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A member registered Dec 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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It reminds me of that one analog horror with the moth. Only with the Alien taking the place of the moth.

oh crap I forgot to turn those off

That's a fair assessment. Glad you liked some parts of it.

Well I had a little help on Youtube for my UIs, though the extra week gave me a lot of time to decorate since I already established the gameplay loops well in advance . As for the little demons, yeah, you can't fight them. Thought the instructions at the start made it clear that your had no combat mechanics. Glad you enjoyed the game.

Thanks for taking the time to play the game I made. I played your game too and it was pretty neat.  Honestly, I don't expect people to beat this game on their first try since I decided I wanted to make it arcade-style difficult.

The Blood Bar is your HP Bar and your Stamina Bar at once. It was supposed to be a single bar that the player was supposed to keep an eye on and maintain in their attempts to escape the valley. As for the "Thirs for Blood" that mainly focuses on the monsters I selected for this Game Jam: The Yara Ya Ma Ya Who. They're basically frog vampires. It's a little weird unless you read the hidden notes in the game and get a better understanding of the lore.

But I'm glad you liked the game nonetheless

Certain games are just not for some people. I can see how sprinting and losing health can feel cheap, but at the same time, I wanted there to be a risk-and-reward type of system that utilizes blood loss and makes it so that the player simply doesn't blindly run around without thinking of the consequences. Appreciate the feedback though.

Honestly not sure what to say about this piece. It's clear there was some strong feelings behind this game, and I don't really feel like bringing it down since it seemed to be the major intent behind it. All I can really say is take the time to move forward and get back up when you're ready.

Well, I just tried it out for the first time and I gotta say that the atmosphere and controls felt really good. I wasn't exactly scared of the Turd Leeches until they started biting me, and I then realized that those things were a legit threat in the dark. Overall not a bad game, but the lighting could be a little better.

That's a fair assessment and glad you liked it. Tbh I was initially planning to add some landmarks into the map but I unfortunately didn't have the time to find the right assets to properly place in the game without potentially breaking the AI navigation. If I were to do it again, I think I would've made the jungle bigger and definitely with a lot more variation than what I did with the end product. Thanks for the feedback.

Got it. Thanks for the tip.

Despite its shiny creepy atmosphere, the polish in this game was really unrefined. There wasn't much to the title screen, and the instructions, while simple, felt half-hearted with the basic text that it felt less like tasks and more like obligations since I felt no motivation to follow those instructions it honestly only got worse as soon as I got the crossbow. Noticing the approaching zombies I tried out the crossbow and the feedback was extremely offputting. I couldn't tell whether or not I was shooting the zombies at some point since I simply charged into them and unloaded the infinite crossbow into their skulls.  The feedback on the zombie's damage was even worse as I didn't realize I was taking damage until I killed all the zombies. Shortly after I simply just died to a random zombie as I was exploring the forest.

So here's what I feel like you should improve:
* Feedback: Any kind of signal for the player is important whether it's shooting or taking damage, You need to give a clear-cut sign on what is happening in order to show that there's actual danger. Even a corny scream of pain when the player is getting hit is enough to show that the player is in danger and they should move away
* Immersion: Some nitpicks I didn't like were how the zombies simply disappeared and that there were invisible walls near the forest. This breaks immersion and honestly with how you apparently tried to work hard on the game's atmosphere, these were huge blunders and dampened the experience since this is a horror game.  There are other ways to show the player that they can't go past this point besides invisible walls, like making large fences or mountains. 
*Gameplay: I feel as if you worked too hard on the atmosphere of the game that you neglected your gameplay and it's clear since everything else except the forest and castle feel half-baked. The shooting doesn't feel satisfying, the zombies don't feel threatening, and it's just not fun to play.

Sorry if this is mostly negative but I don't want to sugarcoat this since it's clear you wanted to make something great but you were too ambitious with what you wanted to make that it flopped in the end. So please don't be mad.

Ah I see, I was messing around to see if I could do my own spin on the Martini and after that failed, I simply played it safe.

This is a really quirky game you made here. I like the concept of drilling for Blood Crystals on an alien world. Though the rest falls flat in terms of design. The feedback for the gameplay felt confusing as I was unsure whether or not I was mining a rock properly or if I was even attacking until I died. The most frustrating aspect was that the aiming controls felt clunky and I had to adjust myself multiple times just to mine a single crystal. 

Not a bad game, but definitely could use some fine-tuning.

Stellar game you made right here. Though in terms of an actual horror game it only sorta of falls flat in terms of being scary. I really did like the game though, and I had fun exploring the mixology involved in this game.  However, I was completely unsure if I should've made a Vodka Martini or not. 

Not sure what went wrong with the SFX. I tested it myself so I know they work.

As for notes, there are actually 5 Notes hidden around the game.  They're pretty hard to find but if you look, they're there. As for the blur, that was an accident that happened when I adjusted the lighting. I tried to fix it the best I could but when there was still blur I decided that technically works since the Player is supposed to be bleeding out.

I know this from personal experience after I nearly chopped my thumb off and I was trying not to black out from the pain. I'm honestly not sure how I can fix that problem though, so sorry about that. Glad you stlll liked the end product and glad to see you learned something about the Yara Ma Ya Who. This world is full of unique cryptids and creatures and it's honestly a shame nobody bothered to make a game about them, so I wanted to see if I can do that.

Checked it. The game feels pretty slow and the enemies aren't really that terrifying. The most surprising thing though was the severe clipping issues I faced on my playthrough. A bunch of props I could phase through and the rail on the second floor, I leaned and fell back to the first floor. And not to mention that doors I feel should open because there are monsters behind them, don't open so they awkwardly clip through the door and get unstuck if I shoot them. 

On the bright side the basic combat mechanics work, but the door mechanics and how they should open are practically busted.

Hotline Miami meets Castlevania in this one. I really like the presentation and the basic but challenging gameplay this one has. Though it could just have been a problem on my end, but I think there's some performance issues in game? I'm not entirely sure.

Good Work.

The Arcade aspect is interesting, but how you implemented it falls flat in various areas. Other than the clipping glitches and the sprite not turning around, it feels unfinished and I can't help but wonder if the makers of this game just didn't have enough time to finish this project or if they did everything half-baked

Gameplay is definitely strong for this submission. One of the things holding it back is its long intro before the gameplay actually starts.

The concept for this one was actually pretty interesting. Though the instructions were pretty unclear and I ended up just button-mashing since I didn't really have any idea what I was doing.

The gameplay feels really clunky and unresponsive. It doesn't feel like a Railway style of game at all.

Doesn't really feel like much of a mecha game. 

You kinda went all out for a Gamejam project of all things. I can see this becoming a full-fledged game if you put your mind to it. 

I sent a message over on discord

I don't want to be that guy but didn't Luke say that AI art was only supposed to be used as reference and not for assets?

Well the plane moves mostly on its own and the way to steer doesn't feel like you're actually contributing to its flight. It doesn't feel good to fly and since this game is supposed to be a shoot-em-up, the lack of Projectiles trying to kill me I don't feel motivated to move anyway. 

Overall, this game doesn't feel like it should belong in this kind of jam at all. 

Excellent use of theme and implementing it into gameplay. The bullets orbiting around the planet gave the game a unique perspective I don't usually see and it's hard enough to prove a challenge in harder difficulties. Casual mode feels a little too casual though.

A bit confusing to get into but once you figure out the main gimmick of this game it's actually quite an interesting system to learn. Nice work.

A bit confusing to get into but once you figure out the main gimmick of this game it's actually quite an interesting system to learn. Nice work.

Game feels really unresponsive and doesn't really match the aesthetic of a good shoot-em-up. This is mostly just a flight simulator with really clunky controls and bad feedback.

This was fun. The parry system you implemented for the fist felt satisfying, with how stuff just blows up the moment you successfully punch a projectile into a turret. Definitely one of the funniest submissions I played so far.

This is a clever game that utilized a trap system to destroy the flies in a way that still makes it a bullet hell. Nice work.

A simple, fun, and creative way to use the themes to create a cute game. Nice Work.

The visuals look nice but the controls and combat feel really clunky at times.  Sometimes it feels like certain attacks should hit me. That should probably get fixed.

Game feels quite buggy. Everytime I die I have to refresh the page because it crashes. It's a cute game though.

The way you intrepeted the limited theme was quite brilliant. Despite the fact that the player is affected by gravity, you gave plenty of movement options so that the player doesn't feel helpless under a rain of bullets. It's quite challenging though, so it'll take a while to master.

The limited area didn't feel good when I tried it, and the retry feature felt clunky. It was really hard to tell whether I was doing anything or not. 

The limited area didn't feel good when I tried it, and the retry feature felt clunky. It was really hard to tell whether I was doing anything or not. 

Not bad for a game that was made in apparently a day. Tbh, I didn't see the point in moving up in a game like this until I realized the X's could appear above the boss. It's not the best game in the world, but it works, and that's all that counts for a quick game like this.