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A member registered Apr 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hello, very nice new concept of tower defense game. Good job!!

Hello For everyone who is struggling with the problem that even when the gear combination is right and you press the button it doesnt work,(it is a bug that for some reason happens sometimes) just pick up the gears and place them back on the pole. Sorry for the uncovience.

Hello, I found out that there is a little bug (for reasons that I dont know, when you have made sequence like this ynd it looks ok just pick up the gears and place them back to tho pole, and eventually if you have placed it right it will work,

Awesome ide, nice visuals and very fun to play great job?

Hello, very interesting new idea, very fun to play, good job!

Hello, interesting game idea, well done!

Hello, interesting ciombination of cut the rope with moving object, good job!

Hello, interesting game concept well done!

Hello, very nice relaxing game, interesting art style. Good job!

Hello, very nice game, interesting idea, fun to play and the visuals are also nice overall good job!

Hello, awesome game idea, very fun to play good job!!

Hello, awesome art style, kinda slow start but overall good job!

Hello, interesting idea Good job!

Hello, definitely interesting idea. Graphics kinda on drugs butfits the theme. Well done!

Hello, the game looks good but it is very hard for me to play other than that well done!

Hello, nice game good work!

Awesome, I love the atmosphere and the fact that you used Bedřich Smetana (Vltava) as a  music is brilliant. Good Work!

Wow, amazing game, the art style is very good. good job!!

Wow, Awesome Game. Great Overall polish of the game with the effects, transitions and sound effect. Good job!!

Hello, Interesting game. I think the concept is promissing. Great 2D art style. there is bug where you can sell items you dont have and still get money. Other than that good work!

Hello, great game. Awesome visuals, fun to play but the sound effects are little bit too extreme. Good work!

Wow, Awesome game, fun to play , good visuals  and great music , good work!!

Hello, really awesome game. It is funny the illustrations are great and overall it is very good game. Good work!!

interesting game . Well done !!

Interesting game. love idea from the ants perspective, well done!!

Interesting game. well done!!

Very good game, only the time and switching between is little bit stressful. Good Work!!

Interesting Game . Good Work!!

Amazing, The visuals are just amazing. Great work!!

awesome game , Great work!!!

Interesting game, good work!!

Awesome game. Love the Idea. Great work!!

Interesting game. Good Work!!

Awesome game(my only note is the sensitivity of the mouse is too high) Great work!!

Very fun game, I really enjoyed playing it. good work

Awesome game, very good work!!

Interesting game , good work!!

Nice work, very cute Loche!!

Interesting game , ufortunatelly very hard to control due to cursor not locked . good work!!