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Kodachi Games

A member registered May 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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I used Unity, but this kind of game can be done with most popular engines. Here is some information that could be helpful
I would recommend you to download Godot, which is free, and follow some tutorials on youtube

So many thanks! Just checked it out, and uploaded a fixed version.
Thank you very much for reporting the bug!

Thank you!! We are very glad you enjoy it! :)

Thank you so much! ^^

Hehe!! Thank you!! :)

Thank you ^^

I have an update that adds the option to use a Mobile phone as a Controller for the Browser/Desktop versions of the game. It is primarily a QoL feature, but it's also "bigger" than a bug fix or a simple balancing of numbers. So I'm not sure if it is appropriate to add.

No problem for us neither :)

Really cute! I like the concept. Good job!
PD: The browser version didn't work (using Brave)

Thanks! I realized about the gif recently too, Is can be really eye catching, you should definitely try it!

Thanks! Jaja it would certainly be a lot harder without the slow mo

Thanks for the feedback! Yes, the desktop version has that flaw, because when the game goes fullscreen, the camera  "breaks" and didn't had time to fix it, so just "cut the feature out" XD, after the voting. Maybe after the voting, i will try to upload a fix for that! 


Thank you for playing it! :D

Thanks for playing! Yeah we wanted it to be challenging but not extremely punishing. So instead of lives we added a Hard mode for the more hardcore players

jajaja love to hear that you enjoyed it!


That was so much fun, lots of content, and really well balance. Finished the last level with only 1 monkey and it felt really epic XD.

MAMA HUEVO!!! XD really cool game, loved the mouse audios, and really liked the art and animation of the enemies. Good job!

Thanks! Glad you liked it!

Thanks! :)

Thanks! Glad to hear you liked it.
And yes, we wanted something  similar to Jump King but more fast phased and less cruel, we even considered the name "Hook Queen" as a joke

Really good, really complete game! Story, puzzles, ratatouille even a boss fight with 3 stages
Congrats! Really solid entry 

AMAZING! That is a full experience right there, really complete. I love it!
Gonna play it again after i finished rating games
Probably the best one i played so far, Good job!

XD that was really funny, love the ending caught me off guard, good job.

PD: Love the tricky vertical platform, i had a very similar "feature" in mine but had to remove it :P

Man this game made me angry XD i was sweating trying to get above 50. Didn't expect getting so invested jajaja
Good job!

Super cute! Love the idea, hope you continue it 

A little friendly feedback
At first i got really confused when i tried to swap 2 items (that didn't make a group of 3) and nothing happens, really thought the game was broken, after a couple of tries i understood that only, "valid movements" are allowed (yes i am a little dumb :B).  A little feedback for "invalid movements" (like a little item shake maybe) would make it more clear for people like me. 

Anyway, really solid entry, hope you keep developing it!

Really cute, brief and fun, made me chuckle a lot, Good job!

Really complete for a jam game, i'm impressed. Love the music

Wow, its really good! not only is lovely but its also really complete.  Also the music is really chill and soothing. <3
One of my favorites so far <3