without doing something even when there was the "mouse" sign over them; I thought i had to press the mouse button for talking to them

Wow, what a game! I had a lot of fun playing it and it is a pity that there are only 3 levels. I want more!!! :D
Small deficit: Sometimes I had the feeling that the battery discharges even when my solar panel was not in the shadow.

super sweet game, I really enjoyed to play it! My pumpkin grow up to 22 stars :)

Good for a beginning. It seems like "super smash bros".
Honestly I have no clue how the control works or if somebody gets hurt in any way? The only thing that happens is that I can move the figure and the others follow...

nice idea, it makes fun to play this game, even though i had not much endurance to play it for a long time

Cool game, very witty. I enjoyed plaing it until I got stuck so I should use some more brain cells in the higher levels ;)

After reading the comments here, I understood it, and its a very nice idea. Good for the beginning, keep going :)

Cool jump and run with nice music, I especially like the player figure.  Sometimes it was difficult to recognize the difference between background and the platform.

Nice puzzle game, it's something different than usual :) I enjoyed playing it,though the time constraint is very tough when playing the first time

I played all the leves because I really enjoyed this game! Everything was logical and I found the instructions that the second guy there told me ;) Very good for the first game, I am waiting for new levels!

If you still want to improve this game: I would have liked to drag the assembly lines.

Hi, thank you for your feedback. I can explain the speed effects: Putting coffee to the brain makes the player faster and putting beer to the brain makes the player slower for a while. Sounds reasonable, no? ;)

very nice graphics, I enjoy playing it :)

the download version works 

cool kind of "jump and run" game, it makes me want to play it again and again :)