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Was tricky getting over the four height blocks, but once I got it was able to beat it ^^ I think it might be more interesting to make the game easier around the jump timing, and more about the switching mechanic. Like maybe removing the 4-height block, and adding more and more need to switch between the characters as the level progresses.
- Modeled a mecha character in Unity and animated it using Unity’s animation clips. No rigging needed since the mesh doesn’t need to deform.
- Wrote a bunch of shader graphs for most of the visuals, and a post process outline shader. Animating between them and blending between different colors.
- Followed some VFX tutorials for making a jet engine thruster VFX, shield VFX, laser VFX, slash VFX.
- Also have intro, win, and lose game sequences.
- I made a destructible level using Unity’s terrain system to punch holes in it, and spawn in “Panels” with some random animated properties that get “sucked in” to the black hole. Spent a lot of time on this concepting it and then making it performant enough so I could get the whole level crumbling without lagging out.
Sadly all of this took so long I didn’t spend too much time on making the gameplay as deep as I wanted to and it was hard to balance the boss. I thought it was too easy but everyone playing it was struggling.
Here’s my game:
Will check out yours later tonight!
Here’s mine:
Will check yours out when I get home from work today!
Hiya! Would love to hear your feedback :)
I’ll check yours out when I get home from work today!
Here’s mine:
I’ll check yours out when I get home from work today~ Cheers!
This is pretty sadge since not only do I use Odin, but also Amplify Shader Editor and UModeler :( Fortunately UModeler has a free version.
I’m always overwhelmed everytime I try to get into Blender, so a simplified in-engine modeling tool like UModeler is a lot easier for me to try to do 3D art myself in a game jam rather than learning Blender (though I recognize that I should do this).
AmplifyShaderEditor is also in many ways better than Unity’s Shader Graph editor. I’ve seen some weird bugs before with Shader Graph and also it tends to chug when graphs become large. Because of that, I use ASE over Shader Graph on a day to day basis and I’m much more familiar with it.
Thanks so much for the NaughtyAttributes recommendation! Will give that a shot.
Hope in the future this can be re-evaluated. If it’s about policing AI content, it’s not as though the majority of those tools need to be included in the Git repo anyway.
This is such a clever idea! But… even as someone who occasionally plays chess, the moves happened wayyyyy too quickly for me. I feel like it would’ve been a lot more fun to have different levels and ramp up the difficult over time. Maybe make the speed a lot slower in the beginning, start off with fewer types of illegal moves.
Was a little confused as to what I was supposed to do beyond turning the webcam, etc on/off. I wouldn’t want my PC to be closing my apps randomly but it seems that’s what I needed to do? Great job with the art style! I think the gameplay could use a little work though to make it more intuitive and fun, but I love the idea! I think an easy thing to do would be to make the game not random at first, then slowly introduce more and more mechanics until all of them have been introduced. Also the ending sound is really loud and disruptive, it’d also be nice to have a restart button there.
This is such a creative game! I love how you turned inventory management into a fun challenge, especially with all the different modifiers and the timer ticking down. The interactions between the two different phases is very interesting.
Loved all the fun references to other games and seeing all the different items the NPCs had to sell. The art was super cute and interesting. Loved it!! 😊
Game felt really polished! The small details like camera shake and effects felt good. I like how the grid lets me get a good idea of how high and far my character can jump. I did get a bit frustrated and gave up at level 10 though, it felt a little repetitive, and the enemies didn’t feel very meaningful.
This was really fun! I loved how the adventurers party up with others and evolve over time. Having to memorize and get to know each adventurers strengths was an interesting challenge. Overall, I think you guys executed the “quest giver” gameplay very well. This game really made me feel like a quest giver haha
We actually had this same idea of a reverse escape room in our brainstorming, it’s cool to see someone execute it! :D I like how you have to consider the different attributes of the NPCs. I didn’t like how long I had to wait before using an ability though. I think it would be more interesting to use abilities more often, but maybe make them less impactful to compensate.’s fullscreen button for Unity games is a little messed up. Try using this: Or instead of using the ‘minimal’ webgl template, use the normal one that has a blue fullscreen button.