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A member registered Aug 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Loved the walking animation =D It's a pretty solid base for a tower defense game. Enjoyed playing it and especially, the end game bloody shooting looked fun. 

What could be improved: balance - not much challenge after you buy the first idle cannon; shoot on left click would be more familiar; drag to switch the view is a bit of a strange choice - it would work really well on mobile but for pc one click/key press would be more user-friendly; definitely put that walking animation to enemies as well =D

Appreciated the ability to win. Very well done completing it in just 48 hours!

Wow, really amazing graphics and music! Great mood. The puzzles were rather simple but nice. The gameplay was really polished, so overall it looked like a really solid game done in significantly more than 2 days. 

If I were to add anything it would be an ability to restart when you mess something up (even though it's pretty hard given simple levels) and checkpoints in case you accidentally fall into the water.

But overall, really impressive and amazing job! Enjoyed the game!

Thank you very much for playing and for the kind feedback!

Wow, amazing underwater world you built there! Really enjoyed the art and the music and the ability to swim around even though kept losing my fish which was apparently eaten. I really liked the main menu as well, very promising. Looking forward to checking it out once you release the post-jam update. Well done and keep it up!

(1 edit)

Really enjoyed the game! Very well-polished game design, interesting puzzles. Truly appreciated the tutorial part. Great art and very nice mood. The only things I would improve are adding an auto-restart when everyone dies, some menu/UI and increasing the difficulty more gradually as it was already quite challenging on the third level. But you know, I'm glad you decided to invest that time into game mechanics and design because it turned out to be amazing! Well done!

Thanks a lot for playing and for the feedback!

All the recipes are possible to get but for more complicated ones like metal you need to build the inputs in parallel, not one after another, because both inputs take 3-4 mutations to get to while most elements only survive up to 3 centuries. You're right that it might be frustrating if you don't know the recipe though. A timer is a good idea! Also, could be decaying sprites to illustrate the decay stage. 

Thank you very much for the kind words!

Great visuals! The movement was a bit slow for my taste. My condolences about the AI script. I'll be happy to try it once more when you fix it!

Amazing atmosphere and thanks a lot for making jumpscares optional! I really liked that it gives you hints if you're stuck for long enough. I still got stuck on the shifting one though. Very unique game, liked it!

You were quite close, these were prime numbers :) It actually gives you very straight forward hints if you stay on a riddle long enough.

Thanks a lot for giving it another try and for the feedback!

Very nice idle game! I enjoyed discovering new kinds of cows and milk. The fairy cows are amazing! The mood is great driven by art, music, and sound effects - they are great. One thing I would improve is to make the game more challenging. Great job for 48 hours!

Solid game, I really liked the old-school feel. Some polish is needed though as sometimes I got stuck in narrow colliders.

Great idea and a really fun game! It's true what others said about incentivizing losing but I actually liked it as it created a more relaxing mood rather than the usual bullet hell frustration. Great job!

Congrats on getting the endings! Really glad to hear that the improvements helped and that you had fun! Thank you very much for getting back!

Thanks for playing and for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Noted about the grid, thank you for the feedback!


Thanks again for your feedback. I considered it in my post-jam update which I just released. Still no grid system though but I hope that now it should detect the combinations a lot better. If you're up for it, you are more than welcome to check it out. Cheers!


Thanks again for your feedback. I considered it in my post-jam update which I just released. If you're up for it, you are more than welcome to check it out. Cheers!


Thanks again for your feedback. I considered it in my post-jam update which I just released. If you're up for it, you are more than welcome to check it out. Cheers!


Thanks again for your feedback. I considered it in my post-jam update which I just released. Still no real-time mixing though, sorry:) If you're up for it, you are more than welcome to check it out. Cheers!


Thanks again for your feedback. I considered it in my post-jam update which I just released. If you're up for it, you are more than welcome to check it out. Cheers!


Thanks again for your feedback. I considered it in my post-jam update which I just released. If you're up for it, you are more than welcome to check it out. Cheers!


Thanks again for your feedback. I considered it in my post-jam update which I just released. If you're up for it, you are more than welcome to check it out. Cheers!


Thanks again for your feedback. I considered it in my post-jam update which I just released. If you're up for it, you are more than welcome to check it out. Cheers!


Thanks again for your feedback. I considered it in my post-jam update which I just released. If you're up for it, you are more than welcome to check it out. Cheers!


Thanks again for your feedback. I considered it in my post-jam update which I just released. If you're up for it, you are more than welcome to check it out. Cheers!


Thanks again for your feedback. I considered it in my post-jam update which I just released. If you're up for it, you are more than welcome to check it out. Cheers!


Thanks again for your feedback. I considered it in my post-jam update which I just released. If you're up for it, you are more than welcome to check it out. Cheers!

(1 edit)

Hi, all!

Thank you very much for all the feedback. I've taken the main points and implemented the improvements in a post-jam update. They include the following:

  • Fixed bug where one item mutated into multiple items in one time travel run.
  • Fixed issue where an item was only used in mutation if it was colliding with less than 2 other items.
  • Added Mutations tab to the Journal where all discovered mutations are shown and hints about undiscovered mutations can be taken.
  • Added minor aesthetic improvements like fading in/out of elements, "New mutation discovered!" popup, and a delay between time travel and journal opening.
  • Slightly adjusted max age of elements to remove some of them from the world faster and keep the screen cleaner.

You are more than welcome to check out the post-jam build and share some more feedback. I truly hope that with improvements it has become more playable, enjoyable and it would be easier to get to the endings.

Note that the WebGL build is the post jam version now. Download original builds to play the jam version of the game.


The game seems like a lot of fun with nice graphics, sound and mood. Tutorial was very helpful. One thing that didn't let me enjoy it in full was the controls. For some reason, I can only pick up things when I'm pushing them, which made it really slow to move rabbits and eggs. Also, not sure if it's supposed to work like that but all the eggs I brought to the basket stayed on top of it and didn't sell. Thus, no high score.

If these issues are fixed, should be a pretty good game. Well done!

Wow, that's the most original and one of the best games I've played in this jam. I really liked the mechanics to be able to climb any ground and eat whatever you want, which would affect the result. Really enjoyed the process of exploration and getting hints from the bugs you unlocked is an amazing design trick!

Graphics and audio are great and fit well creating really nice mood. 

Amazing job, really impressive!

Nice game! I wish you could just smash enemies once you grow big enough. :)

Gameplay would need some polish and something original to stand out from a generic platformer. I liked the trick with growing and I think it could be utilized more.

Art is very nice! The rat animation is adorable and the background is awesome.

Music is great! Really fits the mood. I just wish there would some sound effects too.

Great job, keep it up!

Thanks for your reply! The solution works great as the level seems complete even though it's randomized.

Ah, then maybe it would make sense to add difficulty levels for people like me who are not that good at platformers. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to finish the level even after several tries. Overall though, everything you said makes perfect sense.

I did have a lot of fun and learned something new as well, so thanks a lot for developing it! 

Really great idea and a fun game. I wonder how the level is generated. Did you create preset level areas and then randomly called them?

Three suggestions. 

Player should have more than one life. As the game is quite challenging, it's frustrating to start over every time.

There should be some warning or invincibility moment when new obstacles are created. Happened several times that I was just staying and then got killed for no reason. At least a death animation so that you see what killed you.

As the level has many floors there should be some indication of places where you die when you fall down. Either water or black holes or anything, just to be able to differentiate from usual platforms with some floor below them.

A bit more polish and it would be a really fun game. Great job for a jam game though!

Took me a bit to figure out the winning strategy and then it got quite fun! Really nice idea but it's a pity that you don't use the mutation mechanic to win the game. I wish there would a strategic touch to it where you really need to collect good builds and party to win. But I also understand that it's incredibly hard to balance so many things. So if you are to continue with development after the jam, I think it would be a really interesting and fun game to play.

The UI and art are great! The music and sound add to a very nice medieval mood. It would also be nice to add some descriptions to the abilities as not all of them are self-explanatory. I really appreciated the tutorial, helped a lot.

One thing that I would definitely change is the side-scrolling. When I started playing I never would've guessed that you can scroll. Then, I saw a comment about that and realized that you can. But it took me a while of trial and error to realize that you need to move the mouse to the edge of the screen. Maybe it's because I used touchpad but I think there should be an alternative way to do that like A/D or mouse scroll or at least a hint that you can do it by moving the mouse to the edge. But because of this issue the first time I thought that I'm missing a half of the game screen and can't do anything about it.

Other than that, really great game and I really enjoyed it. Great job for 48 hours!

Thanks a lot for such a thorough review!

Wow, great job! You got the copper/metal/gold nuggets, which is two recipes away from one of the endings.  And there is no fire + scientist recipe indeed, the fire is only used to get the nuggets. I guess I made it a bit too complicated for a jam game, as I don't think anyone has reached any endings so far. Which have some background graphics I've put a lot of effort in. Should've put it into the game design instead. =D 

Hmm, I used capsule colliders to detect collisions. Usually, it wouldn't detect a combination in case you have more than one object colliding at the same time, so that might be the issue. Wanted to fix it but didn't manage in time. Yep, a grid is a good idea or I was also thinking of a way how play can explicitly connect two items by clicking through them or at least if the game showed some visual feedback that the items are combined. Thanks a lot for pointing out this user experience issue!

Thank you for trying it out and for the kind words!

Thank you very much!

Wow, thanks a lot for such a kind feedback and I'm really glad you enjoyed playing it! =D

Oh, you actually got quite far! I won't spoil the recipes just yet because I'm planning to release a post-jam update over the weekend with some hints so that it's easier to bypass blockers and get to the endings.

I haven't played many games like this either but @Melcope has mentioned a somewhat similar classic game called Doodle God. I tried the free version on mobile and it was quite fun, so maybe you would like it too. :)

Thanks for playing!

Good idea of switching between the characters and the two levels I've played were fun. It needs more polish though. For instance, it wasn't clear who needs to go to which cave. I mixed them up on the second level. I really liked the trick to switch when in mid-air creating a platform for the other guy. But it seemed like after you switch back your "platform" slime was instantly on the ground for some reason. Controls felt a bit too responsive. The art is simple but nice, slime animation is quite smooth. Audio could be developed more but it's really nice that you cared to include some soundtrack, it added to the mood. Overall, you have a good basic game there and you could definitely develop it into a really fun puzzle platformer. Good job!

(1 edit)

Very well-polished game! The gameplay is simple but is implemented in a very original way and fits the story perfectly. Played several runs to see all endings and it was still quite fun. Amazing how the gameplay, art and sound all fit together nicely even though you have no art and music people in the team (at least not mentioned in the credits). You managed to create a great consistent mood from open source pieces which is pretty impressive! And the camera play and animations are really nice. I really had a feeling of a complete finished game. Great job!