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A member registered Aug 31, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for taking interest!

Unfortunately to make a mac version we need to own a mac to build the game on, or pay for a service to build for us, which we intend to eventually do.

Thanks so much for playing and the comments!

Yeah, emphasis on who's talking and inner dialogue is a good idea.

Just hot fixed it (I think), thanks for the heads up!

(1 edit)

Sorry about that (-‸ლ)

We've changed the status to "In Development". We hope you get a chance to play it again when we finish it! (Hoping for end of Q1 January)

Thanks for the informing us! We'll see what we can do about that for the next update.

Art, animation, sound, UI was all great. I get that the corruption is "Out of Control" in the story but I'd like to it affect the game in some way. Maybe enemies keep appearing from areas you've cleared, or something, giving into the idea that the source has to be stopped.

The music is freak'n great! Love the splash screen. I've always loved games with an AI buddy. I like that Wrack is sometimes annoying by knocking enemies into you and you can return the favor by hitting Wrack with spells XD. My only major complaint is I think the screen transitions could be quicker. Thanks for making this great game!

Real clean and well polished. It's fun to throw yourself at the springs. I love the addition of the Inifinite Mode when you beat the game. I didn't really feel out of control at all. I don't think the song matches your game very well.

Love the dialogue. Fits the theme well, some things are just out of our control. If I had to nit-pick, the text sound effect is a tad jarring and I would love to be able to skip the text animation. I tend to read faster than the animation and have to wait for it to catch up.

Love the art. Love being an unkillable monster. I do wish hitting a wall wouldn't reset your acceleration. Slowing down feels bad.

When I tried to play, the boxes would follow my mouse at an incredibly slow rate, making it unplayable. I haven't rated it since it seems most people could play just fine and it wouldn't fair to rate based on the 10 seconds I can play. Looks fun though :'(

Love the transformation animations! Pretty cool "Out of Control" idea. I would've liked an end game screen instead of the levels just looping. Also it seems the babies are optional :p

Really chill, would've like some music.

Love the art and the variety of selection shapes. Other than the questionable noises and having to click *past* the stations to get them to colide, it's a really solid game!

Really clever. The cycle of take damage, lose control, shoot to gain heath, spend health to gain control is very fun. I'd have liked a smaller level before getting thrown into the game proper to get a feel for the mechanics. I feel like losing horizontal/vertical control should be more of an encumbrance than it is, I actually like not having to control my character more XD.

Love the music! 

I love that you can rearange the pieces.

Very brickbreaker, I like it. Was hoping for a "You win" or something when I cleared the screen.

Simple concept but well executed. Love the title screen :D

I love the sound effects!

I couldn't figure out what to do after I had grown and picked-up green apples. Love the concept though.

Very cathartic but I don't really see how it's out of contr-.... ooooh, I see.. XD

Nice song! Love the space cat.

Love the art, music, and opening. Unfortunatly the soldiers are too slow and I'm too impatiant so I didn't get very far. Still, great game.

More fun than it has any right to be. The music doesn't loop if you play too long XD

I liked the visual effects of the rooms. It didn't really feel "Out of Control" at all.  Some variation to the enemies and traps would be nice.

Love the atmosphere, art and music. Loved the color options. The game is a bit too slow paced for me, especially when you have to retrace your steps and the enemies aren't very threatening. Overall well made!

Love the art, music, and camera work. I think it would've made more sense to click an object in the scene (squirrel, acorn, etc.) and B, X, or CV rather than clicking on right-ctrl. 

It's a bit simple but it looks really good. I'd love to see this idea expanded but I don't know have any good ideas of how to do so.

Models are pretty nice. I think the time it takes for them to burn can be sped up. If you're trying to win you'll never see it.

Hey thanks for playing it and thanks for the tips about the UI and sprites!

Pretty solid. Would like to see a button to speed up the car.

I didn't read the description so it took me a bit to figure out what was going on but once I figured it out I loved it! XD The different camera effects for the different drivers is genius.

The movement feels good. Unfortunately is only took me 30 seconds to figure out it's best to not shoot at all and just quickly sling myself to the center.

Nice puzzles, not too hard. Transformation was super cool.

Great execution of the concept. Music matches the game well.

Love the audio. I would've liked the timing sped up a bit.

The "what is that?!" moment with the bigger bunnies was a lot of fun.

Woah.. Controls are smooth. Audio and art is great. Paying attention to the burst after you stop firing. Firing to lose altitude. And the Itano Circus when you're overcharged. *Chef's Kiss*

Well that was a fever dream.. music was dope. "BOSS MUSIC. BBB-BOSS MUSIC"