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A member registered Jun 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks so much for playing!

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll add it in the next patch.

Thanks for letting me know, ill fix it in the next patch!

Do you have some examples of your work?

Yeah, I can definitely see how it could get repetitive after 5 minutes. after the jam I'm planning on shortening the "story" mode and adding two difficulties, and then I might work on a new mechanic I'm thinking candle types with different monster hands per candle

after the jam ill tone down the difficulty and might add in a hard mode!

Thank you for playing! after the jam's done, I might go in and bring the time down to 3 minutes and change up the difficulty curve

for the speedrunning, you could store the current time as a new variable every time you hit a checkpoint, and then on respawning set the timer back to the time you hit the checkpoint. or some might say a large part of speedrunning is avoiding dying in the first place to get the best time possible.

liked the idea but for the life of me I couldn't catch a single fish, id wait for them to bite and try to reel them in but they'd just swim off. love the art as well!

love it but dying sending you all the way back to the beginning is quite unforgiving lol, checkpoints would be nice!

Very fun! took me a second to understand what was happening but once I did It was nice, got quite difficult fast though

very funny and stressful lol, bold of you to assume I can type that fast!

(1 edit)

love the art but the gameplay seems a bit unfair when the movement is completely random, and the controls are a bit confusing at first.

game is fun and controls are tight but the game is super difficult, I couldn't get past level 3 for the life of me

like the idea but its really hard to read the prompts quickly

fun but the lights would spawn so close together i couldn't get the correct one without touching other ones

fun little game, quite a bit buggy but fun!

one i got a handle on the odd controls i found the game to be really fun to speed run!

Loved it! great puzzle game where you really gotta plan out your path before you take it. controls could feel a bit icey sometime but otherwise great

Extremely difficult but i really like the idea!

The gameplay is so clean and the art style is interesting without hurting the visibility of important objects. a great game

the gameplay and art are nice but the camera movement and zoom on it made me very motion-sick. also in the description, you've listed c as the hide button but its x.

The quick game play and simple visuals make for a fun experience, I did have some performance issues but I saw you've listed that in the description

the game was very fun and a neat take on the limitation. I'm pretty sure you used a dictionary for your words and you forgot to clear any mature words because I got "sex" lol 

thank you! it was my first time doing all the art for my game.

if you play my game leaving a comment with what was good or what needs to be fixed would really help!

i think i broke the final level lol, ball ended up going so fast it clipped outside the map. the gameplay was really nice and I like the simple art and music.

The game is really nice but could use some music and sound effects to give it some juice.

art is really nice! i think you forgot to normalize your direction vector because I could move diagonally and move a little faster so I didn't have to drop the light and could just dodge ghosts

the game was neat but the player moves way too fast and can cause some annoying moments when avoiding light

The controls are amazing and incredibly tight, the only issue I came across was hitting corners and jamming into them sometimes. art style and music are great as well.

gane was quite fun (i enjoyed the go-faster stripes) my arm definitely hurts after all that tapping but really fun!

The gameplay was fun but a bit confusing, the art is really cute! trying to see which way the guiding light was going was really hard at times. fun game tho!

the art and concept are neat but the gameplay is quite rough. the player moving faster than the camera made finding stars frustrating. i hope you'll keep making more games!

I like the idea but the controls were in my case quite hard to work with. the postprocessing was a little hard to see through but I really like the look of the game!

Very fun! controls can be a bit finicky at times and the moving platform mechanic is quite tricky to get consistently but otherwise a great game!

the idea is super interesting but the gameplay gets repetitive quickly. The background ambiance cuts off after a certain point, but otherwise nice game! 

The style is super cute but I had a hard time understanding my goal. otherwise a cute game!