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A member registered Dec 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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I love that opening cutscene so much, but the sound is just really good in general. The UI looks great, but took me a minute to get my head round how it all fit together. Maybe letting you move back and forth between the settings and just press space to submit would work. Really cool idea for a puzzle game, had a lot of fun. Nice work!

Interesting take on the theme and a fun game! I found it pretty tricky to create enough space between me and the snake to get it to eat its tail, maybe some kind of dash would help, maybe with the tradeoff that you move slower for a bit afterwards so you can't just spam dodge constantly. Nice work!

Cool idea and the art is really great! The cutscene at the start looks so good. Controls definitely took some getting used to and it crashed for me after getting my 5th fish twice in a row, but still good fun, especially when you hook a fish right as a big one is swimming by so you've got to really out maneuver them. Good work!

Such a cool idea! I love that mechanic of changing your controlled character also changing who plays what role in the story. That's a really nice interpretation of the theme. There's so many places you could go with that. Felt a little awkward to me having two of their actions on LMB and then the princess's on shift, I definitely had times where I tried to dash by pressing LMB, but besides that, very fun. Great work!

Really interesting take on the theme! Ducking would have cool for an expanded version so you need to do something to avoid the high blocks, or music where you need to time the jumps to the beat. Highlight for me was definitely the boss jumping onto the wheel, that was crazy. I was just thinking it was going to be a really easy level and then it got kicked up a notch. Fun little game that just feels nice to play, good work!

Woman asked for help with her crush's fiance, gave her a magic sword, "I will do what I must". Pretty sure I just caused a murder. Great game. Replayed it multiple times just giving all the items to everybody to hear their resopnses. Really funny with so many options for such a short jam. Impressive work!

Fun little game loop. Some tense boss music could be good and maybe extra ways for you to hurt the heroes in the same zones like crossbows around the arena or something, but overall, nice work!

It's been 2 hours, send help

Good job capturing the vibe of the original! Still a lot of fun. Any plans for another version with the pterodactyls and groups of cactuses?

My playthrough was a slaughter of adorable bunnies, but I managed it. Very well made, the bunnies are adorable. Would be cool to see a score system for finishing under budget, I was pretty pleased with a few of my builds. Nice work!

Cool idea! I like the different kinds of blocks, spwaners and repulsers are both good. There's a bunch of stuff you could do with that if you took it forward. The random blocks add a good amount of challenge, but it could be good to have some cost associated with placing a block or have higher cooldowns after better blocks. As it is, I beat hard by just putting a couple of block spawners on the back few rows and then just spamming blocks in front of them whenever they were off cooldown. Very much enjoyed it though, nicely done!

Having the solutions on hand is a good idea for a jam game, I got stuck on the first level, but after some hints on that one, managed the rest. Pretty fun! Especially in the later levels where different abilities start coming in. You could get some really interesting interactions going there. Definitely an idea with potential. Nice work!

Very cool idea and I really liked experimenting to see what combination of weapon I could make. The heroes seem to just do their own thing at the edge of the arena, but I found they still took care of business. Could be cool for different weapons to have different properties so you can equip your troops with different builds, or maybe crafting armours that let them move faster. Looking forward to seeing where you go from here!

Such a cute game! Was pretty easy for the first few and then one princess came in and demanded a sword immediately and it was all downhill from there. Could be good if you need to start fulfilling more complicated orders later on like mixing certain potions or forging certain weapons. The important thing is the gobbo must be protected at all costs, he's adorable.

Absolutely adorable. A score would be good so I know how good at protecting princesses I am, but it's just fun knocking knights off. The movement on the dragon looks so good as well

Fun idea and I love the aesthetic of the candy kingdom so much. Needs a little rebalancing, I found that spamming units whenever they were off cooldown was enough to get deathless in most levels since the AI couldn't keep up, but that can be fine tuned later. Well done!

The sad "Bawka..."s on the game over screen made me question my life. Would play again.

Wall bouncing was definitely not the optimal choice for my run, but it was definitely the fun choice. That chaotic very quickly and I appreciate that. Great fun

I'm a simple man. I see a cookie, I click it. It would be cool to tie progress to the buildings from the game, like factories producing more enemies or time machine to reverse some mistakes, but this is a fun little game, good job!

Such a cool idea! There are so many places you could go with this. It would be cool to be able to change the properties of other things eventually, at one point I forgot I could place blocks and spent a while trying to edit the walls to be passable. I hope you keep building it after the jam and we get to see that boss fight. Nicely done!

Super cool, it's a fun little puzzle trying to find the optimal path right the the start and I really like the idea of picking your own difficulty curve by deciding what new abilities your opponent gets, but getting some kind of reward for doing well could good. Maybe gold to spend based on how much health your boss has left. Nicely done!

I would love an endless mode where it just keeps going and getting more chaotic and really ramps up the difficulty, but I guess then I wouldn't get to appreciate how good some of the captchas were

Really clever puzzle game. I really appreciate keeping the smoke trails and the boxes around between runs, makes it much easier to figure from the solution. And having a level editor in there as well is crazy for a game jam game. Really great work

Took me longer than I'd like to admit to get my head around it, but that was fun, I feel like you could get pretty crazy with the levels if you take it further. Just to say as well, I'm on firefox and it seems to work fine for me

Took a little time to get the hang of the movement, but I love the ragdoll effect on the samurai so much, and the bodies hanging around is a nice touch. Big fan of the yokai designs as well

(1 edit)

Really cool idea for a battle system, but it crashed for me at the end of the first fight. Enjoyed what I got to play though. Would be cool to see it expanded further, maybe with movement brought into it so you could evade enemy attacks or avoid AoEs. Nice work!

Edit: Tried it again and it worked fine this time. No idea what went wrong the first time, I don't think I did anything different. Length of time maybe?

Interesting idea, but I struggled past the second level with a track pad. Switching between blocks with the num pad would be good. Art is amazing though, and I appreciate a game jam game that actually tells a story

Definitely the hardest I have both laughed and cried during this jam. Amazing idea, great job

That was a fun little game! Reminded me of helicopter or one of those style of games, but tying the collectibles to your energy so you can't just keep going infinitely is smart. I love the little touch of the rain shifting direction in the background when you shift gravity as well. I swear some of those pellets are impossible to get, but I'm probably just bad. Really nice work

Definitely a super cool idea and I love the humour, the final boss do the classic JRPG three phase fight got me. I do wish there were more songs though. I spent most of it just playing the mage song and the rest alternating between fighter and cleric song. Great style though and a great thing to build off. Nice job!

I have been that tavernkeeper in one too many games so it's a dream come true to actually save it for once. Clever little twist and the graphics are really charming. It'd be cool to see further levels that increase the number of things you can do or add more complex things like making meals. Really lean into the chaotic aspect. Good work!

I can absolutely get behind the idea of a competitive typing game. This is a really cool idea! Some overly dramatic music and some multiplayer or maybe a score system would help, but I still had fun trying to come up with words under pressure. Great work!

This game really makes you feel like a cookie and that's beautiful

Super cool idea! I wish you could go back to the start of a bar without needing to wait for it to loop, but it was a lot of fun just messing around with chords. Amazing work getting this done in the time!

Super fun! I thought it started out really slow, but that really adds to the tension later on when you've got a nice tower going and you're just desparately waiting for the next block before that little robot ruins your nice tower. Great work!

I hope that ending means we're going to seeing a sequel at some point, that was a really fun little twist!

Suuuper fun. I had a blast trying all the different combinations. Pretty happy with my 205. So satisfying seeing all my reds get that x0 multiplier. Really stylish as well. Great work!

Died immediately the first time because to me the bread bar implied I was running out of bread and I was supposed to fill it, but got it the second time. I think the scaling it off on my browser because I could fly the duck outside the game area and stay well away from the bread, but where's the fun in that? Really cute game, even the game over is adorable. Nice job!

Really cool idea for a game! Some interesting puzzles in there and the robot is adorable. Some music would be good, but great work!

Thanks, now I can't stop thinking about all the tamagotchis I've left in drawers over the years. The stretchy dog on the results screen is adorable though. I think it would be nice if the player's interest filled back up a little bit as you do well on the minigames and they could be spaced out a little, at one point I had catch the ball 4 times in a row, then 1 roll over, then back to 2 more catch the balls, but I'm looking forward to seeing if you develop it further with more minigames post-jam. Great job!