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A member registered Oct 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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I like the art style. The look of the tokens in the grid is what initially drew me to try the game out. I found the actual gameplay a bit hit and miss. I wasn't sure if I should be playing purely for speed or if I should be trying to make big patterns (I think speed is the way to go now). It feels like there could be more depth to the puzzling e.g. a way for there to be combos to reward planning ahead. Interesting concept though and well executed.

Good idea and a novel twist on all the other dice rolling puzzlers in the jam. The orientation of the dice in the setup phase doesn't seem to match how the dice is actually placed on the board which makes the first run a bit trial and error though. It would also be nice if the camera could rotate to help with planning upcoming moves.

This was actually really fun. Didn't expect Fruit Ninja with dice to work as well as it does!

I enjoyed it! It was a bit overpowered being able to make the dice min=max to always crit but for a 48 hour game jam game I don't think balance is a major concern 😆

I've not used Scratch before, but putting together 3000 blocks sounds terrifying and incredible! I found the controls for interacting with the dice a little fiddly but it was a fun and responsive platformer. 

Recreated the issue - there was an 8 block in the top left (0,0) which is why the 8 block at (1,1) went grey. I deleted the top left 8 block using a 1 block, but the 8 block at (1,1) is still grey even though there aren't any more duplicates in range. 

Ok thanks! I wonder if the situation I had was a bug then. If I reproduce it I'll send a screenshot.

Fun! I was expecting it to be actual dice and having to keep track of which faces were adjacent, but I think it's actually more fun the way you've done it where it's just the number of moves (even though it's not as on theme)

One of the best games I've played so far. Really love the battle system, it's very elegant and on theme.

The potions felt very random, though I guess that was the point!

Inventive puzzle idea. I don't quite understand the mechanics for the scoring when you delete a die because you've messed up - do you have to remove the die that is giving you the penalty and not just one of the duplicate dice causing? I think that sometimes just removing the duplicate is enough but I'm not sure.

Cute musical toy. Maybe could have leaned into the dice theme more by making the nodes be in the shape of standard dice pips. Where's the music from? It reminds me a bit of a track in Tetris Effect.

Making the game space an impossible triangle was neat. You could definitely make a mind bending puzzle game if you really leaned into it. It's a shame that some of the transitions are only one way (e.g. you can take a step forward but then can't step back), I assume it's to do with when the cube is making a movement that is taking advantage of the optical illusion?

This was genuinely fun to play and the tutorial was good. I thought the actual game was a bit too dark, but I can see that it allows  the light items to have a purpose.

Very imaginative and entertaining. Crushing the horse by changing its health for a D6 but then realizing that you need to plan ahead and prepare in the earlier fights due to the subsequent enemies having multiple health/attack pools! 

A few people have mentioned the sensitivity as being too high, which I would agree with. The game has quite a striking look though and the movement/camera tracking you around the cube works well.

Nice and polished dice/cube puzzle game. Not sure if it's a bug or I'm just misunderstanding the visualization of the dice faces at the bottom of the screen e.g. in level one the 1,2,3 faces are coloured yellow but the special yellow square is only solid for the 1,3,5 faces.

Thanks for trying it! Yeah I spent way too long on the dice and not enough on the game logic, I was really bodging it together at the end just to have something to submit. Hopefully the game will be more interesting once there is a shop and wagering system for some risk/reward (post-jam)

This is actually genius, nice work!

It is a physics game, but the control delay makes failure fun (or at least funny) when you're right next to the moon and massively over correct a small misalignment into a huge explosion.

Also, it's vaguely educational!

Launch a rocket from Earth and land it on the Moon by remote control. Given the finite speed of light, your controls will get laggier the farther you fly.

A physics toy "obnoxious controls" game in the vein of QWOP or Getting Over It.

My best time is 2 mins and 53 seconds - let me know if you beat it!

Good idea! I’ll polish it up and do it for a post jam version

(1 edit)

Very clever use of simple mechanics. The "feel" of the game is also great. As well as the pan/zoom some have mentioned, another minor quality of life improvement I'd have appreciated would be a fast forward. I had fun playing though!

I managed to escape :) The ships look great! It reminds me a little bit of an old game called Solar Jetman.

Cool art style. I also hit some weird bugs, like my health became negative after trying to buy regen. Fun game though and interesting trade off between spending the gibs for abilities and hoarding them for power.

I immediately totally crushed my previous score and overflowed the counter a bunch of times! I think you'll have to use a long for the score, or break off squares that aren't directly attached to the main body if you don't want it to get too mad, haha.

This definitely has potential and I loved when things got wildly out of control. I'm also impressed how polished the UI is and liked the joke when turning off music XD

This is my first crazy score:

I love the art! This is one of my favourite things I've played so far for this jam.

I thought it was going to be very easy until the first split puzzle. Clever mechanic, I can't think of else anything like it.

The controls were a little floaty but it was actually really fun. I'm imagining a version of this where the music keeps getting more intense as the line gets longer or you make more matches!

I really like the idea of this game but I'm really struggling to get past the first evolution of houses into tower blocks. A pause button so I could get the network in order without more things spawning would be helpful. 

Really clever and stylish!

Good concept and use of the theme. Might be worth exploring having the robot do more than just be a light or the character do more than just shoot if this was expanded into a bigger game.

Oh I actually really liked the crazy reflections! I wasn't expecting it but I realised it made sense after it happened (and died XD)

Good use of the theme. Interesting that the endpoint moves more slowly when the tether is too long, though would have been nice if it was still fast when compressing the tether.

Pretty unique mechanic! I didn't realise that I could make shapes other than triangles at first. I think I did the best by firing into walls that blocked each other and having the mad ricochets create big nets of lasers.

the low res look works well and does more with less. I also had a bit of a jump scare when the first planet exploded! I had to restart several times before I figured out what was going on - it's a bit odd that you start with no probes and have to buy one at the start... and then if you're like me, immediately lose it by clicking too far away. Fun and meditative though.

Cute idea and art style!

Great idea and well executed. I'm really curious what a speed run of this game would be like.

(1 edit)

This game has some really interesting ideas. There are cool mechanics that you have to discover for yourself like expanding while both halves are locked in order to spring out. As another comment mentioned, being able to hold the button rather than tap would make the game much less fiddly.